Recharge characteristics and protection of karst groundwater in major leakage area of Yufu river in Jinan
摘要: 玉符河是济南趵突泉域的重点渗漏带之一,是天然河道型渗漏带,其流域面积较大,具有较好来水条件,且卧虎山水库与锦绣城水库水系联通工程使其具备调水补源的条件,能通过增加外调补水增加重点渗漏带的补水能力。文章根据渗漏补给功能特征,采用RS、GPS、GS、物探测量、水文地质试验等技术手段,利用岩性、构造、地形、渗透性、植被覆盖度五大矢量数据的叠加分析方法,以主河道为中心划定玉符河重点渗漏带的保护范围,并利用变化参数法计算出玉符河重点渗漏带多年平均天然地下水补给量约为1 290万m3,其是岩溶地下水的重要补给来源。玉符河重点渗漏带的补水效果主要是通过提升西郊区域岩溶地下水水位,阻止趵突泉南部山区地下水向北径流过程中的向西分流,使地下水集中向泉水出露区汇聚,从而增大泉水的出流量。在保护渗漏带自然入渗功能的前提下,可充分挖掘玉符河重点渗漏带的补水功能,通过调水补源、河道生态修复、入河污染控制等措施,增大玉符河重点渗漏带的渗漏补给量。Abstract:
Jinan, called as "the city of thousands of springs", is famous for its large number of springs. The saying "the seventy-two famous springs in Jinan top those elsewhere" reflects a profound spring culture with a long history. Therefore, spring water conservation and research are very important. However, in Baotu Spring Group, the reduction of water level and spring flow in the dry season have to be faced with . The direct recharge area and the major leakage zone in the region of Baotu Spring are important recharge areas for karst groundwater. Especially, the major leakage zone is an important supply channel for spring water. As a natural river leakage zone with a large watershed area and better inflow conditions, the Yufu river is one of the major leakage zones in the region of Baotu Spring. Besides, by increasing the water replenishment capacity of major leakage zones with external water replenishment, the water system connection project of Wohushan Reservoir and Jinxiucheng Reservoir can transport and replenish water to the Yufu river. Taking the main river as a research focus, we delimited the protection range of the major leakage zone of the Yufu river. In order to finish the delimitation, we analyzed the water replenishment function of leakage and adopted the techniques such as RS, GPS, GS, geophysical surveys and hydrogeological tests and LSDPV method. Meanwhile, the calculation by the method of variation parameters shows that the average recharge of nature groundwater in the major leakage zone of the Yufu river has reached 12.90 million m3 for recent years, becoming an important recharge source for karst groundwater. The water replenishment effect in the major leakage zone of the Yufu river has been achieved mainly by raising the karst groundwater level in the western area so as to prevent the westward diversion of groundwater in the northern runoff process in the southern mountainous area of Baotu Spring. In this process, the groundwater is concentrated in the spring outcropping area, and hence the spring discharge may increase. On the condition of protecting the nature infiltration of leakage zone, we can fully explore the water replenishment function and increase the replenishment of major leakage zones of the Yufu river by water diversion, ecological restoration and pollution control. The research finding shows that delimiting major protection areas for leakage zones is important for us to ensure the continuous gushing of springs. This study also provides a basis for the accurate and scientific protection of springs as well as technical support for urban development planning and protection of the famous springs in Jinan. -
表 1 玉符河重点渗漏带渗水试验成果
Table 1. Infiltration tests in major leakage zones of the Yufu river
类型 试验点号 坐标 K/m·d−1 X Y 第四系 1-1 36.5205 116.919 4 10.49 1-2 23.23 1-3 18.13 钻孔试验 YFH2-1 36.537 4 116.886 9 66.66 YFH2-2 25.28 YFH-JK 251.94 -
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