Study on physical simulation of spatial distribution identification of karst underground pipeline based on time-lapse 3D resistivity inversion
摘要: 岩溶地下河管道空间分布的识别对岩溶区的各类地球科学工作意义重大,文章阐述了采用时延三维电阻率反演技术,开展对地下河管道空间分布识别的研究,在室内灰岩介质下的物理模拟实验结果表明:对雨季管道充水和枯季管道干涸时采集的电阻率数据进行时延反演后,地下河管道的模拟三维空间分布被很好地突显出来,时延反演效果大大地优于对单次采集数据的反演效果,管道充填水时的反演效果次之,管道充填空气时的反演结果很难有效识别地下河管道的空间分布情况。物理模型试验成果可指导野外实践中对岩溶地下河管道的探测研究。Abstract: The spatial distribution of karst underground river pipelines is complex and changeable; therefore, it is of great significance for us to carry out the earth science work in karst areas to develop an effective detection technology for the identification of pipelines. Based on the characteristics that karst underground river pipelines change greatly with seasons and time, the spatial distribution identification of underground river pipelines is studied by the inversion technology of time-lapse 3D resistivity. The results of pilot physical model experiments in limestone medium show that, the spatial distribution of simulated three-dimensional underground river pipeline is well highlighted according to the time-delay inversion imaging of resistivity data respectively collected from water-filled pipelines in rainy season and air-filled pipelines in dry season, The area with large resistivity change is in good agreement with the actual spatial position of pipeline in transverse and longitudinal directions. The closer the resistivity is to the center of the pipeline, the more significant the resistivity change is. In terms of the electrical sounding curve, the resistivity presents a low-high-low feature, and the resistivity contrast between pipeline space and other depth intervals is significant. In terms of the electrical sounding gradient curve, both the gradient value of pipeline space near the overlying clay layer and the value underlying limestone layer are large. The gradient value is positive near the upper contact surface and negative near the lower contact surface. The inversion effect with water-filled pipeline is inferior to that of time-lapse inversion. When the simulated pipeline is filled with water, the pipeline space presents relatively low resistivity. The resistivity value at the bottom of the pipeline is greater than that of the upper part, and the actual spatial position of the pipeline can be effectively reflected. The resistivity presents a high-low-high curve on the electrical sounding curve. However, on the electrical sounding gradient curve, the gradient value of the pipeline space near the overlying clay layer is negative, and it is positive near the underlying limestone layer. It is difficult to effectively identify the karst pipeline through the inversion images only generated by air-filled data. The resistivity rises monotonously and the resistivity value in the pipeline space changes more quickly than that in other depth intervals on the electrical sounding curve, while on the electrical sounding gradient curve, the resistivity gradient value in the pipeline space is slightly larger than that in other depth intervals, but the anomaly in the pipeline space is very weak compared with the time-lapse inversion results and water filling inversion results. It is suggested that when the spatial distribution of underground river pipelines in the field is studied, the 3D resistivity data should be collected in wet season and dry season, respectively, and the time-lapse 3D resistivity inversion image, electric sounding curve and electric sounding gradient curve can be comprehensively analyzed for the research. The subordinate choice is to carry out 3D detection of karst pipeline in wet season and analyze the data comprehensively, so as to obtain a practical detection technology that can effectively locate the underground river pipeline whether it is filled with water or free of water, which can be popularized and applied in practice.
图 3 时延三维电阻率反演成像成果图(模拟管道充填空气和水时的动态差异)
(a. 立体视角图,b. y=10 cm时xz方向切片,c. y=30 cm时xz方向切片,d. x=20 cm时yz方向切片)
Figure 3. Results of time-lapse 3D resistivity inversion (Dynamic difference of pipeline filling air and water)
(a. stereoscopic view, b. slice in xz direction, y=10 cm, c. slice in xz direction, y=30 cm, d. slice in yz direction, x=20 cm)
图 6 地下河管道中心处时延反演、充水反演以及充填空气反演时电阻率测深曲线对比图(x=20 cm, y=20 cm)
(a. 电阻率测深曲线, b. 电阻率测深梯度曲线)
Figure 6. Comparison curves of resistivity sounding between time-lapse inversion, water-filled inversion and air-filled inversion at the center of underground river pipeline (x=20 cm, y=20 cm)
(a. resistivity sounding curves, b. resistivity sounding gradient curves)
表 1 模型各介质电阻率参数表(通过小对称四极法测量)
Table 1. Resistivity of the medium in the model (Measured by the small symmetrical quadrupole method)
模型介质 电阻率/Ω.m 灰岩 5 850.48 上覆黏土 25.66 水 23.39 -
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