Research on genetic types and flow system characteristics of wetland in karst fault basin, China
摘要: 云南断陷盆地岩溶湿地众多,是云南高原生态系统的重要组成部分,但因各种原因,造成湖泊淤积、水面面积缩小以至消亡,滇东地区的湖泊退化较为明显,近30年内有20多个天然湖泊过早消亡。文章开展滇东岩溶断陷盆地内具有代表性的通海湖泊退化型(杞麓湖湿地)、泸西地下水聚积型(黄草州湿地)、宣威地下河淤塞型(格宜串珠状湿地)三种类型典型岩溶湿地研究,主要研究湿地的成因类型及特征、湿地“三场”(径流场、水化学场、温度场)特征,分析岩溶断陷盆地内天然形成的湿地地质条件、水文地质条件、水环境影响因素及定量评价水环境质,以及岩溶湿地自然及人为影响因素、影响形式、作用强度、效应和水源减小、污染加剧、水质下降、湿地萎缩等及其生态环境问题。研究结果表明,通海湖泊退化型(杞麓湖湿地)受人为和自然因素影响较大,水质水量是其退化的主要原因;泸西地下水聚积型(黄草州湿地)受湿地内地下补给、净化、修复,水质总体较好;宣威地下河淤塞型(格宜串珠状湿地)受区域地下水水位变化影响,地下水总体丰富。文章研究成果为岩溶断陷盆地湿地的保护、科学研究、利用、生态修复提供地质依据。Abstract:
As an important part of the ecosystem of Yunnan Plateau, karst wetlands are widely distributed in Yunnan fault basin. However, due to various reasons, lakes are silted up; the water surface area shrinks and even disappears. Lakes in eastern Yunnan are degraded significantly, and more than 20 natural lakes have prematurely disappeared in the past 30 years. In this paper, three typical types of karst wetland in the karst fault basins in eastern Yunnan are studied. These types are Tonghai lake degradation type (Qiluhu wetland), Luxi groundwater accumulation type (Huangcaozhou wetland) and Xuanwei underground river silting type (Geyi beaded wetland). Tonghai Qiluhu karst depression basin is located in the central part of Yunnan Province. It is a karst depression basin developed in the front arc of Yunnan mountain structure. The basin is a closed lake basin with a bottom length of about 22 km, a width of 9 km and a catchwater area of 345.95 km2. The drainage basin of Luxi karst fault basin is located in the marginal slope area of southeast Yunnan Plateau, covering an area of 1,009.28 km2. The bottom of the basin is distributed to the northeast in an irregular oval shape, with a longitudinal length of 16-20 km and a transverse width of 4-5 km. The overall terrain is high in the east and low in the west, and high in the north and low in the south. Xuanwei Geyi karst fault basin belongs to Beipanjiang third-level basin, Gexianghe fourth-level basin, and fifth-level Tianbian underground river system. The whole Tianbian underground river system is divided into a four-level discharge datum. One is Geyi Dalongtan on the edge of Rongqiu Depression, and the other is the beaded lake in Rongqiu Depression around Geyi town. The third is the bottom discharge of the Wujia family depression, and the fourth is the final discharge of the Gexiang river, with a watershed area of 160.82 km2. The research contents include the genetic types and characteristics of wetlands, and the characteristics of "three fields" (runoff field, hydrochemical field and temperature field) of wetlands. The geological conditions, hydrogeological conditions and influencing factors of water environment of naturally formed wetland in karst fault basin are analyzed and the quality of water environment is quantitatively evaluated. The natural and human influencing factors, forms, intensity and effects of karst wetland, water source reduction, pollution intensification, water quality decline, wetland atrophy and ecological environment problems are also analyzed. The research results indicate that the karst characteristics of the three types of karst fault basin wetlands are relatively similar, with frequent transformation of surface and groundwater, both of which take underground karst pipelines as the medium for transformation channels. Wetlands are discharge areas and also runoff areas that supply the outlet of underground rivers. All of the three types of wetlands are discharged to surface rivers through developed karst pipes. The lake degradation type (Qilu lake) collects surface water lakes at the bottom of the basin from the whole basin; the groundwater accumulation type (Huangcaozhou) is located in the area at shallow water level in the middle of the basin, and pore water and karst water are also recharge sources of wetlands. For the underground river silting type, the karst pipe blockage in the early groundwater runoff channel changes to the present karst fracture runoff, due to the topography of peak-cluster depression. Second, the wetland of lake degradation type (Qilu lake) covers a large area, which is greatly affected by natural and human factors. It is discharged by floods during the rainy season, and is used to irrigate during the dry season. Its severe water pollution is difficult to control with degradation of water quality and quantity. The groundwater accumulation type (Huangcaozhou) is controlled by the groundwater recharge of the upper spring, the underground river and the wetland itself, and the water quality is generally good. Although underground river of the silting type (Geyi beaded wetland) is affected by regional groundwater and human activities, the groundwater is generally abundant and relatively high in quality because the local population is relatively small with little impact. Thirdly, three types of water system structures are studied in terms of the characteristics of supplementation and drainage. The flow system structure of of Qiluhu degraded wetland in Tonghai is, surface collection→karst pipe drainage. The flow system structure of groundwater accumulation wetland in Huangcaozhou of Luxi is: surface runoff+underground seepage→surface runoff→karst pipe discharge. The flow system structure of Xuanweigeyi beaded wetland is, underground fissure seepage→spring drainage→karst pipe drainage. The study findings suggest that we should protect and utilize wetland resources, and carry out long-term monitoring of wetland quality, water quantity and water level. We should protect wetlands and restore water environment by water transfer and physicochemical and biological measures. We should carry out afforestation and shrub planting around wetland to beautify wetland environment and conserve water source. We should improve farming patterns and use green pesticides. This study will provide a geological basis for the protection, scientific research, utilization and ecological restoration of wetlands in karst fault basins. -
图 2 通海盆地流域水文地质图
1-纯碳酸盐岩类岩溶水 2-不纯碳酸盐岩类岩溶水 3-基岩裂隙水 4-松散岩类孔隙水 5-实测及推测断层 6-实测及推测逆断层 7-推测充水断层 8-岩组类型界线 9-地层代号 10-地层产状 11-下降泉,流量(L·s−1) 12-上升泉,流量(L·s−1) 13-下降泉群,流量(L·s−1) 14-上升泉群,流量(L·s−1) 15-暗河及出口中,流量(L·s−1) 16-充水落水洞 17-无水落水洞 18-无水岩溶漏斗 19-地下水流向 20-流域边界 21-调蓄水隧道工程
Figure 2. Hydrogeological map of the watershed of Tonghai basin
表 1 断陷盆地地质环境特征
Table 1. Characteristics of geological environment of fault basins
陷盆地湿地类型 形态规模 地形地貌 主要含水层 主要构造 岩溶发
育程度湿地规模 通海
盆地杞麓湖湖泊退化型 半月形,呈近东西向,流域面积345.95 km2,盆底面积153.39 km2 盆地四周侵蚀、溶蚀低中山地貌,海拔1 900~2 200 m,坡度20°~30° 二叠系(P)、泥盆系(D)、震旦系(Z)厚层状灰岩、白云岩,多呈块状分布于盆地南部,富水性强 断裂构造为北东及北西向,多为张扭性断层,具有一定的导水富水
作用岩溶发育中等 杞麓湖形似葫芦,东西长15 km,南北宽5 km,湖水面积42.3 km2,占盆地面积的11.95%,最大水深15 m,平均水深4 m,蓄水量约1.94×108 m3 泸西
盆地黄草州地下水聚积型 椭圆形,呈北东向,流域面积,1 009.28 km2,盆底面积78.1 km2 盆地四周侵蚀、溶蚀低中山地貌,海波1 700~2 100 m,坡度20°~45° 三叠系永宁镇组下段(T1ya)、三叠系个旧组 (T2g)、法朗组下段(T2fa)灰岩、白云岩,富水性强 构造以北东和北东东向的断裂和褶皱为主。主要发育雨龙断裂、
山背斜岩溶发育强烈 黄草洲湿地目前面积0.26 km2,水平水深1.5 m,最深处可达5 m 宣威格宜洼地 格宜串珠状湿地地下河淤塞型 圆形和不规则型,呈南北向,流域面积160.82 km2 微地貌属溶丘洼地,海拔 1 940~1 950 m,坡度一般小于25° 二叠系阳新组(P2y3)灰岩、白云质灰岩、白云岩、泥质灰岩,富水
性强。格宜向斜构造 岩溶发育强烈 5个溶塘(启文湖、酒厂湖泊、格宜二中湖泊、文渊阁湖泊、崇明湖),呈“⊥”,呈北东—南西向和北西向串珠状分布,面积小于0.01 km2,水深0.6~2.14 m 表 2 湿地水文参数监测表
Table 2. Monitoring table of wetland water parameters
湿地名称 月份 水温/℃ pH 氧化还原/MV 电导率/μ·sm−1 O2/mg·L−1 溶解性总固体/×10−3 水位/m 流量/L·s−1 杞麓湖
湿地3月 18.99 8.87 −113.59 1003.73 8.80 2.15 6月 24.30 8.18 −98.05 1015.54 8.16 675.35 2.46 9月 25.94 8.95 −95.89 911.67 8.83 1.55 12月 15.26 8.90 −108.98 679.28 9.39 577.91 1.25 黄草洲
湿地3月 18.82 7.94 −56.00 420.83 6.36 0.97 619.35 6月 24.45 7.70 −69.38 405.00 7.55 267.86 1.10 612.77 9月 24.97 8.47 −67.88 395.33 9.32 1.12 619.70 12月 16.37 8.74 −99.49 351.72 10.96 274.48 1.12 626.48 格宜串珠
状湿地3月 18.96 8.45 −83.01 343.71 6.09 6月 21.86 7.87 −79.18 326.01 6.13 227.40 9月 21.33 8.87 −138.24 312.38 7.43 12月 10.91 8.42 −168.25 244.50 9.06 216.85 -
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