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刘玉想 卢茜茜 刘媛媛 王少娟 丁冠涛 韩昱

刘玉想,卢茜茜,刘媛媛,等. 章丘百脉泉群核心出露区水文地质特征及敏感保护区划分[J]. 中国岩溶,2023,42(5):1027-1036 doi: 10.11932/karst20230511
引用本文: 刘玉想,卢茜茜,刘媛媛,等. 章丘百脉泉群核心出露区水文地质特征及敏感保护区划分[J]. 中国岩溶,2023,42(5):1027-1036 doi: 10.11932/karst20230511
LIU Yuxiang, LU Qianqian, LIU Yuanyuan, WANG Shaojuan, DING Guantao, HAN Yu. Hydrochemical characteristics and delimitation of sensitive protection area in the exposed area of Baimai spring group in Zhangqiu[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 42(5): 1027-1036. doi: 10.11932/karst20230511
Citation: LIU Yuxiang, LU Qianqian, LIU Yuanyuan, WANG Shaojuan, DING Guantao, HAN Yu. Hydrochemical characteristics and delimitation of sensitive protection area in the exposed area of Baimai spring group in Zhangqiu[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 42(5): 1027-1036. doi: 10.11932/karst20230511


doi: 10.11932/karst20230511
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(42272288)




  • 中图分类号: P641.8

Hydrochemical characteristics and delimitation of sensitive protection area in the exposed area of Baimai spring group in Zhangqiu

  • 摘要: 为了查清章丘百脉泉出露区浅部微观地质条件及其与泉水的关系,通过物探、钻探、水位观测等多种手段,查明断裂构造发育特征,刻画泉水出露区浅部地层结构,分析出露区泉水喷涌主要影响因素,划分敏感保护区范围。结果表明:出露区断裂构造极为发育,共发育5条断层、1个破碎带,为岩溶水上涌提供了通道;卵砾石层在断裂两侧普遍发育,呈现中间厚向两侧变薄并逐渐尖灭的特征,卵砾石层为泉水上涌后提供了赋存空间,在埋藏较浅处涌出成泉。出露区影响泉水喷涌的主要因素为断裂构造的控制作用和卵砾石层的连通、透水作用。综合断裂构造和卵砾石层的发育厚度划分了敏感区和较敏感区,面积分别为0.78 km2和0.67 km2


  • 图  1  百脉泉泉域水文地质略图

    Figure  1.  Hydrogeological sketch of Baimai spring area

    图  2  泉水成因示意图

    Figure  2.  Schematic diagram of spring origin

    图  3  工作部署图

    Figure  3.  Work deployment diagram

    图  4  物探解疑断成果及地质剖面图

    Figure  4.  Results of geophysical prospecting and geological profile

    图  5  百脉泉泉群出露区浅部地层结构剖面图

    1-第四系 2-石炭二叠系 3-填土 4-粉质黏土 5-卵砾石 6-灰岩 7-砂岩 8-泥岩 9-断裂

    Figure  5.  Profile of shallow stratigraphic structure in the exposed area of Baimai spring group

    1- Quaternary system 2- Permo-Carboniferous system 3- Filled earth 4- Silty clay 5- Gravel 6- Limestone 7- Sandstone 8- Mudstone 9- Fracture

    图  6  百脉泉泉群出露区第四系及卵砾石层分布图

    1-控制点 2-第四系厚度等值线 3-卵砾石层厚度等值线 4-卵砾石层分布区 5-泉群出露区 6-泉水

    Figure  6.  Distribution of Quaternary and gravel layer in the exposed area of Baimai spring group

    1- Controlling point 2- Quaternary thickness contour 3- Contour of gravel layer thickness 4- Distribution zone of gravel layer 5- The exposed area of spring group 6- Spring water

    图  7  敏感保护区划分图

    1-较敏感保护区 2-敏感保护区 3-0 m卵砾石层厚度等值线 4-断层 5-泉群核心出露区 6-泉水

    Figure  7.  Delimitation of sensitive protection areas

    1- Relatively sensitive protection areas 2- Sensitive protection areas 3- Contour of gravel layer thickness at 0 m 4- Fault 5- The core exposed area of spring group 6- Spring water

    表  1  物探解疑构造及破碎带

    Table  1.   Geophysical exploration and interpretation of structures and fractured zones

    F2350°SW80°发育深度910 m,宽度150 m左右,垂直断距50 m与明水断裂属同一条
    F3355°SW80°发育深度930 m,北部宽度100 m左右,
    南部宽度可达150 m,断距约20 m
    F4345°NE75°工作区内发育880 m,垂直断距50 m新解疑次级断裂
    破碎带北西NE面积约41 380 m2新解疑破碎带
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  • 收稿日期:  2023-04-20
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