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孟杰 林志斌 林培忠

孟 杰,林志斌,林培忠. 应力−渗流−损伤耦合作用下管道型岩溶隧道突水灾变规律研究[J]. 中国岩溶,2023,42(2):351-360 doi: 10.11932/karst20230206
引用本文: 孟 杰,林志斌,林培忠. 应力−渗流−损伤耦合作用下管道型岩溶隧道突水灾变规律研究[J]. 中国岩溶,2023,42(2):351-360 doi: 10.11932/karst20230206
MENG Jie, LIN Zhibin, LIN Peizhong. Research on the law of water inrush disasters in pipeline-type karst tunnels under the coupling effect of stress-seepage-damage[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 42(2): 351-360. doi: 10.11932/karst20230206
Citation: MENG Jie, LIN Zhibin, LIN Peizhong. Research on the law of water inrush disasters in pipeline-type karst tunnels under the coupling effect of stress-seepage-damage[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 42(2): 351-360. doi: 10.11932/karst20230206


doi: 10.11932/karst20230206
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(52178388);安全学科"双一流"创建工程项目(AQ20230734)




  • 中图分类号: U456

Research on the law of water inrush disasters in pipeline-type karst tunnels under the coupling effect of stress-seepage-damage

  • 摘要: 为研究管道型岩溶隧道的突水灾变规律,以毕节市大寨隧道为工程背景,考虑围岩的应力−渗流−损伤耦合作用,采用FLAC 3D对管道型岩溶隧道掘进过程中围岩位移、塑性区、渗透系数以及涌水量变化规律展开数值模拟研究,在此基础上了对比分析了无岩溶管道以及不同岩溶水压对隧道突水灾变特征的影响。数值模拟结果表明:(1)隧道掌子面距岩溶管道4 m以上时,隧道围岩稳定性良好,而隧道开挖一旦全部揭露岩溶管道,则管道内充填岩体会逐渐塑性屈服并发生整体滑移失稳,导致隧道出现突水突泥事故,这与实际工程状况保持一致。(2)管道型岩溶隧道掘进过程中的涌水量大致呈“S型曲线”变化,表现出很强的突发性和较大的体量性;(3)溶洞承压水通过岩溶管道向隧道内发生突水存在一个启动压力,只有超过这个启动压力,隧道才会发生突水突泥事故,且其突水量与岩溶水压呈现出明显的指数递增关系。


  • 图  1  岩溶管道与隧道相对位置示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of relative positions of karst pipeline and tunnel

    图  2  管道型岩溶隧道掘进数值模拟模型

    Figure  2.  Numerical simulation model of the tunneling of pipeline-type karst tunnel

    图  3  管道型隧道掘进过程中表面围岩最大位移变化曲线

    Figure  3.  The maximum displacement curve of the surface surrounding rock during the tunneling process

    图  4  管道型隧道掘进过程中剖面A处围岩的位移变化图

    Figure  4.  Diagram of displacement change of surrounding rock at section A during the tunnelling process

    图  5  管道型隧道掘进过程中剖面A处围岩塑性区变化图

    Figure  5.  Diagram of plastic zone change of surrounding rock at section A during the tunneling process

    图  6  管道型隧道掘进过程中剖面A处围岩的渗透系数变化图

    Figure  6.  Diagram of permeability change of surrounding rock at section A during the tunneling process

    图  7  管道型隧道掘进过程隧道内涌水量的变化曲线

    Figure  7.  Variation curve of water inflow in the tunnel during the tunneling process

    图  8  无岩溶管道下剖面A处围岩在隧道开挖通过后的位移以及渗透系数分布图

    Figure  8.  Distribution of displacement and permeability coefficient of surrounding rock at section A after tunnel excavation without karst pipeline

    图  9  无岩溶管道下隧道涌水量的变化曲线

    Figure  9.  Variation curve of tunnel water inflow without karst pipeline

    图  10  不同岩溶水压条件下剖面处围岩在隧道开挖通过后的位移分布图

    Figure  10.  Displacement distribution of surrounding rock after tunnel excavation under different karst water pressures

    图  11  不 同岩溶水压条件下剖面处围岩在隧道开挖通过后的渗透系数分布图

    Figure  11.  Distribution of permeability coefficient of surrounding rock at the profile after tunnel excavation under different karst water pressures

    图  12  不同岩溶水压条件下隧道的涌水量变化曲线

    Figure  12.  Variation curve of tunnel water inflow under different karst water pressures

    图  13  隧道最大涌水量随岩溶水压的变化曲线

    Figure  13.  Variation curve of maximum water inflow with karst water pressures in the tunnel

    表  1  岩溶隧道周边岩体的力学与渗透参数

    Table  1.   Mechanical and permeability parameters of rock mass around karst tunnel

    Ⅳ级围岩3 0006000.280.50.1330.30.182.0×10−72005.0
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