Research progress on karst rocky desertification in Southwest China and the Qinba region of Shaanxi Province
摘要: 石漠化危害着生态环境健康和社会经济发展,经过20多年的综合治理,中国西南地区石漠化面积呈减少的趋势,国家也将西南八省、区、直辖市设定为石漠化监测区域;而在陕西秦巴地区岩溶地质遗迹的研究中已发现石漠化发育的迹象,这对秦巴地区的生态安全造成威胁。文章总结西南地区岩溶石漠化的内涵、现状、危害、成因和治理经验,为开展非监测区——陕西秦巴地区岩溶石漠化的调查工作提供理论依据。通过遥感解译、无人机遥感调查和碳酸盐岩溶蚀速率分析,首次查明了陕西秦巴地区石漠化的发育情况,填补了该区域石漠化研究的空白。Abstract:
Southwest China is one of the three largest continuous karst clusters in the world; therefore, studies on karst rocky desertification in this area are very important. For more than 20 years' control, the decreasing area and risk of karst rocky desertification has contributed to the continuous ecological improvement. Nowadays, studies on rocky desertification mainly focus on the eight provinces in Southwest China, which have been designated as rocky desertification monitoring areas by the Chinese government. After the first phase of the comprehensive control project for karst rocky desertification in 2016, the expansion trend of rocky desertification in the southwest region was effectively curbed. Subsequent articles published tend to focus on analyzing the current situation, comprehensive management, or species adaptability of rocky desertification monitoring areas. However, the Qinba region in Shaanxi Province is located outside the monitoring area. In the process of studying the karst geological relics of the Zhenba Sanyuan Tiankeng Group, signs of rocky desertification have been found, but there still exists a research gap in the investigation and research on karst rocky desertification in this area which is one of the areas with the richest biodiversity in China, known as "ecological lung", "central water tower" and "biological gene bank". Unfortunately, this area is burdened with poverty, so the investigation and study of karst rocky desertification in the Qinba region of Shaanxi Province is of great significance to ensure green and high-quality development and ecological civilization construction. In this paper, by analyzing the current situation of karst rocky desertification in Southwest China, we summarized its harm to the ecological environment and social economy, clarify natural and human factors resulting in rocky desertification, and integrate the typical treatment experience in Southwest China. We also introduce three technical methods, including remote sensing interpretation, UAV remote sensing survey and analysis of carbonate dissolution rate, to provide a scientific basis for studies on karst rocky desertification in the Qinba region of Shaanxi Province. Study results show that the area of karst rocky desertification in the Qinba region covers 63.37 km2, and the areas of severe, moderate and mild rocky desertification cover 17.97 km2, 21.60 km2 and 23.80 km2, respectively. Based on the survey results, there are both regional differences and some similarities in distribution patterns in the areas of rocky desertification development. Specifically, the degree of rocky desertification in the limestone area is more severe than that in the dolomite area. It is also more severe in the area with developed water system than that in the arid and semi-arid area, and the more active the new structure is, the more severe the rocky desertification is. Compared to the Southwest China, the degree of karst rocky desertification in the Qinba region of Shaanxi Province is relatively light, with a smaller distribution area, mainly due to the less rainfall in the study area. The karst rocky desertification in Beiyang mountain of Zhen'an county is the most severe, with an area of 7.28 km2. In the 1960s, a large-scale free-range of livestock severely damaged vegetation. The indiscriminate deforestation by humans further exacerbated the process of rocky desertification. The rocky desertification in Hailuogong village of Shanyang county is also severe, covering an area of 5.83 km2, because the landform in this area is a typical peak-cluster depression, which is likely developed into rocky desertification. The contradiction between people and land needs to be solved urgently. In conclusion, more monitoring and research efforts are needed in Beiyang mountain and Hailuogong where the rocky desertification is severe. Firstly, we should clarify the causes of rocky desertification in the Qinba region and compare them with the causes in Southwest China to determine whether the rocky desertification is mainly resulted from natural factors or human factors. Secondly, we should know how to clarify the causes of karst rocky desertification in the Qinba region; for example, we can dynamically monitor the change of rock desertification by field verification, remote sensing interpretation, climate change analysis, etc. We can also calculate the contribution rate of each influence factor by geographical detector model. Thirdly, we should further study influence factors of karst dissolution rate. We can monitor physical and chemical properties of soil (soil moisture, carbon dioxide concentration, pH, organic matter content and porosity) in areas with moderate to severe rocky desertification, and analyze the relationship between dissolution rate and physical and chemical properties of soil in rocky desertification areas. Finally, in order to provide basic data for carbon neutrality research in Shaanxi, we should conduct studies on the carbon sink of rocky desertification areas in the Qinba region, with the methods such as dissolution test pieces and hydrochemical runoff. -
图 4 研究区内部分地区正射影像和三维倾斜示意图
a. 北阳山无人机正射影像图 b. 海螺宫无人机正射影像图 c. 北阳山局部无人机正射影像图 d. 海螺宫局部无人机正射影像图e. 北阳山无人机三维倾斜示意图 f. 海螺宫无人机三维倾斜示意图
Figure 4. Orthophotos and 3D oblique schematics of parts of the study area
a. UAV orthophoto map of Beiyang mountain b. UAV orthophoto map of Hailuogong c. local UAV orthophoto map for Beiyang mountain d. local UAV orthophoto map of Hailuogong e. schematic diagram of UAV three-dimensional tilt for Beiyang mountain f. schematic diagram of UAV three-dimensional tilt for Hailuogong
图 5 北阳山(左)和海螺宫(右)岩溶石漠化发育现状图
a. 北阳山航拍图 b. a中红色框的放大图 c. b中黄色框实拍图 d. 海螺宫航拍图 e. d中绿色框的局部放大图 f. d中蓝色框的局部放大图
Figure 5. Development of karst rocky desertification in Beiyang mountain (left) and Hiluogong (right)
a. aerial image of Beiyang mountain b. enlarged view of the red frame in a c. picture of the real object of yellow frame in b d. aerial image of Hailuogong e. enlarged view of the green frame in d f. enlarged view of the blue frame in d
表 1 西南岩溶区八省(区、直辖市)岩溶石漠化分布情况统计表
Table 1. Statistics of karst desertification distribution in eight provinces/ regions/municipalities in the karst areas of Southwest China
省(区、直辖市) 合计 极重度石漠化 重度石漠化 中度石漠化 轻度石漠化 面积/×104 hm2 面积/×104 hm2 占比/% 面积/×104 hm2 占比/% 面积/×104 hm2 占比/% 面积/×104 hm2 占比/% 云南 235.193 68 5.755 10 2.4 19.072 65 8.1 97.259 07 41.4 113.106 86 48.1 贵州 247.013 21 2.538 07 1.0 25.642 11 10.4 125.411 96 50.8 93.421 07 37.8 广西 153.289 89 4.546 50 3.0 80.365 04 52.4 46.008 36 30.0 22.369 99 14.6 四川 66.992 65 1.115 81 1.7 7.771 64 11.6 28.382 93 42.4 29.722 27 44.4 湖南 125.140 28 1.406 53 1.1 17.327 44 13.8 51.778 81 41.4 54.627 50 43.7 湖北 96.151 01 0.948 51 1.0 7.921 71 8.2 429 994.6 44.7 442 813.3 46.1 重庆 77.286 48 0.5453 30 0.7 5.756 83 7.4 38.614 66 50.0 32.369 66 41.9 广东 5.944 67 0.073 04 1.2 2.344 84 39.4 2.168 62 36.5 1.358 17 22.8 合计 1 007.011 87 16.928 89 1.7 166.202 26 16.5 432.623 87 43.0 391.256 85 38.9 表 2 西南岩溶区八省(区、直辖市)潜在石漠化分布情况统计表
Table 2. Statistics of distribution of potential rocky desertification in eight provinces/regions/municipalities in the karst areas of Southwest China
省(区、直辖市) 云南 贵州 广西 四川 湖南 湖北 重庆 广东 合计 面积/×104 hm2 204.2 363.8 267.0 82.1 163.4 249.2 94.9 42.3 1 466.9 占比/% 13.9 24.8 18.2 5.6 11.1 17.0 6.5 2.9 100 表 3 西南岩溶区石漠化及潜在石漠化面积及动态变化统计表
Table 3. Statistics of the areas of rocky desertification and potential rocky desertification, and dynamic changes in karst areas of Southwest China
时间/年 2005 2011 2016 面积/
×104 hm2面积/
×104 hm2增长量/×104 hm2
×104 hm2增长量/×104 hm2
(较2011年)岩溶石漠化 1 296.1 1 200.1 −96.0 −7.4% 1 007.0 −193.1 −16.1% 潜在石漠化 1234 1 331.8 97.8 7.9% 1 466.9 135.1 10.1% 表 4 西南岩溶区岩溶石漠化程度演变情况统计表
Table 4. Statistics of evolution of karst desertification in karst areas of Southwest China
时间/年 2005 2011 2016 面积/
×104 hm2占比/
×104 hm2占比/
×104 hm2增长率/
×104 hm2占比/
×104 hm2增长率/
/%(较2005年) (较2011年) 极重度 54.5 4.2 32.0 2.7 −22.5 −41.3 16.9 1.7 −15.1 −47.2 重度 293.4 22.6 217.7 18.2 −75.7 −25.8 166.2 16.5 −51.6 −23.7 中度 591.9 45.7 518.9 43.1 −73.0 −12.3 432.6 43.0 −86.2 −16.6 轻度 356.3 27.5 431.5 36 75.2 21.1 391.3 38.8 −40.3 9.3 表 5 陕西秦巴地区石漠化分级标准
Table 5. Grading standards for rocky desertification in the Qinba region, Shaanxi Province
石漠化程度 植被覆盖度/% 基岩裸露率/% 地形坡度/° 植被类型 无石漠化 >70 <30 <15 乔木 潜在石漠化 60~70 30~40 15~18 灌木 轻度石漠化 50~60 40~50 18~22 草丛 中度石漠化 25~50 50~70 22~25 旱地作物型 重度石漠化 <25 >70 >25 无植被型 表 6 石漠化解译标志
Table 6. Signs of interpretating rocky desertification
石漠化程度 遥感影像 无人机影像 影像特征 无石漠化 深绿色;植被覆盖度高,基本上为茂密的
林地、盆地、农田等地类轻度石漠化 暗绿色-草绿色;可见零星裸岩露头,
沟谷地带一般为耕地中度石漠化 深绿色-灰褐色;植被覆盖较差,多为疏林地、
疏灌草、半石山等地类,可见裸岩出露重度石漠化 浅绿色-黄绿色;多为林地、灌草等地类,
裸岩成片出露 -
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