Structure and application of SWAT-MODFLOW coupling model for surface-groundwater
摘要: 为了利用Seonggyu Park和Ryan T.Bailey的SWAT-MODFLOW耦合程序实现地表、地下不同范围模型耦合,同时探究耦合程序输出的以SWAT计算的地下水补给量和以MODFLOW网格计算的补给量之间的差异,以及耦合程序在有关地表地下水研究上的优势。本文以该耦合程序示例模型美国佐治亚州南部小河流域(LRW)为例,选取模型中SWAT划分的104号子流域为边界,用GMS10.4建立地下水流模型,最后将地下水流模型和原SWAT模型进行耦合。研究结果表明:(1)耦合程序能实现以地表分水岭自然边界为范围的SWAT模型与以子流域为边界的小范围MODFLOW模型的耦合,但由于地下水流模型网格边界和子流域边界不能完全匹配,导致MODFLOW以网格计算的地下水降雨补给量和SWAT统计的地下水降雨补给量存在差异,误差随网格变小而变小;(2)耦合后各均衡项发生了变化,河道对地下水的总补给量变为耦合前的15.25%,地下水向河道的总排泄量比耦合前多19.29%,总降雨补给比耦合前多17.07%,总蒸发量是耦合前的3.08倍。经过研究发现耦合模型能更准确的模拟地表地下水文过程,反映降水与地下水、地表水与地下水转化关系。
- 耦合模型 /
- 地表−地下水
Abstract:Surface water and ground water is a unified whole in the water circulation system, and there is a close relationship between them. Especially in the areas where karst surfaces such as drop holes and funnels are developed, surface water and groundwater can form a direct connection. The interactions between surface water and groundwater have been a hot topic in research. A great deal of research has been carried out both nationally and internationally. The SWAT-MODFLOW coupling procedure developed by Seonggyu park and Ryan T. Peley is a beneficial tool for studying surface-groundwater interactions. This coupling procedure establishes the link between the Hydrological Response Unit (HRUs) in SWAT model and the spatial grid in MODFLOW through the ARCGIS platform in order to achieve a loose coupling of the model. A number of applications of this program have been carried out abroad. However, no relevant studies have used this procedure to achieve model coupling in different ranges of surface and subsurface. As far as the actual situation is concerned, often the plains are the focus of extraction and their groundwater dynamic field needs to be detailed delineated. However, the scope of SWAT model covers the overall basin, which is not consistent with the scope of groundwater flow model. Considering the running time and the accuracy of the model, it is necessary to explore the model coupling process in different ranges of surface-groundwater. In this study, the SWAT-MODFLOW coupling program of Seonggyu park and Ryan T. Bailey was used to implement the coupling of models at different scales of the surface and subsurface, and to investigate the differences between the groundwater recharge calculated in SWAT and that calculated in the MODFLOW grid output of the coupling program. Then the advantages of the coupling program for relevant studies on surface water and groundwater were analyzed. Taking this coupling procedure model of the Little River Watershed (LRW) in southern Georgia, USA as an example, this study selected Sub-basin 104 divided by the SWAT in the model as the boundary, and built the groundwater flow model with GMS10.4 based on the data of the original example model. According to the coupling model manual, ARCGIS platform and EXCEL platform, four link files required by the coupling model were completed: swatmf_dhru2grid, swatmf_dhru2hru, swatmf_grid2dhru, and swatmf_river2grid. A coupling model of Sub-basin 104 water flow model and the overall SWAT model was further developed, and the format of the model output results was controlled through its link files. On the basis of calculation results of the model, its multi-year equilibrium condition was calculated in EXCEL to judge its rationality so that the model can be calibrated. After the calibration, the accuracy of each equilibrium item was compared between the coupling model and the independent groundwater flow model. Study results show as follows. (1) The coupling procedure enables the coupling of the SWAT model naturally bounded by the surface watershed with the small-scale MODFLOW model divided by the sub-basin boundary. However, because the grid boundary of the groundwater flow model and that of sub-basin cannot be completely matched, there is a difference between MODFLOW and SWAT in terms of the calculation of rainfall recharge for groundwater. In general, the calculation volume of SWAT is larger than that of MODFLOW grid. The calculations clearly indicate that the error margin becomes smaller as the grid gets smaller because the smaller the grid area is, the more exact the match between the grid and the boundary becomes. (2) Each equilibrium item has changed after coupling. Because the river depth in GMS is taken as the empirical value, and it is taken as the confluence evolution value in SWAT, calculations show that the groundwater recharge of the river before and after the model coupling is significantly different, and the total recharge from the river to the groundwater reduces to 15.25% of that before the coupling. On the other hand, the total discharge from groundwater to river increases 19.29% after coupling. The rainfall recharge of the model before coupling is calculated by infiltration coefficient method, and the groundwater recharge after coupling is the seepage of the soil bottom of the SWAT model. The calculations show that the total rainfall recharge increases 17.07% after coupling. The groundwater evaporation before model coupling is calculated by the Avyanov formula, and the groundwater evaporation after coupling was calculated according to the potential evapotranspiration and the actual evapotranspiration calculated by SWAT. The calculations show that the total evapotranspiration is 3.08 times larger than that before coupling. It is found that the coupling model can simulate the surface-subsurface hydrological process more accurately, and can reflect the relationship between precipitation and groundwater, surface water and groundwater transformation. -
Key words:
- coupling model /
- surface-groundwater
表 1 SWAT-MODFLOW传递变量说明表
Table 1. Variables passed by SWAT-MODFLOW
变量 传递方式 说明 潜水的补给量 水文响应单元到地下水流模型
对应活动网格地下水补给由SWAT计算 蒸发 水文响应单元到地下水流模型
散发的差值由潜水继续蒸发子流域河道的水位 SWAT计算的河道水位到地下
SWAT计算的河道水位而定地下水和河流的交换量 地下水流模型河流网格计算结果到
SWAT模型河道表 2 小河流域土地利用类型
Table 2. Land use types in the small river basin
类型 森林 农田 牧场 湿地 其它 比例/% 65 30 2 2 1 表 3 地下水补给量误差分析列表(单位:mm)
Table 3. Error analysis of groundwater recharge (unit: mm)
组号 网格大小/m 项 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 平均 SWAT 281.92 417.84 148.54 160.65 322.96 229.36 103.80 254.44 231.60 239.01 1 20 MODFLOW 277.01 412.20 146.30 157.71 314.76 228.73 102.64 245.75 232.56 235.30 误差 4.90 5.64 2.24 2.94 8.20 0.64 1.16 8.69 −0.96 3.72 2 50 MODFLOW 271.41 403.84 143.32 154.49 308.43 224.15 100.54 240.94 227.76 230.54 误差 10.51 14.00 5.22 6.16 14.53 5.21 3.26 13.50 3.85 8.47 3 100 MODFLOW 269.05 400.40 142.06 152.90 305.76 222.08 99.51 238.67 225.79 228.47 误差 12.86 17.44 6.47 7.76 17.20 7.28 4.28 15.78 5.81 10.54 4 150 MODFLOW 268.40 399.20 141.52 153.27 304.61 221.38 99.67 238.34 225.41 227.98 误差 13.52 18.64 7.02 7.38 18.35 7.99 4.13 16.10 6.19 11.04 5 200 MODFLOW 266.75 396.80 141.05 152.21 302.59 220.05 99.17 235.66 224.41 226.52 误差 15.17 21.04 7.49 8.44 20.37 9.31 4.63 18.78 7.19 12.49 6 200 MODFLOW 283.49 418.63 150.37 158.93 320.69 236.38 104.96 238.88 241.06 239.27 误差 0.69 0.52 −0.14 0.86 1.37 −0.86 0.15 0.93 0.04 0.40 表 4 耦合前地下水流模型均衡表(单位:104 m3)
Table 4. Equalization table of groundwater flow model before coupling (unit: 104 m3)
项 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 流入 河流 6.00 5.39 5.42 3.96 4.46 4.47 4.05 4.44 5.06 4.90 4.19 5.15 5.28 4.61 降雨 95.51 106.89 99.73 132.19 105.53 109.14 141.48 80.55 94.97 119.34 105.56 77.89 105.85 101.00 总流入 101.51 112.28 105.15 136.15 109.99 113.61 145.53 84.99 100.03 124.24 109.76 83.04 111.14 105.60 流出 边界 36.60 36.50 36.5 36.50 36.60 36.50 36.50 36.50 36.60 36.50 36.50 36.50 36.50 36.50 河流 60.57 65.39 64.70 84.31 76.81 75.97 85.22 79.15 67.58 68.91 80.96 65.22 64.40 72.41 蒸发 0.34 0.37 0.36 0.49 0.44 0.43 0.49 0.45 0.37 0.38 0.46 0.36 0.36 0.41 总流出 97.51 102.26 101.57 121.30 113.85 112.90 122.21 116.10 104.55 105.80 117.92 102.08 101.36 109.32 均衡 4.00 10.02 3.58 14.85 −3.86 0.71 23.32 −31.11 −4.52 18.44 −8.16 −19.05 9.77 −3.71 总均衡 14.28 表 5 耦合后地下水流模型均衡表(单位:104m3)
Table 5. Equilibrium table of groundwater flow model after coupling (unit: 104m3)
项 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 流入 河流 0.75 0.99 0.76 0.70 0.57 0.65 0.64 0.43 0.70 0.93 0.54 0.72 1.11 0.78 降雨 102.80 109.61 87.05 214.65 135.54 141.00 209.76 74.45 80.33 160.17 116.36 52.15 125.39 118.29 总流入 103.54 110.59 87.82 215.35 136.12 141.65 210.39 74.88 81.02 161.1 116.90 52.87 126.50 119.07 流出 边界 36.60 36.5 36.50 36.50 36.60 36.50 36.50 36.50 36.60 36.50 36.50 36.50 36.60 36.50 河流 81.98 59.20 71.96 117.54 101.81 100.52 118.00 107.79 70.73 70.99 107.99 60.90 55.20 82.76 蒸发 1.05 0.66 1.10 1.92 1.50 1.57 1.61 1.83 0.99 0.89 1.82 0.81 0.68 1.23 总流出 119.62 96.36 109.57 155.96 139.91 138.58 156.11 146.12 108.32 108.38 145.73 98.21 92.49 120.49 均衡 −16.08 14.24 −21.75 59.39 −3.80 3.06 54.28 −71.24 −27.29 52.72 −28.82 −45.34 34.01 −1.42 总均衡 1.96 -
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