A study on the groundwater recharge range of Baotu Spring based on wavelet analysis
摘要: 为查明济南趵突泉地下水补给范围以及市区、西郊对趵突泉的补给范围所占比例,选取2010—2020年趵突泉泉域20个地下水长期监测点的岩溶水位数据,采用交叉小波变换的方法对地下水位与降水量的时滞进行分析,并结合泉水的功能分区对趵突泉地下水补给范围进行探讨,计算市区、西郊对趵突泉的补给范围所占比例。结果表明:(1)随着地下水径流长度的增加,地下水位对降水时滞呈现增大的趋势,从78.58 d增大至129.22 d,济南西郊的时滞变化梯度大于济南市区;(2)玉符河下游地下水补给范围大,径流路径长,河流沿线地下水位对降水量的时滞大于两侧;刘长山−郎茂山−万灵山一带地下水径流路径较短,岩溶富水性较差,地下水位对降水量的时滞小于两侧;济南市区与西郊地下水存在水力联系;(3)选取趵突泉水位与降水量的时滞等值线为趵突泉补给范围的北边界,东边界为东坞断裂,西边界为马山断裂,南边界为地表分水岭,趵突泉的补给范围为1 390.54 km2。(4)济南西郊对趵突泉的补给范围为1 133.09 km2,市区对趵突泉的补给范围为257.45 km2,西郊和市区对趵突泉的补给范围面积比值为4.4∶1。Abstract:
As a famous "spring city", karst groundwater used to be the main source of water supply in Jinan City. However, with the acceleration of urbanization and the rapid increase of population, the pressure on urban water supply has increased, and hence the contradiction between supply and demand has become increasingly prominent. This situation will aggravate the over-exploitation of karst groundwater, resulting in a substantial decline in the karst groundwater level and outflow of Baotu Spring. How to deal with the contradiction between the continuous gushing of spring water and the citizens' demand for drinking high-quality underground water has always been an important issue of general concern to the Jinan Municipal Government and the general public. In recent years, Jinan City has successively adopted measures such as groundwater recharge and reducing groundwater exploitation to maintain the gushing of Baotu Spring, but the situation of keeping the springs gushing in the dry season is still severe. Scholars at home and abroad have conducted many studies on the formation mechanism, supply channels, dynamic characteristics, and influencing factors of Baotu Spring. However, there is still a lack of research on the groundwater recharge range of Baotu Spring, and on the proportion of urban and western suburbs to Baotu Spring's recharge, which has affected Jinan's scientific conservation of springs and rational development and utilization of groundwater resources. In order to find out the groundwater recharge range of Baotu Spring in Jinan City and the proportion of the recharge range of Baotu Spring in urban and western suburbs, this study selects the data on karst water levels from 20 long-term groundwater monitoring points in Baotu Spring area from 2010 to 2020 as well as the precipitation data of the same period, and analyzes the time lag of the groundwater level to the precipitation by using the method of cross wavelet transform. According to the hydrogeological conditions and the functional division of spring water, the groundwater recharge range of Baotu Spring is discussed, and the proportion of the groundwater recharge range of Baotu Spring in the urban and western suburbs is calculated. The results show that, (1) From the direct recharge area to the exposed area of confluence in the Baotu Spring area, with the rise of the length of groundwater runoff, the time lag of groundwater level to precipitation shows an increasing trend from 78.58 days to 129.22 days. The time lag gradient in the western suburb of Jinan City is larger than that in the urban area, with the time lag gradient decreasing gradually, and then tending to be stable. (2) A large area of groundwater recharge is distributed in the lower reaches of the Yufu river, with the characteristics of relatively flat terrain, slow surface runoff, strong rainfall infiltration capacity, slow groundwater flow velocity, and long runoff path, so the time lag of groundwater level to precipitation along the river is greater than that on both sides. The area of Liuchang mountain-Langmao mountain-Wanling mountain is a local surface watershed, with fast surface runoff, weak rainfall infiltration capacity, and relatively fast groundwater flow. Therefore, the time lag of the groundwater level to the precipitation in this section is smaller than that on both sides, and there is a hydraulic connection between the urban area and the western suburb of Jinan City. (3) The time lag contour of Baotu Spring water level to precipitation (107.30 days) is taken as the northern boundary of the Baotu Spring recharge range; the eastern boundary is the Dongwu fault; the western boundary is the Mashan fault; the southern boundary is the surface watershed. The groundwater recharge range of Baotu Spring is 1,390.54 km2. (4) The area of Liuchang mountain-Langmao mountain-Wanling mountain is taken as the dividing line between the urban area and the western suburb of Jinan City, and the indirect recharge area of the spring is divided according to the surface water catchment. It is calculated that the recharge range of Baotu Spring in the western suburb is 1,133.09 km2, and the recharge range of Baotu Spring in the urban area is 257.45 km2, with a ratio of 4.4∶1 between the two recharge ranges. The supply of groundwater in the western suburb of Jinan has played a strong role in supporting the continuous gushing of Baotu Spring. Since the karst water system is a complex dynamic system, the response time lag of groundwater level to precipitation is affected by factors such as precipitation seasonality and human activities. Later on, the recharge range of Baotu Spring can be refined and verified by a smaller time scale, or from the perspective of water chemistry. -
Key words:
- Baotu Spring /
- groundwater recharge range /
- groundwater level dynamic /
- wavelet analysis
表 1 监测点水位平均值、最小值、最大值
Table 1. Mean/min./max. values of groundwater levels from observation points
点号 水位观测时段 平均值/m 点号 水位观测时段 平均值/m J1 2010.01—2020.12 31.12 J11 2010.01—2020.12 30.59 J2 2010.01—2020.12 31.58 J12 2010.01—2020.12 32.57 J3 2010.01—2020.12 30.58 J13 2011.01—2014.12 51.81 J4 2010.01—2020.12 32.03 J14 2011.01—2020.12 30.56 J5 2010.01—2016.12 30.66 J15 2012.01—2019.12 84.21 J6 2010.01—2019.12 31.08 J16 2010.01—2020.12 28.53 J7 2010.01—2020.12 36.36 J17 2010.01—2018.12 120.49 J8 2010.01—2020.12 29.57 J18 2010.01—2015.12 19.96 J9 2010.01—2020.12 29.64 J19 2010.01—2012.12 27.87 J10 2010.01—2020.12 31.65 J20 2016.01—2019.12 146.75 表 2 降水量与地下水位交叉小波变换统计表
Table 2. Statistics of cross-wavelet transform of precipitation and groundwater level
点组 变换时段 交叉相位角/rad 时滞/d 点组 变换时段 交叉相位角/rad 时滞/d P-J1 2010.01—2020.12 2.090 0±0.033 2 116.63 P-J11 2010.01—2020.12 1.923 6±0.037 8 107.35 P-J2 2010.01—2020.12 2.091 1±0.037 6 116.69 P-J12 2010.01—2020.12 2.083 0±0.029 7 116.24 P-J3 2010.01—2020.12 2.099 5±0.040 9 117.16 P-J13 2011.01—2014.12 2.046 5±0.034 0 114.20 P-J4 2010.01—2020.12 2.042 0±0.052 5 113.95 P-J14 2011.01—2020.12 1.610 2±0.052 5 89.86 P-J5 2010.01—2016.12 2.178 1±0.077 9 121.55 P-J15 2012.01—2019.12 1.450 6±0.078 0 80.95 P-J6 2010.01—2019.12 2.188 3±0.050 2 122.11 P-J16 2010.01—2020.12 1.922 8±0.026 0 107.30 P-J7 2010.01—2020.12 1.408 2±0.083 2 78.58 P-J17 2010.01—2018.12 1.866 9±0.186 0 104.18 P-J8 2010.01—2020.12 2.315 6±0.051 9 129.22 P-J18 2010.01—2015.12 2.038 4±0.063 4 113.75 P-J9 2010.01—2020.12 2.026 4±0.035 3 113.08 P-J19 2010.01—2012.12 1.920 6±0.119 5 107.18 P-J10 2010.01—2020.12 2.040 9±0.075 4 113.89 P-J20 2016.01—2019.12 1.542 8±0.063 2 86.10 -
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