Source-tracing of sulfate in groundwater of Xizhang Well Group in the Liuzheng water source area of Zibo City
摘要: 淄博市刘征水源地位于北方典型岩溶区,承担着当地居民和企业供水的任务,具有重要的战略保障地位。水源地水质整体较好,但西张井群硫酸盐、总硬度、氨氮等指标超出地下水Ⅲ类水标准。为查明西张井群硫酸盐的来源,开展了综合溯源分析,通过水文地质调查、水化学分析、示踪试验、同位素指示分析等综合手段研究,推测西张井群岩溶地下水硫酸盐主要来源于水源地的“特殊补给区”王寨盆地中的A污染源,其次来源于大气降水和其它未知因素。Abstract:
Affiliated to both Linzi district of Zibo City and Qingzhou City of Weifang City, the Liuzheng water source area belongs to the run-off and drainage area of the Dawu hydrogeological unit. This area plays a significant role in the water supply for residents and enterprises, and thus enjoys an important strategic position. There are four pumping well groups in the water source area, among which the Xizhang Well Group is located in the west of the water source area, including four wells from LK05 to LK08. The water source area is located in the intermountain depression and river valley area with the Quaternary system of 20-meter to 70-meter thickness, underlain with Jiulong Group (Є3-O1J) and Majiagou Group (O2-3M). Zihe fault zone, Bianhe Fault, Wangzhai fault and other fault structures are developed in this area, which control the stratum distribution and groundwater movement. At present, the water-bearing rock groups with water-supply significance in the water source area are mainly those of carbonate fissure karst, which are representatives in areas of karst water source in the north of China. The aquifer lithology, highly rich in water, is mainly composed of limestone, dolomitic limestone and dolomite of the Majiagou Group and Jiulong Group of Sanshanzi Formation. The overall runoff of karst groundwater is northeast oriented along the fault zone of the Zihe river, and the groundwater dynamics are influenced by human mining and atmospheric precipitation. The hydrochemical type is mainly HCO3-Ca (Ca·Mg), and the water quality is generally good, but the indexes of sulfate, total hardness and ammonia nitrogen in the Xizhang Well Group exceed the permitted standard of Class III groundwater. Based on the test analysis of karst groundwater in Xizhang Well Group and its surrounding areas, it is found that the area where sulfate exceeds the permitted level is mainly distributed in the area of Yanghuya-Shuangyangyouzhi, and the sulfate content decreases from the center of this area to its surrounding parts. At present, the research on karst water system in the Liuzheng water source area mainly focuses on the sequential dynamic change of water quality and quantity and the spacial distribution characteristics. However, few studies have been conducted on the directional sources of chemical components in karst groundwater. In order to ensure the safety of water supply, it is urgent to carry out the source-tracing analysis of groundwater sulfate under the influence of human activities. The sources of chemical components in groundwater are generally studied systematically by statistical analysis, hydrogeochemical analysis, fuzzy mathematics, numerical simulation and other methods based on geological and hydrogeological conditions. All kinds of methods have specific applicable conditions and advantages, but most of them are difficult to trace the source quickly and accurately, and identify the specific migration process. In this study, hydrogeochemical analysis, tracer test, isotope indication analysis and other methods are used to carry out a comprehensive source-tracing analysis of sulfate in the Xizhang Well Group. The results show that the method used in this study is effective in source-tracing. Based on the analysis of the dynamic characteristics of groundwater and the mechanism of recharge, runoff and discharge in the Liuzheng water source area, the power source of sulfate source was analyzed by tracer test. Besides, the main path of sulfate migration was described, and the target area of sulfate source—Wangzhai basin, a special recharge area of water source—was determined. On the basis of power source analysis, isotope samples were collected in the target area and its surrounding areas, and the contribution of different end-member sources to groundwater sulfate was calculated by using the ternary mixing model of sulfate content and sulfur and oxygen isotope composition, and then the material sources of the pollution in the Xizhang Well Group were quantified. The calculation results show that the proportion of sulfate from sulfide oxidation in groundwater is large, and there are 17 water samples exceeding 50%. Because there is A Pollution Source instead of coal-bearing strata in the area, the A end-member represents that the sulfate of this area comes from A Pollution Source. There were no water samples occupying more than 50% in the B end-member, indicating that the contribution of atmospheric precipitation to sulfate in water was small. There were 3 water samples accounting for more than 50% in the C end-member, indicating that other human factors also contributed to a certain proportion. The comprehensive analysis confirms that the main source of sulfate in the karst groundwater of the Xizhang Well Group is the A Pollution Source in Wangzhai basin, followed by the atmospheric precipitation and other unknown factors. -
Key words:
- the Liuzheng water source area /
- karst /
- groundwater /
- source-tracing of sulfate /
- isotope
表 1 西张井群部分水质监测指标一览表/mg·L−1
Table 1. Monitoring indexes of water quality in Xizhang Well Group/mg·L−1
井编号 取样日期 NH$_4^{+}$ Cl− NO$_2^{−}$ ${\rm{NO}}_3^{-}$ ${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-}$ pH COD 总硬度 溶解性总固体 LK05 7.20 2.78 69.85 6.60 55.71 215.89 7.59 1.58 546.66 741.10 7.25 <0.04 71.27 8.79 55.92 230.83 7.66 0.82 549.49 754.16 7.30 1.25 72.87 5.00 55.74 234.93 7.31 0.87 534.08 707.98 8.05 3.03 68.97 <0.008 52.78 222.14 7.88 0.82 528.56 715.04 8.10 <0.04 70.70 3.78 58.49 224.61 8.08 1.33 527.86 696.22 8.15 <0.04 70.82 6.86 53.88 225.74 7.84 1.61 570.48 697.01 LK06 7.20 4.55 79.93 10.19 56.67 255.03 7.58 0.81 547.72 799.76 7.25 3.25 84.16 6.02 56.74 267.13 7.44 0.82 584.33 828.38 7.30 1.67 82.74 5.00 56.69 262.59 7.32 0.75 576.13 784.43 8.05 4.53 82.31 <0.008 54.39 257.12 7.96 0.73 564.30 786.43 8.10 <0.04 81.69 10.42 54.82 254.90 7.95 4.50 552.44 751.66 8.15 <0.04 81.18 4.84 54.92 253.59 7.74 4.21 605.70 762.58 LK07 7.25 <0.04 88.02 8.30 54.79 260.11 7.60 1.39 586.74 821.78 7.30 2.03 86.51 6.25 53.21 255.55 7.54 0.71 559.22 761.84 8.05 3.58 81.52 <0.008 51.70 240.11 7.80 0.73 555.98 753.86 8.10 <0.04 81.55 7.79 52.30 238.51 7.90 3.33 539.33 725.95 8.15 <0.04 81.27 7.77 52.03 237.06 7.78 3.37 587.63 740.58 LK08 7.25 <0.04 68.97 4.87 50.74 207.45 7.66 1.47 530.44 713.39 7.30 <0.04 57.87 2.00 47.71 180.34 7.41 1.46 476.55 731.96 8.05 1.03 52.18 0.86 44.96 163.12 7.71 0.82 470.32 600.12 8.10 <0.04 53.16 未检出 48.65 162.06 7.88 0.67 423.17 545.79 8.15 <0.04 52.73 2.08 46.01 162.28 7.87 1.35 496.17 576.71 表 2 西张井群污染来源分析部分样品测试结果一览表
Table 2. Test results of pollution source analysis of some samples collected from the Xizhang Well Group
(${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-}$)WK01 617.50 501.57 35.62 194.98 −58.1 −8.1 6.56 1.7 王寨西1井 967.11 826.28 151.99 206.42 −60.3 −8.5 9.75 2.8 齐华托盘 939.20 672.61 154.34 186.55 −53.5 −7.8 5.94 2.6 一化农场 770.57 661.56 53.26 127.79 −62.9 −8.6 4.74 3.8 J-7 1 314.44 697.89 341.33 322.00 −53.7 −7.2 10.88 8.7 LK05 715.09 543.50 69.40 224.02 −60.5 −8.2 − − 北崖村井 553.05 473.04 65.89 113.84 −58.2 −8.1 5.68 3.3 LK15 357.27 304.67 27.79 71.17 −61.3 −8.7 5.63 3.8 LK04 575.98 424.01 66.97 189.44 −62.2 −8.7 7.50 4.7 胶厂2井 443.66 369.34 48.27 81.65 −60.1 −8.5 6.02 4.5 炼厂25井 419.82 360.74 40.81 69.21 −61.9 −8.4 5.12 3.4 大武建工 461.14 370.48 26.44 124.16 −57.9 −8.1 6.74 3.6 SK05 565.45 486.61 59.89 102.49 −60.6 −8.4 5.51 3.2 炼厂4井 413.05 356.89 41.91 71.78 −61.8 −8.4 5.62 3.9 陈黍北井 845.54 663.25 164.05 165.53 −57.6 −8.2 5.50 4.2 徐旺矿坑 371.49 282.09 47.29 126.12 −52.5 −6.8 5.00 5.5 太河水库 23.62 14.40 0.42 76.55 −52.5 −7.2 5.66 3.6 雨水 238.02 191.04 13.45 4.75 −58.1 −8.2 − − A污染源淋滤液 2 159.76 19.29 4.1 -
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