Study on the zoning of karst development in the Jiaodong Peninsula: Take the Zhongqiao area of Yantai City as an example
摘要: 中桥位于胶东半岛东部臧家庄盆地,是胶东地区典型灰岩分布区,区内岩溶较发育并已多次发生岩溶塌陷地质灾害。为查明中桥岩溶发育分布特征、发育程度及分布规律,为下一步中桥岩溶塌陷地质灾害治理提供依据,采用岩溶地质调查、地球物理勘探、地质钻探、抽水试验等综合研究,查明该地区可溶岩地层主要为蓬莱群香夼组两段灰岩,分布类型有裸露型、覆盖型和埋藏型;岩溶发育形态以开放式溶隙、溶洞为主,少部分地区发育溶孔;岩溶发育程度与地层纯度、岩溶裂隙含水岩组富水性强弱、溶隙率与溶洞率的高低呈正相关;采用层次分析法将研究区岩溶发育程度划分为发育区、较发育区、中等发育区、弱发育区和不发育区五个等级,研究结果为中桥地区岩溶塌陷地质灾害预防与治理提供地质依据。Abstract:
Karst is developed in all provinces of China. In Shandong Province, karst is mainly developed in its southwest part, and is sporadically distributed in the Jiaodong area. Particularly, the typical development area is located in the Zhongqiao area of Yantai City—the eastern part of the Jiaodong Peninsula in Zangjiazhuang basin whose overall terrain is high at peripheral edge and low in the middle. There are four distinct seasons in the Zhongqiao area with the annual precipitation mainly concentrating in June and July. Three seasonal rivers—the Baiyang river, the Yandi river and the Shandong river—run through the whole area. With large areas of Quaternary, Cretaceous and Sinian strata exposed as well as fault structures developed, this area presents a simple geological condition, typically distributed with limestone. According to the different burial conditions, the karst area can be divided into three types: exposed karst area, covered karst area and buried karst area. There is a wide distribution of soluble rocks in this area, where karst is developed in three forms, namely, dissolved pores, dissolved cracks and karst caves. However, the irregular development of underground karst fractures leads to the relatively large difference in the abundance of karst underground water. Consequently, there have been many geological disasters of karst collapse usually occurring at a small scale after heavy rainfall in the history of the Zhongqiao area. These collapses caused certain losses to the local economy, though with no casualties. In order to find out the distribution, degree and law of karst development in the Zhongqiao area, we have carried out a comprehensive study on the karst collapse according to geological environment survey, geophysical exploration, geological drilling, pumping testing, etc. Results of geological survey and geological drilling show that soluble rock strata in the study area are mainly made up of two limestone sections of Xiangkuang Formation of Penglai Group. The distribution of three burial types and the characteristics of karst development have also been identified. Results of geophysical exploration and geological drilling demonstrate the distribution of karst strata in the study area. Meanwhile, the distribution range, development characteristics and changes of developmental depths of dissolved pores, caves and dissolved cracks have been investigated. It is found that this area is mainly composed of the north-east fault structure. Results of geological drilling and pumping testing indicate the groundwater flow direction and the distribution characteristics of karst underground water abundance, with the maximum water inflow per well greater than 3,000 m3·d−1. The degree of karst development is positively correlated with the variables such as the purity of karst strata, the water abundance of water bearing rock group in karst fissure, the distribution of anomalous points in geophysical exploration, and the level of dissolved crack ratio and cave ratio. From five evaluation factors including karst formation, water abundance, apparent resistivity, the ratio of borehole to karst and the ratio of borehole to cave, we used analytic hierarchy process to divide the karst degree in the 60 m zone and divided the degree into five grades, karst development zone, the zone with karst development at a relatively high level, the zone with karst development at a medium level, the zone with karst development at a low level and the zone with undeveloped karst. With the decline of these five grades of karst degree, both the purity of karst strata and the water abundance decrease successively, whereas the apparent resistivity, the ratio of borehole to karst and the ratio of borehole to cave all increase gradually. The distribution range of each karst degree is successively distributed without overlap. The probability of karst collapses is as follows, karst development area>the zone with karst development at a relatively high level>the zone with karst development at a medium level>the zone with karst development at a low level>the zone with undeveloped karst. Collapses mainly concentrate in the karst development area. The degree of karst development is the basic condition of karst collapse; therefore, finding out the distribution, degree and law of karst development in the Zhongqiao area may provide a geological basis for the prevention and control of geological disasters of karst collapse, and guarantee the normal life of local residents and effective operation of enterprises. The study result may also provide a basis for further research on the distribution, degree and law of karst development in the Jiaodong area. -
表 1 研究区地层简表
Table 1. Summary of strata in the study area
年代地层 岩石地层 界 系 统 群 组 段 新生界 第四系 全新统 沂河组
山前组中生界 白垩系 下白垩统 青山群 石前庄组
八亩地组新元古界 震旦系 下震旦统 蓬莱群 香夼组 二段
一段南庄组 三段 古元古界 滹沱系 荆山群 禄格庄组 表 2 研究区岩溶塌陷点情况表
Table 2. Situation of karst collapse points in the study area
编号 覆盖层厚度/m 覆盖层结构 岩溶地层岩性 钻孔揭露溶洞埋深/m/层数 溶洞充填情况 TX1 27.5 多层 厚层灰岩 27.2~52.8/2 无充填 TX2 10.5 多层 厚层灰岩 28.0~40.0/1 粉质黏土充填 TX3 11.7 多层 厚层灰岩 32.8~58.6/5 无充填 TX4 10.0 多层 厚层灰岩 22.0~44.5/3 含砾粗砂充填 TX5 14.7 多层 厚层灰岩 12.6~55.4/8 无充填 TX6 12.5 多层 厚层灰岩 34.9~64.3/2 无充填 TX7 27.0 多层 厚层灰岩 28.6~63.3/5 无充填 TX8 22.5 多层 厚层灰岩 44.5~55.0/1 无充填 TX9 25.4 多层 厚层灰岩 31.5~35.0/1 含砾粉质黏土半充填 TX10 14.6 多层 厚层灰岩 —— —— TX11 28.0 多层 厚层灰岩 —— —— TX12 11.7 多层 厚层灰岩 32.8~58.6/5 无充填 TX13 14.6 单层 厚层灰岩 —— —— TX14 14.2 单层 厚层灰岩 —— —— TX15 13.5 多层 厚层灰岩 —— —— 表 3 岩溶发育程度分级表
Table 3. Classification of karst development degree
表 4 研究区新发生岩溶塌陷点情况表
Table 4. Situation of newly occurred karst collapse points in the study area
编号 岩溶地层岩性 富水性(涌水量/m3·d−1) 视电阻率/Ω·m 钻孔岩溶率/% 钻孔遇洞率/% TX13 厚层灰岩 3 000~5 000 12~25 13.5 —— TX14 厚层灰岩 3 000~5 000 25~45 13.5 —— TX15 厚层灰岩 3 000~5 000 20~40 52.9 18.2 -
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