Hydrochemical characteristics and formation mechanism of groundwater in east Zoucheng City, Shandong Province
摘要: 为研究山东省邹城市东部缺水山区地下水水化学特征、水质状况和水化学过程,采集研究区各类型地下水样品32件,检测K+、Na+、Ca2+、Mg2+、Cl−、
${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-}$ 、${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-}$ 、${\rm{NO}}_3^{-}$ 、F−、TH和TDS等化学指标,综合利用图解法、相关性分析和主成分分析等方法探讨其地下水的水化学特征和形成机制。结果表明:(1)研究区裂隙水、孔隙水与岩溶水具有相似的水化学特征,裂隙水和孔隙水的水化学类型以HCO3-Ca型为主,而岩溶水水化学类型为HCO3 -Ca · Mg型;(2)孔隙水、裂隙水和岩溶水水化学形成机制主要以水−岩相互作用为主,其次还受到人类活动的影响。孔隙水受水−岩相互作用和人类活动影响的比例分别为77.7%和10.5%,而裂隙水受影响的比例分别为63.9%和11.3%。Abstract:The study area is located in the southwest of Shandong Province, which is a typical water shortage area in Shandong Province, and groundwater is an important water supply source in this area. There are distributed pore groundwater, karst groundwater, and fissure groundwater. The distribution of pore groundwater is small and discontinuous, with poor water-richness. Although the karst aquifer is relatively in good water-richness, its distribution is more limited. The fissure water presents a wide distribution, but its water-richness is extremely poor. In recent years, with the rapid development of economy and the continuous growth of urban population, the demand for groundwater resources is increasing, thus exacerbating the contradiction between supply and demand of water resources, which is bound to seriously restrict the improvement of local people's living standard and economic and social development. Therefore, the study on the hydrochemical characteristics and formation mechanism of groundwater in the water-scarce mountainous area of eastern Zoucheng City can provide a strong theoretical basis for promoting the construction of new rural areas and the implementation of drinking water safety projects. Based on this, 32 samples of different types of groundwater (24 fracture water samples, 6 pore water samples and 2 karst water samples) were collected in this study, and the water chemistry indexes such as K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl−, ${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-}$ ,${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-}$ ,${\rm{NO}}_3^{-}$ , F−, TH and TDS were measured in the water-scarce mountainous area in eastern Zoucheng city as a typical research area. The water chemistry characteristics and formation mechanism of groundwater in the region were explored in depth by graphical method, correlation analysis and principal component analysis.Results show that the cations of both fracture water and pore water are Ca2+ > Na+ > Mg2+ > K+, while the cations of karst water are Ca2+ > Mg2+ > Na+ > K+, and the anions of all three types of groundwater are ${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-}$ >${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-}$ > Cl− >${\rm{NO}}_3^{-}$ > F−. The water chemistry types of fracture water and pore water are mainly HCO3-Ca type, while the type of karst water is HCO3-Ca-Mg. The water chemistry formation mechanism of pore water, fracture water and karst water is mainly related to water-rock interaction, followed by the human activities. The results of principal component analysis show that water-rock interaction and human activities affect 77.7% and 10.5% of pore water, and 63.9% and 11.3% of fracture water, respectively. -
表 1 研究区水化学参数特征值统计表/mg·L−1
Table 1. Statistics of hydrochemical parameters of groundwater and surface water in the study area/mg·L−1
地下水类型 项目或编号 Ca2+ Mg2+ Na+ K+ ${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-}$ ${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-}$ Cl− F− ${\rm{NO}}_3^{-}$(N) TH TDS 裂隙水
(n=24)最小值 30.35 5.38 11.61 1.03 70.41 24.31 6.54 0.07 0.10 97.94 188.98 最大值 173.67 26.05 80.99 9.52 333.82 137.78 99.30 1.33 48.08 521.16 765.08 平均值 91.61 16.25 29.41 3.45 198.27 66.11 45.60 0.27 18.15 295.69 459.78 标准差 39.01 5.41 16.58 2.03 69.85 29.93 27.76 0.28 13.26 113.47 178.43 变异系数/% 42.59 33.28 56.36 58.87 35.23 45.27 60.88 103.14 73.06 38.38 38.81 孔隙水
(n=6)最小值 60.42 11.53 13.72 1.43 133.53 29.91 19.97 0.10 0.28 198.35 271.09 最大值 189.67 52.15 125.62 5.14 524.40 154.21 159.23 0.24 41.10 688.42 1152.00 平均值 107.57 23.40 42.68 2.71 297.20 73.91 65.14 0.17 10.90 364.98 532.97 标准差 50.86 14.86 44.48 1.53 180.21 42.81 52.32 0.05 16.04 185.68 331.25 变异系数/% 47.28 63.51 104.24 56.49 60.64 57.93 80.33 29.41 147.16 50.87 62.15 岩溶水
(n=2)J1 84.37 19.64 13.10 1.24 213.65 47.75 31.64 0.10 12.88 291.57 378.02 J2 79.82 19.80 6.31 5.69 269.49 31.01 8.55 0.17 6.91 280.86 337.78 表 2 研究区地下水水化学参数相关性系数矩阵
Table 2. Correlation matrices of hydrochemical parameters of groundwater in the study area
Ca2+ Mg2+ Na+ K+ ${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-}$ ${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-}$ Cl− F− ${\rm{NO}}_3^{-}$ TH TDS Ca2+ 1 0.726** 0.677** 0.302 0.783** 0.731** 0.824** −0.403 0.650** 0.983** 0.935** Mg2+ 1 0.755** 0.265 0.750** 0.644** 0.792** −0.387 0.479** 0.839** 0.811** Na+ 1 0.367* 0.662** 0.701** 0.873** −0.115 0.592** 0.735** 0.870** K+ 1 0.186 0.171 0.344 −0.037 0.505** 0.309 0.399* ${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-}$ 1 0.449** 0.628** −0.340 0.185 0.818** 0.723** ${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-}$ 1 0.716** −0.240 0.598** 0.749** 0.803** Cl− 1 −0.274 0.676** 0.861** 0.924** F− 1 −0.187 −0.421 −0.311 ${\rm{NO}}_3^{-}$ 1 0.641** 0.772** TH 1 0.954** TDS 1 注:*和**分别代表0.05和0.01显著水平。 表 3 地下水主成分分析结果
Table 3. Results of principal component analysis of groundwater
参数 孔隙水 裂隙水 RC1 RC2 RC1 RC2 Ca2+ 0.952 0.224 0.933 −0.154 Mg2+ 0.986 0.104 0.797 −0.231 Na+ 0.996 0.024 0.742 0.421 K+ 0.808 −0.458 0.433 0.568 ${\rm{HCO}}_3^{-}$ 0.837 0.358 0.703 −0.399 ${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-}$ 0.771 0.100 0.827 0.005 Cl− 0.987 −0.089 0.896 0.158 TDS 0.997 0.072 0.985 0.090 F− −0.290 0.765 −0.529 0.565 ${\rm{NO}}_3^{-}$ 0.851 −0.341 0.800 0.355 TH 0.976 0.187 0.957 −0.178 特征值 8.547 1.159 7.033 1.246 方差百分数/% 77.703 10.538 63.938 11.332 累计方差百分数/% 77.703 88.241 63.938 75.270 -
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