Study on the early warning model based on the occurrence index of karst collapse in Linyi City
摘要: 临沂市区中奥陶系灰岩岩溶发育,第四系覆盖层较薄,具备岩溶塌陷发育条件。20世纪80年代至21世纪初期岩溶塌陷灾害频发。文章以临沂市区岩溶塌陷作为研究对象,对其分布规律及影响因素进行了研究,提出了基于岩溶塌陷发生指数的预警模型,该模型以水位为主控监测因素,多因素叠加综合判定进行预警,并使用历史数据对模型进行验证,结果表明:该模型在临沂市城区重点监测区预警结果验证的可靠性较高,可为其他地区岩溶塌陷地质灾害监测预警提供借鉴。Abstract:
The urban area of Linyi City is endowed with the basic conditions for the development of karst collapse. In this area, Ordovician limestone with karst development is widely distributed, and the limestone is covered by a thin Quaternary overburden with a binary phase structure. From the 1980s to the early 21st century, the rapid development of Linyi City, the increase of groundwater exploitation and the decline of the overall regional water level led to the frequent occurrence of geological disasters of karst collapses, causing serious economic losses and social impact. In this study, the karst collapse in Linyi City is taken as the research object. The distribution law, geological conditions, and inducing factors of karst collapses are studied through statistical analysis. According to the analysis of the genesis mechanism of karst collapse in Linyi City, an early warning model based on the occurrence index of karst collapse is proposed. Taking the water level as the main monitoring factor, this model is constructed to comprehensively judge the early warning by the combination of multi-factors, and is verified by historical data. During the high incidence period from 1993 to 2012, a total of 17 karst collapses occurred in the study area. These karst collapses were caused by geological conditions such as topography, geological structure, and formation lithology, as well as inducing factors such as groundwater exploitation, human engineering activities, and precipitation. The distribution law of karst collapse reflects the consistency with its related influencing factors. Karst collapses are mainly distributed in the caprock area of double-layer structure with shallow karst development and small overburden thickness. They are also distributed near the surface water body and fault zone. Generally, karst collapses take place in the funnel areas and in the seasons with a large variation of water levels, They also occur in the influence range of human engineering activities. With a comprehensive index method, an early warning model based on the judgment made through multi-factors is established. The model comprehensively considers geological conditions and inducing factors and selects 10 influencing factors, including karst development degree, caprock thickness, caprock structure, distance from structure, distance from surface water, distance between water level and limestone roof, water level amplitude, distance from the center of depression cone, precipitation, and human engineering activities. Different weights of influencing factors and the range of influencing factors of each sub-condition are given and the early warning level is divided into four grades according to the occurrence index value. The model is verified by using historical data of the collapse when it occurred. For example, the data of 2003 was used for simulation and early warning validation. The karst collapse occurred in the east of the No.32 building in Lanshan community on May 8 and June 22 in 2003, and all the collapse points were located in the area at a high early warning level, and also fell into the time period of high early warning level. The results show that the model has high reliability in the verification of early warning in key monitoring areas of Linyi City, which can provide a reference for monitoring and early warning of karst collapse in other areas. -
表 1 主要岩溶塌陷情况一览表
Table 1. List of main karst collapses
序号 塌陷年月 塌陷位置 陷坑个数 陷坑形态 地层结构 陷坑长度/m 陷坑宽度/m 陷坑深度/m 地层结构 覆层厚度/m 1 1993.6 苗庄小区 1 25.0 15.0 5.0 − − 2 1994.3 道沟村 1 3.0 3.0 2.8 二元相结构 3.0 3 1994.4 国棉八厂 3 6.3 6.3 2.3 二元相结构 8.0 8.0 8.0 5.0 2.2 2.2 2.1 4 1995.4 药材批发市场 多个 <3.0 <3.0 2.8 − − 5 2002.8 杜三岗村 3 10.0 10.0 2.5 − 6.1 4.5 4.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 2.5 6 2003.2 苗庄小区 − − − − 二元相结构 4.0 7 2003.5 临沂监狱 1 15.0 7.0 4.0 二元相结构 − 8 2003.6 兰山小区 1 4.7 4.7 4.0 二元相结构 10.0 9 2003.6 红埠寺村 1 0.8 0.8 − 二元相结构 − 10 2003.6 兰山小区 1 5.5 4.0 2.5 二元相结构 10.0 11 2005.6 雅禾纺织 1 20.0 10.0 5.0 二元相结构 − 12 2007.8 道沟村 1 1.0 1.0 9.0 二元相结构 − 13 2008.1 道沟村 1 1.5 1.5 − 二元相结构 − 14 2008.5 大岭村 9 − − − 二元相结构 6.0 15 2011.6 后岗头村 1 − − 2.5 二元相结构 − 16 2011.8 道沟村 1 0.5 0.5 − 二元相结构 − 17 2012.7 大岭村 2 5.0 3.0 2.0 二元相结构 − 3.3 1.2 1.5 表 2 岩溶塌陷分布规律(地质条件)
Table 2. Distribution law of karst collapse (geological conditions)
距离/km 塌陷数量/个 所占比例/% 地表水体 <1 16 76.2 >1 5 23.8 断裂带 <1 15 71.4 >1 6 28.6 表 3 岩溶塌陷分布规律(诱发因素)
Table 3. Distribution law of karst collapse (inducing factors)
距离/km 塌陷数量/个 所占比例/% 漏斗中心 <2 14 66.7 >2 7 33.3 表 4 指标权重取值表
Table 4. List of index weight value
基本条件 权重取值 分项条件 权重取值 地质条件 0.572 1 岩溶发育程度 0.257 4 盖层厚度 0.074 4 盖层结构 0.097 3 与构造距离 0.085 8 与地表水体距离 0.057 2 诱发因素 0.427 9 水位与界面距离 0.124 1 水位变幅 0.132 6 与降落漏斗中心距离 0.055 6 降水量 0.038 5 人类工程活动 0.077 1 表 5 影响因子取值范围表
Table 5. List of the value range of influencing factors
基本条件 分项条件 分项条件影响因素取值范围(0~10) 0~2 2~4 4~6 6~8 8~10 地质条件 岩溶发育程度 无 很不发育 不发育 发育 很发育 盖层厚度/m <0.5
>2520~25 15~20 0.5~3
11~153~11 盖层结构 无 一元结构 一元结构 二元结构 多元结构 与构造距离/m >1 000 700~1 000 400~700 200~400 <200 与地表水体距离/m >1 000 700~1 000 400~700 200~400 <200 诱发因素 水位与
下5~10 m水位偶尔处
下10~20 m水位长期处
下10~20 m基岩面附近5 m以
基岩面20 m以下水位变幅/m <1 1~4 4~7 7~10 >10 与降落漏斗中心距离 >8 000或不处于
漏斗范围内5 000~8 000 3 000~5 000 2 000~3 000 <2 000 降水量/mm 小时降雨量 <2.6 2.6~8 8~12 12~16 >16 日降雨量 <10 10~25 25~50 25~50 >50 月降雨量
环比增长<40 40~60 60~80 80~100 >100 与抽水井距离/m >500 200~500 100~200 50~100 <50 -
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