Comparative analysis of the genesis models of different geothermal reservoirs in Chengning uplift area in northwest Shandong based on hydrochemical isotope technology
摘要: 埕宁隆起区是我国重要的地热资源富集地区之一,了解地热田的成因模式对于地热资源的可持续开发利用具有重要意义。采用水化学同位素手段,对埕宁隆起区馆陶组砂岩热储和寒武−奥陶系岩溶热储成因进行对比分析,结果表明:砂岩热储地热水是地质历史时期的大气降水入渗补给的产物,为侧向径流补给水,而岩溶热储地热水不是直接来源于大气降水的就近入渗补给,而是经过较长距离的径流过程,具有明显的氢氧漂移现象。两套热储地热水补给高程、热储温度及热水循环深度分别为459 m和557 m、66 ℃和72 ℃、1 420 m和1 795 m。此外,研究成果还揭示埕宁隆起区地热水补给区位于泰山地区,其地热系统热源为地壳深部及少部分上地幔传导热流。Abstract:
The Chengning Uplift Area is one of the important areas rich in extremely abundant geothermal resource in China. At present, geothermal resources in the study area are mostly used in the fields such as bathing, medical treatment, and heating. According to the existing geothermal geological data and analysis results, the total geothermal resources in this area are 1.70×1020 J, equivalent to 57.86×108 t of standard coal. Therefore, elucidating the genesis model of geothermal fields in this area is of great significance for the sustainable development and utilization of geothermal resources. This study uses hydrochemical isotope technology to compare and analyze the genesis of the sandstone thermal reservoir of Guantao Formation and the Cambrian-Ordovician karst thermal reservoir in the Chengning Uplift Area. The research results indicate that the cations in the geothermal water from sandstone and karst thermal reservoirs in this area are mainly Na+, and the anions are mainly Cl-. The mineralization degree of geothermal water in sandstone thermal reservoir is 4.19–5.96 g·L−1, with a pH value of 7.35–9.43, indicating neutral to weakly alkaline water. The mineralization degree of geothermal water in karst thermal reservoir is 5.91–11.10 g·L−1, and the pH value is 6.50–7.29; therefore, it is classified as neutral water according to its acidity and alkalinity. The geothermal water from sandstone thermal reservoir in this area is a product of atmospheric precipitation infiltration and replenishment during geological history, supplying water by lateral runoff. However, the geothermal water in karst thermal reservoir does not directly come from the nearest infiltration recharge of atmospheric precipitation, but through a longer distance runoff process, which has an obvious phenomenon of hydrogen and oxygen drift. The two sets of elevation of geothermal water supply, temperature of thermal reservior and depth of hot water circulation are respectively 459 m and 557 m, 66 ℃ and 72 ℃, and 1,420 m and 1,795 m. From this, it can be seen that geothermal water in the study area is in a well-sealed geological environment, without shallow water mixing, and is deep circulating geothermal water. In addition, the research results also reveal that the supply area of geothermal water of Chengning Uplift is located in the Mount Tai area, and the heat source of its geothermal system is the heat flow conducted from the deep crust and a small part from the upper mantle. The deep fault in the study area generated a certain amount of frictional heat during its active period, and also served as a good channel for underground heat flow, connecting and conducting upwards the heat generated by magma in the deep crust and upper mantle. In addition, the area is a sedimentary basin with deep depression, which generates gravity compression heat under the pressure of the thick Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary layer. The heat generated by these sources is stored in the pores and cracks of the thermal reservoir under the thermal insulation effect of the cover layer with strong thermal resistance and poor thermal conductivity, and is the main heat source for the formation of hot water in the area. -
图 3 砂岩型和岩溶型地热水Na−K−Mg 平衡图解[21]
Figure 3. Na-K-Mg equilibrium diagram of sandstone and karst geothermal water
表 1 地热水水化学成分表
Table 1. Hydeochemical composition list of geothermal water
热储类型 砂岩热储 岩溶热储 K+/mg·L−1 10.80~19.95 31.10~41.50 Na+/mg·L−1 1 540.00~2 036.25 1 541.00~1 896.25 Ca2+/mg·L−1 6.01~131.90 230.46~720.00 Mg2+/mg·L−1 12.15~39.80 35.84~144.00 Cl−/mg·L−1 1 896.58~2 746.69 3 008.82~3 163.91 ${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-}$/mg·L−1 566.75~999.02 315.80~1 198.00 ${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-}$/mg·L−1 79.33~299.00 146.45~275.00 矿化度/g·L−1 4.19~5.96 5.91~11.10 pH 7.35~9.43 6.50~7.29 水化学类型 Cl-Na Cl-Na 表 2 基于SPSS离子相关性分析
Table 2. Correlation analysis of ions based on SPSS
热储类型 离子相关性 K+ Na+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Cl− ${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-}$ ${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-}$ 矿化度 pH 馆陶组砂
岩热储K+ 1.000 0.666 −0.232 0.571 0.501 −0.155 0.696 0.495 0.311 Na+ 1.000 0.455 0.932 0.872 0.549 0.969 0.970 −0.376 Ca2+ 1.000 0.660 0.725 0.506 0.436 0.657 −0.966 Mg2+ 1.000 0.980 0.393 0.936 0.966 −0.593 Cl− 1.000 0.333 0.878 0.932 −0.667 ${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-}$ 1.000 0.508 0.611 −0.481 ${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-}$ 1.000 0.964 −0.356 矿化度 1.000 −0.590 pH 1.000 寒武系−奥陶系
岩溶热储K+ 1.000 0.738 −0.731 −0.737 −0.476 −0521 −0.887 −0.560 0.663 Na+ 1.000 −0.677 −0.891 −0.187 −0.958 −0.868 −0.306 0.947 Ca2+ 1.000 0.929 0.849 0.608 0.932 0.907 −0.829 Mg2+ 1.000 0.596 0.857 0.964 0.688 −0.976 Cl− 1.000 0.112 0.629 0.992 −0.419 ${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-}$ 1.000 0.759 0.225 −0.948 ${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-}$ 1.000 0.720 −0.910 矿化度 1.000 −0.521 pH 1.000 表 3 基于SPSS地热水主成分分析
Table 3. Principal component analysis of geothermal water based on SPSS
离子类型 砂岩热储地热水 岩溶热储地热水 1 2 3 1 2 3 K+ 0.461 0.881 −0.107 −0.815 0.000 0.579 Na+ 0.945 0.281 0.165 −0.863 0.501 0.059 Ca2+ 0.716 −0.664 −0.216 0.955 0.285 0.082 Mg2+ 0.980 0.116 −0.164 0.989 −0.088 0.119 Cl− 0.961 0.033 −0.276 0.657 0.747 0.103 ${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-}$ 0.569 −0.385 0.726 0.790 −0.574 0.213 ${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-}$ 0.940 0.314 0.130 0.991 −0.010 −0.137 矿化度 0.995 0.053 0.090 0.745 0.663 0.080 pH −0.652 0.722 0.231 −0.940 0.291 −0.178 表 4 基于PHREEQC反向水文地球化学模拟
Table 4. Reverse hydrogeochemical simulation based on PHREEQC
矿物组分 地下水渗流路径 砂岩热储 岩溶热储 方解石CaCO3 3.878×10−4 −2.966×10−2 白云石CaMg(CO3)2 1.129×10−3 6.739×10−2 岩盐NaCl 2.389×10−3 −1.243 石膏CaSO4·2H2O 2.297×10−3 4.543×10−1 钾长石KAlSi3O8 8.452×10−3 伊利石K0.65{Al2[Al0.65Si3.35O10](OH)2} 3.796×10−2 表 5 砂岩和岩溶热储地热水氢氧同位素数据表
Table 5. Hydrogen and oxygen isotope data of geothermal water in sandstone and karst reservoirs
热储层位 取样点 地面高程/m δD-2H/‰ δ18O/‰ 新近系馆陶组
砂岩热储无棣 5.0 −73.0 −9.2 乐陵 22.0 −70.0 −8.5 乐陵 22.3 −67.0 −9.2 宁津 17.0 −73.0 −8.7 庆云 10.0 −71.0 −8.5 寒武-奥陶系
岩溶热储德州 19.0 −77.3 −10.6 宁津 20.0 −75.0 −9.5 宁津 17.0 −75.0 −9.7 乐陵 19.0 −80.3 −9.9 宁津 22.0 −80.6 −9.6 表 6 地热水水温及热储温度
Table 6. Geothermal water temperature and thermal reservoir temperature
热储层 井口水温/ ℃ 热储温度/℃ 新近系馆陶组砂岩热储 50~58 66 寒武系-奥陶系岩溶热储 65~70 72 表 7 地热储层地温梯度及地热水循环深度
Table 7. Geothermal gradient and depth of geothermal water circulation of geothermal reservoir
热储层 地温梯度/℃·hm−1 循环深度/m 新近系馆陶组砂岩热储 3.70 1 420 寒武系−奥陶系岩溶热储 3.23 1 795 表 8 地热气体中N2-Ar-He比值
Table 8. N2-Ar-He ratio in geothermal gas
热储层 N2/Ar N2/He 新近系馆陶组砂岩热储 70.49 61.12 寒武系−奥陶系岩溶热储 57.67 72.33 表 9 地热气体中He同位素组成及特征
Table 9. Composition and characteristics of He isotopes in geothermal gas
热储层 R/Ra 3He/4He(10−7) 4He/20Ne He(10−6) 新近系馆陶组
砂岩热储0.27 3.73 837 15 957 寒武系−奥陶系
岩溶热储0.37 5.17 886 12 997 表 10 地热气体中CO2同位素组成及特征
Table 10. Composition and characteristics of CO2 isotopes in geothermal gas
热储层 R/Ra 3He/4He(10−7) 4He/20Ne He(10−6) δ13${\rm{C}}_{\rm{CO_2}} $(‰) 新近系馆陶组砂岩热储 0.27 3.730 837 15 957 −15.3 寒武系−奥陶系岩溶热储 0.37 5.167 886 12 997 −17.8 -
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