An overview of karst geology in Myanmar
摘要: 缅甸岩溶地质研究正处于快速发展阶段,系统综合的岩溶地质资料有助于从宏观上了解缅甸岩溶情况。文章在系统收集资料的基础上,综合多种尺度地质图、水文地质图、构造图及其遥感资料,编制1∶100万缅甸岩溶地质分布图,从地质演化过程、岩性组合、气候环境等方面综合剖析岩溶作用的背景条件,以此总结缅甸岩溶分布规律和岩溶景观特征,为“全球岩溶地质”数据库提供基础支持。缅甸的岩溶分布面积达7×104 km2,是东南亚岩溶分布面积第二大的国家,厚层的古生代碳酸盐岩地层、复杂的构造运动、温润多雨的气候、活跃的生物活动等均有利于岩溶作用的发生,其发育峰林、峰丛、洞穴岩溶景观,岩溶景观资源潜力巨大,具有全球最高的生物多样性,但同时也面临着生态被破坏、干旱、洪涝等地质环境问题。Abstract:
With a widespread area of karst accounting for about 12% of the national territory, Myanmar, the second largest country in Southeast Asia in terms of karst area, has great potential of karst resources. However, due to outdated infrastructure and other reasons, the research on karst geology in Myanmar started late with a weak foundation. Having been in the developing stage of karst geology research in Myanmar, comprehensive karst geological data is conducive to understanding karst in this country. On the basis of systematic data collection, this study synthesizes remote sensing data with geologic map, hydrogeologic map, and structural map on various scales. It comprehensively analyzes the background conditions of karstification from the geological evolution process, lithologic combination, and climate and environment, and summarizes the karst distribution law and the characteristics of karst landscape in Myanmar. Extending to the borders of Thailand, Laos and China, karst in Myanmar covers an area of 70,000 km2, distributed in the high land and mountainous area of Shan State to the east of the Irrawaddy River and the south of Andaman Sea. Some karst landforms are also developed in Kachin State in the north, Chin State in the west and Sagaing State in the northwest. Mainly developed in the Permian-Lower Triassic limestone and Early Ordovician limestone, karst on the Shan Plateau in the east is the largest karst area in Myanmar, with an area of about 63,000 km2. The belt-shaped karst extends 1,500 kilometers from Shan State to Myeik Archipelago in a south-north direction. Intensity of karstification in Myanmar is controlled by many geological factors such as stratigraphic lithology, geological structure and environment. Thick Paleozoic carbonate strata, warm and rainy climate, complex tectonic movements and active biological activities are all conducive to the occurrence of karstification. The thick layers of Permian-Triassic, Triassic, Ordovician, and Silurian periods, pure limestone, and dolomite are the main layers of karst development, especially 5,000-meter-thick Permian-Triassic limestone in Shan State. With the highest biodiversity in the world, active biological activities in Myanmar facilitate karstification. The karst landform in Myanmar is controlled by stratigraphic lithology, with the development of peak forests, peak clusters, and karst cave landscapes. From north to south, karst landforms change from limestone ridges, canyons, cluster-peak depressions to peak forest plains. Hpa-an is a transitional area from high mountain karst to depression karst. -
Key words:
- Myanmar /
- karst geology /
- karst landscape /
- cave
图 3 Namun Spring洞穴[71]
Figure 3. Namun Spring Cave
图 4 Kyauk Khaung洞穴[71]
Figure 4. Kyauk Khaung Cave
表 1 缅甸岩溶主要发育层位、特征及分布
Table 1. Main karst development layers, characteristics and distribution in Myanmar
序号 地层名称 地层年代 厚度/m 分布区域 特征 来源 1 Natteik 二叠系–三叠系 1 000 掸邦南部 透镜状石灰岩,发育峰林岩溶、落水洞 [48] 2 Nwebangyi 二叠系–三叠系 2 500~5 000 掸邦北部 高度角砾状白云岩、白云质灰岩、碎屑灰岩,局部发育鲕状灰岩,发育洼地、大型洞穴和天坑 [49] 3 Thitsipin 二叠系–三叠系 700~1 100 掸邦南部 石灰岩、白云岩,发育南北向山脊、落水洞、天坑、岩溶峡谷、洞穴,峰丛洼地 [48] 4 Moulmein 二叠系 <1 000 孟邦–德林达依省、克伦邦、克耶邦 石灰岩,发育崎岖岩溶山 [50] 5 Maymyo 泥盆系 几千米 眉谬 含化石白云质石灰岩 [51] 6 Nyaungbaw 志留系 几千米 眉谬 红色、棕褐色、灰色、蓝色石灰岩,含大量泥质物质 [51] 7 Wunbye 奥陶系 1 200~1 800 掸邦南部 粗晶状石灰岩;发育岩溶高地,发育大量的洞穴和天坑,洞穴大多平行于层理发育 [51] 8 Lokepyin 奥陶系 400~900 掸邦南部 蓝色石灰岩夹薄层粉砂岩 [51] 表 2 缅甸主要岩溶区年平均降雨量(2011-2020)
Table 2. Annual average rainfall in the karst areas of Myanmar (2011-2020)
序号 地区 降雨量/mm·a−1 1 克钦邦 2 339.4 2 克耶邦 894.2 3 克伦邦 3 217.6 4 钦邦 1 832.5 5 实皆省 1 445.1 6 德林达依省 5 088.7 7 勃固省 2 088.4 8 孟邦 4 726.2 9 若开邦 4 455.4 10 掸邦 1 359.8 表 3 缅甸已知最长洞穴列表(截止2020年4月)[32]
Table 3. Longest cave of Myanmar (by the end of April, 2020)
序号 洞穴名称 位置 长度/m 1 Som Hein Monghpyak 11 600 2 Kyauk Khaung (Stone Cave) Ywangan 4790 3 Phruno River Cave Hpruso 4 580* 4 Red River Cave Bawlakhe 4 095 5 Namun Spring Cave Pinlaung 2 628 6 Kyet Cave Loikaw 2 194 7 Stone Spring Cave Ywangan 1 917 8 Ho Hwe Cave Hopon 1 875 9 Mondowa Guh Taunggyi 1 770 10 Hopon Spring Cave Hopon 1 655 11 Na Gar Gu (Dragon Cave) Ywangan 1 654 12 White water Buffalo and Tiger Cave Hopon 1 343 13 Ya Thay Pyan Hpa-An 1 252 14 Phoe Inn Cave Ywangan 1 210 注:*表示未完成探测,不是最终的长度。
Note: * indicates that the probe is uncompleted, so, it is not the final length. -
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