Impact of controlling karst rocky desertification on soil particulate organic carbon and aggregate-associated organic carbon
摘要: 文章以耕地为对照,分析不同石漠化治理措施(花椒林和次生林)对土壤0~20 cm土层有机碳(SOC)、颗粒有机碳(POC)、矿物结合有机碳(MOC)和团聚体有机碳的影响,探讨POC、MOC与SOC、团聚体有机碳的关系。结果表明:与耕地相比,花椒林和次生林均不同程度提高SOC、POC、MOC和团聚体有机碳含量。0~10 cm土层次生林SOC含量和各粒径团聚体有机碳含量均显著高于耕地和花椒林,在10~20 cm土层无显著差异;0~20 cm土层花椒林和次生林土壤POC含量显著高于耕地,MOC无显著差异。POC/SOC范围为20.38%~45.27%,花椒林和次生林显著高于耕地。相反,MOC/SOC为耕地显著高于花椒林和次生林 。退耕为花椒林和次生林后,SOC含量的增加主要以POC含量增加为主。次生林和花椒林>2 mm粒径对SOC贡献率显著高于耕地,但0.25~2 mm粒径、0.053~0.25 mm粒径和 < 0.053 mm粒径对SOC贡献率显著低于耕地。其相关分析表明:POC、MOC与SOC、团聚体有机碳的关系均呈正相关,表现为次生林 > 花椒林 > 耕地。退耕恢复为花椒林和次生林后,SOC、POC和MOC增加量与团聚体有机碳增加量显著相关,其以次生林的相关性较强。石漠化治理措施改变SOC物理组分及其组成以及它们之间的关系,从而促进有机碳的积累。Abstract:
The control measures of karst rocky desertification exert important influence on soil organic carbon (SOC) composition, and then affect the accumulation and stability of organic carbon. However, the effects of controlling karst rocky desertification on soil particulate organic carbon (POC), mineral-associated organic carbon (MOC), and their relationship between SOC and aggregate-associated organic carbon are still unclear. Huajiang karst gorge area is one of the most typic demonstration areas of controlling karst rocky desertification in Guizhou Province, Southwest China. Before the 1990s, this area underwent extensive land degradation, which led to the acceleration of SOC emissions. The local people have developed several well-known control measures of rocky desertification, among which we selected two-conversion of cropland to secondary forest and to Zanthoxylum plantation-as study objects. Given cropland as reference, soil was collected in the layers at the depth of 0-20 cm to analyze the impact of the two selected measures on SOC, POC, MOC and aggregate-associated organic carbon as well as their relationship. The results show that compared with cropland, the concentrations of SOC, POC, MOC and aggregate-associated organic carbon at the depth of 0-20 cm increase both in Zanthoxylum plantation and secondary forest. The concentrations of SOC and aggregate-associated organic carbon in secondary forest are significantly higher than those in Zanthoxylumplantation and cropland in the layers at the depth of 0-10 cm (P<0.05), but no significant difference is shown in the layers at the depth of 10-20 cm (P>0.05). The POC concentrations in both segments (0-10 cm and 10-20 cm) significantly increase inZanthoxylum plantation and secondary forest, but the MOC concentrations show no significant changes. POC/SOC ranging from 20.38% to 45.27% is significantly higher in Zanthoxylum plantation and secondary forest than that in cropland ( P<0.05). On the contrary, MOC/SOC in cropland is significantly higher than that inZanthoxylumplantation and secondary forest ( P<0.05). After the conversion of cropland toZanthoxylum plantation and secondary forest, the SOC concentrations have increased mainly due to the increase of POC concentrations. The contribution rate of the particle size bigger than 2 mm to SOC in Zanthoxylum plantation and secondary forest is significantly higher than that in cropland. However, the contribution rate of the particle size between 0.25-2 mm, between 0.053-0.25 mm and smaller than 0.053 mm respectively to SOC is significantly lower than that in cropland. The correlation analysis shows that POC and MOC are positively correlated with SOC and aggregate-associated organic carbon. Their correlations are listed as follows,secondary forest>Zanthoxylum plantation>cropland. After the conversion, the increase of SOC, POC and MOC is significantly correlated with the increase of aggregate-associated organic carbon (P<0.05), with higher correlation in the secondary forest. The control measures of rocky desertification have changed SOC and its physical composition and their relationship, thus promoting the accumulation of organic carbon. -
表 1 土壤有机碳、颗粒有机碳及矿物结合有机碳变化
Table 1. Changes of soil organic carbon, particulate organic carbon and mineral-associated organic carbon
土层/ cm SOC/g·kg−1 POC/g·kg−1 MOC/g·kg−1 POC/SOC (%) MOC/SOC (%) 0~10 耕地 21.50aA 6.05aA 15.45aA 27.92aA 72.08aA 花椒林 25.20aA 10.57bA 14.63aA 41.47bA 58.53bA 次生林 31.03bA 14.20cA 16.83aA 45.27bA 54.73bA 10~20 耕地 19.35aA 3.94aA 15.41aA 20.38aA 79.62aA 花椒林 22.37aA 8.24bA 14.14aA 36.75bA 63.25bA 次生林 22.79aB 7.26bB 15.53aA 31.48bB 68.52bB 注:不同小写字母表示同一土层不同土地利用间显著差异 (P<0.05),不同大写字母表示同一土地利用不同土层间显著差异 (P<0.05)。 表 2 土壤团聚体有机碳含量变化
Table 2. Change of soil aggregate-associated organic carbon
土层 有机碳含量/ g·kg−1 > 2 mm 0.25~2 mm 0.053~0.25 mm <0.053 mm 0~10 耕地 21.80aA 20.53aA 18.22aA 19.79aA 花椒林 24.46aA 23.06aA 21.77aA 24.01aA 次生林 30.45bA 28.88bA 30.52bA 30.63bA 10~20 耕地 19.79aA 19.27aA 18.21aA 18.80aA 花椒林 21.72aA 21.36aA 20.21aA 21.64aA 次生林 22.76aB 21.89aB 21.95aB 21.82aB 注:不同小写字母表示同一土层不同土地利用间显著差异 (P<0.05);不同大写字母表示同一土地利用不同土层间显著差异 (P<0.05)。 表 3 颗粒有机碳、矿物结合有机碳与土壤有机碳、团聚体有机碳的相关关系
Table 3. Relationship between particulate organic carbon, mineral associated organic carbon and soil organic carbon, and aggregate-associated organic carbon
有机碳含量/g·kg−1 > 2 mm 0.25~2 mm 0.053~0.25 mm <0.053 mm SOC 耕地 POC 0.421 0.290 0.179 0.111 0.527 MOC 0.520 0.555 0.591* 0.685* 0.495 SOC 0.919** 0.824** 0.748** 0.773** 1.000 花椒林 POC 0.558 0.534 0.684* 0.591* 0.672* MOC 0.593* 0.632* 0.387 0.463 0.536 SOC 0.944** 0.954** 0.897** 0.873** 1.000 次生林 POC 0.958** 0.920** 0.854** 0.941** 0.944** MOC 0.635* 0.682* 0.714** 0.656* 0.691* SOC 0.991** 0.978** 0.937** 0.985** 1.000 注:* 为P<0.05 水平显著差异;**为P<0.01 水平显著差异。 -
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