Water quality analysis and evaluation of irrigation applicability in Nandong underground river basin, Southwest China
摘要: 为查明云南南洞地下河流域水质特征和农业灌溉适用性,分别在雨季和旱季共采集32组地表河水样和24组地下河水样,进行12种常规指标和9种金属元素检测。利用内梅罗综合指数法进行水质评价,利用钠含量法(SC)、钠吸附比法(SAR)、残余碳酸钠法(RSC)和渗透指数法(PI)揭示雨季和旱季水体的农业灌溉适用性。结果显示,区内水体主要呈弱碱性,Ca2+和
${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-}$ 为主导型离子。地表河水,常规指标仅NH$_4^{+}$ 含量超过我国相关水质标准限值,金属元素Al、Pb、Mn和As含量超标,旱季超标率总体高于雨季。地下河水的金属元素Al、Pb、Zn、Cr、Mn和As含量超标,雨季超标率总体高于旱季。工矿业活动排放和裸露型岩溶水文地质是导致水体金属元素含量超标的重要原因。据水质评价结果,区内水质整体较好,旱季和雨季水质处于良好及以上级别分别占比89.29%和85.71%。灌溉适用性评价结果显示,区内水体灌溉适用性整体较好,仅在旱季地表河水As含量(54.70 μg·L−1)高于农田灌溉水质标准中蔬菜和水作标准限值,不适合周边蔬菜和稻田的灌溉。Abstract: The karst surface water and groundwater of Nandong underground river basin are vital water sources for agricultural and industrial production, and lives of residents in Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan, Southwest China. With a growing public awareness of water environment and water safety, the evaluation of karst water quality and irrigation applicability especially in agricultural regions is becoming increasingly necessary. In this study, 32 samples of karst surface river water and 24 samples of underground river water were collected from Nandong underground river basin during dry and rainy seasons. 11 inorganic regular ions (i.e., K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl−,${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-}$ ,${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-}$ ,${\rm{NO}}_3^{-}$ , NO$_2^{−}$ , NH$_4^{+}$ , and F−) and 9 heavy metals (i.e., Al, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cr, Cd, Ni, Mn, and As) were analyzed in these samples to investigate the water quality and irrigation applicability. Based on the measured concentrations of the hydrochemical composition, the Nemerow composite index in combination with the four irrigation assessment systems of sodium concentration (SC), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), and permeability index (PI) were applied to evaluate the karst water quality and irrigation applicability, respectively. Results show that Ca2+ and${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-}$ were identified as the major ions in both karst surface water and karst groundwater, indicating weakly alkaline karst water in the study area. For karst surface water, among the 11 inorganic regular ions, only NH$_4^{+}$ was found exceeding the maximum acceptable level for drinking water recommended by General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China. Meanwhile, among the 9 heavy metals, the concentrations of Al, Pb, Mn, and As were evaluated as exceeding the maximum acceptable level. Moreover, the rates of measured ions exceeding permitted levels in the dry season were generally higher than those in the rainy season. For karst groundwater, the concentrations of Al, Pb, Zn, Cr, Mn, and As exceeded the maximum acceptable levels, and the rates of these metals exceeding permitted levels in the rainy season were generally higher than those in dry season. The nitrogen synthetic fertilizers might be a main cause of the increase of NH$_4^{+}$ concentration in karst surface water. High concentration of Al, Mn, and Cd in karst water were mainly caused by large amounts of discharge from metal smelting, waste residue of mining, and open-pit mining. Furthermore, an exposed surface environment of bedrock in some parts of this study area might be responsible for these components exceeding the permitted levels due to the lack of surface decontamination of pollutants. The karst water quality belonging to the good grade or above accounted for 89.29% and 85.71% of the total water samples collected during the dry season and the rainy season, respectively, and the quality belonging to poor grade or below accounted for 7.14% and 14.29%, respectively. Hence, the karst water quality in Nandong underground river basin was generally high based on the results of the assessment of karst water quality. However, some cases of poor-quality karst water were found in parts of our study area (e.g., G1 and S4 sampling sites in the dry season and G1, G2, and G3 sampling sites in the rainy season), accompanied by the seasonal differences in karst water pollution. According to the permitted level for irrigation water and the results of SC, SAR, RSC, and PI assessments, most of the karst water in Nandong underground river basin was generally suitable for irrigation. However, it is noted that the concentration of As (54.70 μg·L−1) in the sampling site of surface water (i.e., S3) exceeded the permitted level for the irrigation of vegetables and water crops in the dry season, thereby being no longer suitable for irrigation. Our results suggest that the high concentrations of metal compositions (e.g., Al, Pb, Mn, and As) should be controlled by some targeted measures to prevent further metal pollution in karst water of Nandong underground river basin. Our study also provides an integrated method for the comprehensive understanding of water quality in karst surface water and groundwater. -
表 1 内梅罗综合指数评价等级分级
Table 1. Grading of Nemero comprehensive index
F 得分 <0.80 ≥0.80~2.50 ≥2.50~4.25 ≥4.25~7.20 ≥7.20 污染等级 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ 污染级别 优良 良好 较好 较差 极差 表 2 灌溉水适用性评分等级
Table 2. Index grades for irrigation applicability
评价参数 分类参考值 适用等级 评价参数 分类参考值 适用等级 SC/% <20 非常适合 SAR/
(meq·L−1)1/2<10 非常适合 20~40 较适合 10~18 较适合 40~60 适合 18~26 适合 60~80 不确定 >26 不适合 >80 不适合 RSC/meq·L−1 <1.25 非常适合 PI/% >75 Ⅰ类(非常适合) 1.25~2.50 适合 25~75 Ⅱ类(适合) >2.50 不适合 <25 Ⅲ类(不适合) 表 3 南洞地下河流域水体中常规指标统计/mg·L−1
Table 3. Statistics of the regular ions in Nandong underground river/mg·L−1
时期 统计量 pH K+ Na+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Cl− ${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-}$ ${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-}$ ${\rm{NO}}_3^{-}$ NO$_2^{−}$ NH$_4^{+}$ F− 地表河水 旱季 最大值 7.78 11.64 16.86 115.70 26.56 38.72 146.92 266.74 11.39 1.45 7.46 0.71 最小值 7.07 1.94 1.36 33.86 13.74 2.58 3.74 109.52 nd nd nd 0.04 平均值 7.41 4.92 10.31 65.25 19.22 19.10 82.02 181.62 3.21 0.21 0.85 0.32 标准差 0.20 2.66 5.60 25.68 3.57 11.03 49.12 44.89 3.76 0.52 2.27 0.19 变异系数 0.03 0.54 0.54 0.39 0.19 0.58 0.60 0.25 1.17 2.52 2.65 0.61 雨季 最大值 7.44 10.71 22.35 111.40 24.92 39.46 156.61 254.66 42.06 1.24 2.66 0.86 最小值 6.84 3.04 2.44 36.98 11.87 4.70 6.39 96.41 nd nd nd 0.09 平均值 7.23 5.87 12.32 67.36 17.66 24.65 97.38 160.00 4.75 0.14 0.41 0.37 标准差 0.16 2.53 6.33 22.27 4.29 10.64 51.27 47.85 12.61 0.48 0.87 0.22 变异系数 0.02 0.43 0.51 0.33 0.24 0.43 0.53 0.30 2.65 3.34 2.13 0.58 地下河水 旱季 最大值 7.96 3.7 33.87 95.59 22.10 18.69 69.88 318.78 11.38 2.66 nd 0.17 最小值 7.15 0.63 1.37 80.18 14.47 1.96 12.56 279.75 5.58 0.002 nd 0.04 平均值 7.42 1.43 9.46 86.82 17.53 7.33 38.83 301.16 8.74 0.34 / 0.09 标准差 0.22 0.93 12.04 5.95 2.92 5.41 22.31 11.02 1.72 0.76 / 0.04 变异系数 0.03 0.65 1.27 0.07 0.17 0.74 0.57 0.04 0.20 2.27 / 0.47 雨季 最大值 7.59 4.71 45.10 96.00 20.62 25.34 87.10 299.27 20.87 0.37 0.60 0.23 最小值 7.25 0.57 0.76 68.71 13.78 1.38 11.68 221.92 2.68 nd nd nd 平均值 7.40 1.69 9.21 82.00 15.44 7.62 44.14 270.05 11.49 0.03 0.05 0.11 标准差 0.12 1.35 13.86 8.15 2.02 6.79 25.71 27.54 5.51 0.16 0.33 0.06 变异系数 0.02 0.80 1.51 0.10 0.13 0.89 0.58 0.10 0.48 4.63 6.28 0.51 水质标准 地表水(Ⅲ) 6~9 — — — — 250 250 — 44.29 — 1.29 1.0 地下水(Ⅲ) 6.5~8.5 — 200 — — 250 250 — 88.57 3.29 0.64 1.0 生活饮用水 6.5~8.5 — 200 — — 250 250 — 44.29 — 0.64 1.0 注:nd表示未检出,“/”表示无计算值,“—”表示无相应参考标准值,黑体字表示此浓度超标。 表 4 南洞地下河流域水体中金属浓度统计/μg·L−1
Table 4. Statistics of the metal concentrations in Nandong underground river/μg·L−1
时期 统计量 Al Cu Pb Zn Cr Cd Ni Mn As 地表河水 旱季 最大值 4 514.00 20.60 43.80 43.90 10.70 1.46 10.90 1 266.00 54.70 最小值 9.90 0.17 nd nd 1.45 nd 0.78 5.33 1.98 平均值 440.65 2.16 3.91 3.35 2.97 0.33 2.85 151.47 9.73 标准差 1 095.81 4.93 11.00 16.00 2.18 0.33 2.28 304.64 13.28 变异系数 2.49 2.28 2.82 4.77 0.74 0.99 0.80 2.01 1.36 超标率/% 37.50 0 6.25 0 0 0 0 31.25 25.00 雨季 最大值 582.00 1.66 1.67 6.06 2.32 nd 3.72 116.00 18.10 最小值 33.10 0.55 nd nd 1.10 nd 0.95 17.20 2.12 平均值 200.89 1.20 0.63 1.66 1.72 / 2.38 55.22 6.18 标准差 162.01 0.36 0.46 1.63 0.41 / 0.69 30.62 4.88 变异系数 0.81 0.30 0.74 0.98 0.24 / 0.29 0.55 0.79 超标率/% 37.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.25 18.75 地下河水 旱季 最大值 130.00 0.75 1.08 291.00 5.70 61.00 2.91 24.40 24.60 最小值 12.10 nd nd nd 2.68 nd 1.88 2.44 0.09 平均值 56.49 0.32 0.42 54.83 4.12 5.99 2.56 10.55 5.03 标准差 34.18 0.28 0.23 85.53 1.02 18.95 0.34 7.40 7.66 变异系数 0.61 0.87 0.55 1.56 0.25 3.17 0.13 0.70 1.52 超标率/% 0 0 0 0 0 8.33 0 0 25.00 雨季 最大值 5 274.00 26.70 124.00 1 311.00 8.51 21.90 13.90 2 035.00 13.80 最小值 19.90 nd nd nd 2.38 nd 1.88 2.54 0.20 平均值 1 370.12 6.49 12.26 203.11 4.13 4.34 5.47 322.15 3.02 标准差 1 656.96 10.12 38.50 439.51 1.81 7.88 3.97 592.32 4.31 变异系数 1.21 1.56 3.14 2.16 0.44 1.82 0.73 1.84 1.43 超标率/% 75.00 0 8.33 8.33 0 33.33 0 33.33 8.33 水质标准 地表水 — 1 000 50 1 000 50 5 — 100 50 地下水 200 1 000 10 1 000 50 5 20 100 10 生活饮用水 200 1 000 10 1 000 50 5 20 100 10 注:nd表示未检测出,“—”为无相应参考标准值,“/”为无计算结果,黑体字表示此浓度超标 表 5 南洞地下河流域水体水质评价结果
Table 5. Water quality assessment in Nandong underground river basin
时期 统计量 单项指数得分 内梅罗综合
指数得分Na+ Cl− ${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-}$ ${\rm{NO}}_3^{-}$ NH$_4^{+}$ F− Al Cu Pb Zn Cr Cd Ni Mn As 地表河水 旱季 平均值 0.05 0.08 0.33 0.07 0.67 0.32 2.20 0.002 0.078 0.003 6 0.06 0.068 0.14 1.41 0.19 1.350 最大值 0.08 0.15 0.59 0.26 5.78 0.71 22.57 0.021 0.876 0.043 9 0.21 0.292 0.55 12.66 1.09 11.369 最小值 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.001 0.01 0.04 0.05 0.000 2 0.001 0.000 4 0.03 0.006 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.171 雨季 平均值 0.06 0.10 0.39 0.11 0.32 0.37 1.00 0.001 0.013 0.001 8 0.03 0.006 0.12 0.55 0.12 0.583 最大值 0.11 0.16 0.63 0.95 2.06 0.86 2.91 0.002 0.033 0.006 1 0.05 0.006 0.19 1.16 0.36 1.473 最小值 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.001 0.01 0.09 0.17 0.000 6 0.001 0.000 4 0.02 0.006 0.05 0.17 0.04 0.211 地下河水 旱季 平均值 0.04 0.03 0.16 0.10 0.025 0.09 0.28 0.000 3 0.043 0.055 0.08 1.198 0.13 0.11 0.50 0.834 最大值 0.17 0.07 0.28 0.13 0.125 0.17 0.65 0.000 8 0.108 0.291 0.11 12.200 0.15 0.24 2.46 6.119 最小值 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.06 0.016 0.04 0.06 0.000 1 0.004 0.000 4 0.05 0.006 0.09 0.02 0.01 0.112 雨季 平均值 0.05 0.03 0.18 0.13 0.10 0.10 6.85 0.006 5 1.226 0.203 0.08 0.87 0.27 3.22 0.30 4.089 最大值 0.23 0.10 0.35 0.24 0.94 0.23 26.37 0.026 7 12.400 1.311 0.17 4.38 0.70 20.35 1.38 13.231 最小值 0.004 0.01 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.10 0.000 1 0.004 0.000 4 0.05 0.006 0.09 0.03 0.02 0.117 表 6 南洞地下河流域水体农田灌溉适用性分布
Table 6. Distribution of irrigation applicability of Nandong underground river basin
指标 常规指标/mg·L−1 金属元素/μg·L−1 pH Cl− F− Cu Pb Zn Cr Cd As 地表河水 旱季 最大值 7.78 38.72 0.71 20.60 43.80 43.90 10.70 1.46 54.70 最小值 7.07 2.58 0.04 0.17 nd nd 1.45 nd 1.98 平均值 7.41 19.10 0.32 2.16 3.91 3.35 2.97 0.33 9.73 雨季 最大值 7.44 39.46 0.86 1.66 1.67 6.06 2.32 nd 18.10 最小值 6.84 4.70 0.09 0.55 nd nd 1.10 nd 2.12 平均值 7.23 24.65 0.37 1.20 0.63 1.66 1.72 / 6.18 地下河水 旱季 最大值 7.96 18.69 0.17 0.75 1.08 291.00 5.70 61.00 24.60 最小值 7.15 1.96 0.04 nd nd nd 2.68 nd 0.09 平均值 7.42 7.33 0.09 0.32 0.42 54.83 4.12 5.99 5.03 雨季 最大值 7.59 25.34 0.23 26.70 124.00 1 311.00 8.51 21.90 13.80 最小值 7.25 1.38 nd nd nd nd 2.38 nd 0.20 平均值 7.40 7.62 0.11 6.49 12.26 203.11 4.13 4.34 3.02 农田灌溉
水质标准水作 5.5~8.5 350 2 500 200 2 000 100 10 50 旱作 5.5~8.5 350 2 1 000 200 2 000 100 10 100 蔬菜 5.5~8.5 350 2 1 000 200 2 000 100 10 50 nd-表示未检测出;“/”表示无计算值;pH无纲量。 表 7 南洞地下河流域水体灌溉适用性评价结果
Table 7. Assessment results of irrigation applicability of Nandong underground river basin
指标 SAR SC PI RCS 综合 地表河水 旱季 平均级别 非常适合 非常适合 Ⅱ(适合) 非常适合 适合 最大级别 非常适合 非常适合 Ⅱ(适合) 非常适合 适合 雨季 平均级别 非常适合 非常适合 Ⅱ(适合) 非常适合 适合 最大级别 非常适合 非常适合 Ⅱ(适合) 非常适合 适合 地下河水 旱季 平均级别 非常适合 非常适合 Ⅱ(适合) 非常适合 适合 最大级别 非常适合 较适合 Ⅱ(适合) 非常适合 适合 雨季 平均级别 非常适合 非常适合 Ⅱ(适合) 非常适合 适合 最大级别 非常适合 较适合 Ⅱ(适合) 非常适合 适合 -
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