Characteristics of karst development and water abundance of the Beiya Gold Deposit in Heqing county of Yunnan
摘要: 为确保云南北衙矿区的安全开采及岩溶水的合理开发利用,将区域水文地质调查和矿区地质勘探资料与生产实际进行对比分析,从岩性、构造、地貌等因素分析和总结矿区岩溶发育及富水特征。结果表明:岩性上,中三叠统北衙组二段细晶灰岩最纯,CaO含量为41.52%~54.77%,岩溶最发育,北衙组一段灰岩夹粉砂岩段限制了岩溶发育深度,侵蚀基准面以下岩溶发育深度大于150 m;岩溶发育主要受构造控制,岩溶发育方向与区内南北向、东西向及北西向构造线一致,且褶皱轴部、翘起端、断裂影响带、岩体接触带岩溶较发育;矿区岩溶水富水模式属于向斜汇流型,北衙向斜对岩溶水的富集起主导作用,断裂影响带和岩体与围岩接触带也有利于地下水的运移和富集。Abstract: The Beiya Gold Deposit is a typical karst water-filled deposit. As the hydrogeological conditions and water environment are expected to be changed by future deep mining, the water inrush risk will increase if the roadway is exposed or connected with the karst zone, the underground river and Guochang river. In this study, comparing the field investigation of regional hydrogeology and the geological exploration data with the actual production, we analyze the karst development and water abundance characteristics from the aspects of lithology, structure, landform, etc. The study results show as follows. (1) The karst forms mainly include stone forest, drainage cave, karst depression, solubilization trough, solubilization gap, karst cave and underground river. (2) Lithologically, karst in the second segment of the Middle Triassic Beiya Formation is the most developed, with the purest fine crystalline limestone containing 41.52%–54.77% of CaO. Karst development in the first segment of the Beiya Formation is restricted by limestone and siltstone. Karst is developed in the contact zone on the side of the second segment, while not developed on the side of the first segment. (3) Karst development is mainly controlled by structure, and the direction of karst development is consistent with the NS, EW and NW tectonic lines. Karst is more developed in the fold axis and the warped end, and is relatively developed in the zone affected by fault and the contact zone of rock mass. (4) Karst development shows the characteristics of vertical zonation. Funnels and sink holes are developed at the level of 2,500 m to 3,500 m, grikes and solution grooves at 1,800 m to 2,500 m. Slope valleys, karst caves and underground rivers are developed at the level of 1,694 m, while karst is still relatively developed below the base level of erosion. The lowest control elevation of the cave is 1,479.54 m, and the depth of karst development below the base level of erosion is more than 150 m. (5) The karst water abundance shows its synclinal confluence pattern. The Beiya synclinal water storage structure plays a key role in karst water enrichment. The zone affected by fault and the contact zone between rock mass and its surrounding rock are also conducive to groundwater migration and enrichment. (6) The spatial variation of water abundance in karst aquifer is large. From rock mass as the center to its outward direction, radial water abundance and permeability can be listed in the order of weak-medium-strong or extremely strong. The rock mass and its proximal annular ore-bearing alteration zone shows weak-medium water abundance, while the distal end shows medium-strong water abundance. Some parts of the area are extremely strong in water abundance. (7) The underground river is developed along the axis of the Beiya syncline at the level of 1,740 m to 1,694 m. The Beiya Formation is composed of sandy limestone. The possibility of karst cave or water inrush of the underground river will increase if the mining passes through the fault zone and the syncline core.
Key words:
- karst development /
- structure /
- groundwater /
- Beiya mining area /
- Yunnan
图 1 矿区水文地质简图
1. 第四系孔隙含(透)水层 2. 中三叠统北衙组岩溶含水层 3. 下三叠统青天堡组相对隔水层 4. 下三叠统峨眉山组玄武岩裂隙含水体 5. 侵入岩体 6. 灰岩 7. 砂岩 8. 矿体 9. 断层 10. 向斜轴线 11. 沟流 12. 地下水流向 13. 岩溶大泉 14. 溶洞 15. 落水洞 16. 岩溶洼地 17. 小石林 18. 二号横硐 19. 采矿权范围 20. 露天采场现状线
Figure 1. Hydrogeological map of the mining area
1. Quaternary porous (permeable) aquifer 2. The Middle Triassic Beiya Formation karst aquifer 3. The Lower Triassic Qingtianbao Formation relatively water-resisting layer 4. The Lower Triassic Emeishan Formation basalt fissure water-bearing body 5. Intrusive body 6. Limestone 7. Sandstone 8. Ore body 9. Fault 10. Synclinal axis 11. Channeling 12. Groundwater flow direction 13. Karst spring 14. Karst cave 15. Ponor 16. Karst depression 17. Small stone forest 18. No. 2 adit 19. Scope of mining right 20. Exposed mining field status line
表 1 北衙组岩石化学分析成果一览表
Table 1. Petrochemical analysis of the rocks of the Beiya Formation
化学组份(%) 岩性 T2b4 T2b3 T2b2 T2b1 砂屑灰岩 似角砾状灰岩 泥质灰岩 泥质条带状灰岩 细晶灰岩 细晶灰岩 灰岩夹粉砂岩 CaO 28.17~34.97 29.10~43.57 28.81~52.29 45.73~51.32 41.52~54.77 36.78~41.93 13.28~19.63 MgO 3.97~21.33 1.60~20.15 0.89~21.33 0.98~2.29 0.62~1.97 2.10~2.37 2.62~3.21 CaO/ MgO 1.43~2.00 1.44~27.23 1.38~53.26 22.38~48.01 21.08~85.53 15.52~19.97 4.14~7.49 SiO2 0.42~16.74 0.49~10.03 0.89~23.42 1.99~7.72 0.38~11.79 11.06~15.64 32.29~40.50 表 2 钻孔抽水试验参数一览表
Table 2. Aquifer parameters obtained through pumping tests in some boreholes
孔号 构造位置 单位涌水量
q/ L·(s·m)−1渗透系数
K/m·d−1孔号 构造位置 单位涌水量
q /L·(s·m)−1渗透系数
K/m·d−196ZK51 向斜轴部 0.869 1.589 40SC14 向斜两翼 0.040 0.029 72ZK18 0.065 0.256 40SC15 0.033 0.035 64ZK29 0.228 0.339 24ZK3 0.072 0.037 56SC08 0.128 0.206 23ZK11 0.038 0.056 SY2 0.326 2.316 39ZK9 0.046 0.051 63ZK21 0.150 0.366 67ZK12 0.027 0.082 40SC20 向斜两翼 0.050 0.070 79ZK12 0.109 0.082 表 3 露采矿坑涌水量统计表
Table 3. Statistics of water inflow in the open mining pit
时间 坑口面积/m2 坑底标高/m 最大涌水量/m3∙d−1 最小涌水量/m3∙d−1 平均涌水量/m3∙d−1 2012年 880 868 1 690 3 645 345 1 734 2013年 1 153 254 1 670 5 490 375 2 564 2016年 1 266 478 1 630 11 125 1 000 3 246 2017年 1 335 089 1 620 12 000 2 250 3 887 2018年 1 420 964 1 610 11 750 2 375 4 918 2019年 1 571 008 1 585 15 000 2 000 4 217 2020年 1 897 648 1 550 18 000 2 750 5 554 2021年 2 040 000 1 540 18 000 3 375 6 442 2022年 2 040 000 1 540 15 625 3 250 5 600 -
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