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蔡直言 伍毅敏 许鹏 迟作强 黄民 伍浩然 张家威

蔡直言,伍毅敏,许 鹏,等. 溶槽水位波动对隧道衬砌的力学影响模拟分析[J]. 中国岩溶,2023,42(6):1270-1281 doi: 10.11932/karst20230609
引用本文: 蔡直言,伍毅敏,许 鹏,等. 溶槽水位波动对隧道衬砌的力学影响模拟分析[J]. 中国岩溶,2023,42(6):1270-1281 doi: 10.11932/karst20230609
CAI Zhiyan, WU Yimin, XU Peng, CHI Zuoqiang, HUANG Min, WU Haoran, ZHANG Jiawei. Simulation analysis of mechanical influence of water level fluctuation in water-eroded groove on tunnel lining[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 42(6): 1270-1281. doi: 10.11932/karst20230609
Citation: CAI Zhiyan, WU Yimin, XU Peng, CHI Zuoqiang, HUANG Min, WU Haoran, ZHANG Jiawei. Simulation analysis of mechanical influence of water level fluctuation in water-eroded groove on tunnel lining[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 42(6): 1270-1281. doi: 10.11932/karst20230609


doi: 10.11932/karst20230609
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51478473);中国铁路总公司科技研究开发计划(2018K019)



    伍毅敏(1980-),男,副教授,博士。E-mail: yiminwu531@csu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: U451.4

Simulation analysis of mechanical influence of water level fluctuation in water-eroded groove on tunnel lining

  • 摘要: 岩溶隧道通常面临季节性溶槽水位波动带来的水害风险,文章结合工程案例,通过数值模拟,量化分析不同水位和不同位置溶槽蓄水对隧道衬砌受力影响,以揭示隧道水害风险的发生机制和演化特征,主要结论:(1)溶槽在季节性强降雨时发生水位波动,隧道外水压力变化频繁,导致隧道衬砌内力变化显著;水位升高时,结构受力恶化,安全性大幅削减,其中拱顶、边墙仍以小偏心受压模式承载,而隧底部位承载模式由小偏心受压逐步发展为大偏心受压;高水位时衬砌结构存在开裂、破损的风险;(2)边墙部位溶槽蓄水对隧道造成偏压水荷载,边墙安全系数最高下降1.1;地下水位上升,偏压水荷载逐渐演化为均布水荷载,结构受力影响差异性逐渐减小;(3)季节性强降雨来袭,加强泄水降压是解决水头上升、水压过大致使衬砌破坏的关键,并重点关注边墙、隧底衬砌结构安全。


  • 图  1  银山隧道边墙挤裂[9]

    Figure  1.  Cracked side wall of Yinshan tunnel

    图  2  季家坡隧道二衬压裂[10]

    Figure  2.  Fracturing of the second lining of Jijiapo tunnel

    图  3  隧道地质纵断面

    Figure  3.  Longitudinal section of tunnel geology

    图  4  Ⅳ级围岩深埋段衬砌(单位mm)

    Figure  4.  Lining of Class IV surrounding rock at the deep-buried section

    图  5  岩溶地下水渗入、储存、运移、排泄过程

    Figure  5.  Process of karst groundwater infiltration, storage, migration and discharge

    图  6  溶槽的简化过程示意

    Figure  6.  Simplified process of water-eroded groove

    图  7  溶槽与衬砌边墙接触时的计算模型

    Figure  7.  Calculation model of water-eroded groove in contact with lining side wall

    图  8  “荷载-结构”法计算模型

    Figure  8.  Calculation model of "load-structure" method

    图  9  距离地表20 m水位条件下的渗流计算结果

    Figure  9.  Seepage calculation results at the 20-meter water level from the surface

    图  10  蓄水溶槽在不同水位条件下的隧道水压分布图

    Figure  10.  Tunnel water pressure distribution of water-eroded groove of water storage at different water levels

    图  11  距离地表20 m水位条件下的隧道受力情况

    Figure  11.  Internal force of tunnel lining at the 20-meter water level from the surface

    图  12  隧道关键部位轴力变化

    Figure  12.  Axial force changes at the key points of tunnel

    图  13  隧道关键部位弯矩变化

    Figure  13.  Bending moment changes at the key points of tunnel

    图  14  隧道关键部位主应力变化

    Figure  14.  Principal stress changes at the key points of tunnel

    图  15  隧道关键部位主应力变化幅度

    Figure  15.  Variation amplitude of principal stress at the key points of tunnel

    图  16  隧道关键部位位移变化

    Figure  16.  Displacement changes at the key points of tunnel

    图  17  隧道边墙、隧底安全系数变化

    Figure  17.  Change of safety factor of tunnel side wall and tunnel inverted arc

    图  18  80 m水位条件下的渗流计算结果

    Figure  18.  Seepage calculation results at the 80-meter water level from the surface

    图  19  蓄水溶槽在不同水位条件下的隧道水压分布图

    Figure  19.  Tunnel water pressure distribution of water storage water-eroded groove under different water levels

    图  20  距离地表20 m水位条件下的隧道受力情况

    Figure  20.  Internal force of tunnel lining at the 20-meter water level from the surface

    图  21  无溶槽时距离地表20 m水位条件下的隧道受力情况

    Figure  21.  Internal force of tunnel lining at the 20-meter water level from the surface without water-eroded groove

    表  1  隧道Ⅳ级围岩支护参数

    Table  1.   Support parameters of Class IV surrounding rock of tunnel

    全环21 cm全环@25×25 cm拱墙@120×100 cm,L-3.5 m45 cm
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    表  2  季节性降雨导致水位升降时的计算工况

    Table  2.   Calculation work conditions for the rise and fall of water level due to seasonal rainfall

    (注:拱顶溶槽宽0.25 m,竖直高度100 m;边墙溶槽宽0.25 m,竖直高度108 m。)
    (Note: width of vault water-eroded groove=0.25 m; vertical height=100 m; width of the water-eroded groove of side wall=0.25m; vertical height=108 m)
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    表  3  无溶槽时的计算工况

    Table  3.   Calculation work conditions without water-eroded groove

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    表  4  数值模拟计算参数

    Table  4.   Calculation parameters of numerical simulation

    石灰岩23 5002 3000.28304501.65$ \times $10−5600
    初期支护25 0002 5000.21.25$ \times $10−6/
    二次衬砌30 0002 5000.2不透水/
    排水管道25 0002 5000.251$ \times $10−3/
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    表  5  溶槽在隧道拱顶时不同水位条件下隧道受力情况1

    Table  5.   Stress of tunnel lining at different water levels when the water-eroded groove is at tunnel vault 1

    水位/m轴力/kN弯矩/kN.mk$ {\sigma _1} $/kPa$ {\sigma _3} $/kPa轴力/kN弯矩/kN.mk$ {\sigma _1} $/kPa$ {\sigma _3} $/kPa
    无水 −896.8 102.9 8.7 1 055.9 −5 041.7 −1 232.3 20.0 9.8 −2 146.9 −3 330.0
    80.0 −1 567.1 140.3 5.5 675.1 −7 640.2 −1 902.9 31.2 6.3 −3 303.9 −5 153.3
    100.0 −2 230.7 180.6 4.0 394.7 −10 309.1 −2 567.2 42.9 4.7 −4 432.6 −6 977.2
    120.0 −2 899.3 207.1 3.2 −306.5 −12 579.2 −3 233.9 66.5 3.6 −5 214.8 −9 158.1
    140.0 −3 572.0 232.8 2.7 −1 039.2 −14 836.2 −3 904.6 90.2 2.3 −6 005.6 −11 348.1
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    表  6  溶槽在隧道拱顶时不同水位条件下隧道受力情况2

    Table  6.   Stress of tunnel lining at different water levels when the water-eroded groove is at tunnel vault 2

    水位/m轴力/kN弯矩/kN·mk$ {\sigma _1} $/kPa$ {\sigma _3} $/kPa轴力/kN弯矩/kN·mk$ {\sigma _1} $/kPa$ {\sigma _3} $/kPa
    无水 −1 294.6 −53.5 8.3 −1 292.1 −4 461.7 −1 358.7 1.5 9.7 −2 975.5 −3 063.0
    80.0 −1 976.3 −84.7 5.3 −1 883.5 −6 899.9 −2 021.9 0.1 6.5 −4 492.5 −4 493.8
    100.0 −2 651.8 −114.5 3.9 −2 501.4 −9 284.4 −2 682.5 −3.3 4.9 −5 863.1 −6 059.0
    120.0 −3 343.2 −142.3 3.1 −3 213.1 −11 645.3 −3 394.0 114.1 3.2 −4 160.3 −10 924.3
    140.0 −4 038.8 −171.3 2.6 −3 901.0 −14 049.4 −4 109.8 226.3 2.2 −2 428.0 −15 837.9
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    表  7  溶槽在隧道边墙时不同水位条件下隧道受力情况1

    Table  7.   Stress of tunnel lining at different water levels when the water-eroded groove is at tunnel side wall 1

    水位/mk$ {\sigma _1} $$ {\sigma _3} $k$ {\sigma _1} $$ {\sigma _3} $k$ {\sigma _1} $$ {\sigma _3} $
    80 5.9 −172.9 −6 780 6.5 −4 473 −4 489 6.2 −3 110 −5 298
    100 4.4 −1 316 −8 607 4.3 −4 181 −7 847 4.3 −3 978 −7 375
    120 3.6 −2 914 −10 078 2.8 −1 657 −13 690 3.4 −4 612 −9 774
    140 3 −4 612 −11 445 2.1 974.4 −19 701 2.7 −4 932 −12 520
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    表  8  溶槽在隧道边墙时不同水位条件下隧道受力情况2

    Table  8.   Stress of tunnel lining at different water levels when the water-eroded groove is at tunnel side wall 2

    水位/mk$ {\sigma _1} $$ {\sigma _3} $k$ {\sigma _1} $$ {\sigma _3} $k$ {\sigma _1} $$ {\sigma _3} $
    80 6.5 −3 558 −4 915 5.3 −1 832 −6 918 5.4 −2 217 −6 600
    100 4.6 −4 402 −7 034 3.7 −2 443 −9 344 3.9 −2 577 −9 285
    120 3.5 −4 814 −9 670 2.9 −2 836 −12 137 3 −2 428 −12 616
    140 2.8 −5 040 −12 480 2.3 −2 749 −15 455 2.3 −1 213 −17 057
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    表  9  无溶槽时不同水位条件下隧道受力情况

    Table  9.   Stress of tunnel lining at different water levels without water-eroded groove

    水位/mk$ {\sigma _1} $$ {\sigma _3} $k$ {\sigma _1} $$ {\sigma _3} $k$ {\sigma _1} $$ {\sigma _3} $k$ {\sigma _1} $$ {\sigma _3} $
    80 6.5 490.5 −6 428 7.4 −3 957 −4 003 7.2 −2 907 −4 514 6 −1 654 −6 077
    100 4.8 92.5 −8 416 5.4 −4 661 −5 681 5.4 −3 823 −5 983 4.6 −2 112 −8 044
    120 4.1 −1 383 −9 398 3.2 −1 130 −11 991 4.2 −4 126 −8 109 3.6 −2 689 −10 048
    140 3.5 −2 623 −10 561 2.4 1 763.6 −17 617 3.4 −4 414 −10 201 2.9 −2 557 −12 747
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  • 收稿日期:  2022-04-20
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