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覃剑文 李海波 潘光明 田月明

覃剑文,李海波,潘光明,等. 岩溶基底隧道拱顶沉陷三段四层关键技术研究[J]. 中国岩溶,2022,41(5):746-758 doi: 10.11932/karst20220508
引用本文: 覃剑文,李海波,潘光明,等. 岩溶基底隧道拱顶沉陷三段四层关键技术研究[J]. 中国岩溶,2022,41(5):746-758 doi: 10.11932/karst20220508
QIN Jianwen, LI Haibo, PAN Guangming, TIAN Yueming. Study on 'three-section and four-layer' reinforcement technology of tunnel vault subsidence in the karst basement[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2022, 41(5): 746-758. doi: 10.11932/karst20220508
Citation: QIN Jianwen, LI Haibo, PAN Guangming, TIAN Yueming. Study on "three-section and four-layer" reinforcement technology of tunnel vault subsidence in the karst basement[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2022, 41(5): 746-758. doi: 10.11932/karst20220508


doi: 10.11932/karst20220508



    李海波(1983-),男,高级工程师,主要从事地质勘查、地球物理勘探、地下空间探测、地质灾害防治和隧道突发地灾应急救援治理等技术管理及研究工作。E-mail: ppbo@163.com

  • 中图分类号: U457;TU761.1+1

Study on "three-section and four-layer" reinforcement technology of tunnel vault subsidence in the karst basement

  • 摘要: 为有效治理岩溶基底城市隧道拱顶地层沉陷地质灾害,在充分探明沉陷区水文地质、工程地质特征的基础上,提出了“三段四层控制技术”,将治理区划分为沉陷区重点加固段、影响区次重点加固段和超前加固段;再根据治理深度和治理顺序进一步把沉陷区重点加固段分为顶部阻浆层、拱顶止浆垫层、拱顶加固层和中间加固层,研究了每段、每层注浆加固机理、浆液类型选择和控制注浆参数。研究成果表明,采用孔内复合止浆技术满足不同深度地层分段注浆为主、垂直孔和定向斜孔相结合,充填注浆、劈裂-挤密注浆相结合,以速凝浆液为主、单液水泥浆为辅,严格控制安全注浆参数,是“三段四层控制技术”安全有效注浆的技术关键,该技术方案在岩溶基底城市隧道拱顶地层沉陷地质灾害治理方面,取得了较好的注浆加固效果,有良好的推广应用价值。


  • 图  1  路面沉陷及拱顶破裂沉降情况

    Figure  1.  Situation of pavement subsidence and the rupture and settlement of vault

    图  2  地下水位差异及钻孔喷水图

    Figure  2.  Diagram of groundwater level differences and borehole water spray

    图  3  揭露地下水的部分钻孔位置及其连通串喷深度

    Figure  3.  Locations of some boreholes of exposed groundwater and the depth of the interconnected spray

    图  4  路面沉陷、拱顶破裂沉降的原因分析图

    Figure  4.  Reasons of pavement subsidence and the rupture and settlement of vault

    图  5  治理区横向三段划分示意图

    Figure  5.  Schematic diagram of the horizontal three-section division of the treatment area

    图  6  沉陷区重点加固段分层治理示意图

    Figure  6.  Schematic diagram of layered treatment of the key reinforcement sections in subsidence areas

    图  7  影响区次重点加固段注浆加固层示意图

    Figure  7.  Schematic diagram of the grouting reinforcement layer in the sub-key reinforcement section in the affected area

    图  8  未开挖超前加固段注浆加固层示意图

    Figure  8.  Schematic diagram of the grouting reinforcement layer in the pre-excavated reinforcement section

    图  9  不同类型注浆钻孔间隔布置示意图

    Figure  9.  Schematic diagram of interval layout of different types of grouting boreholes

    图  10  顶部阻浆层钻探注浆原理示意图

    Figure  10.  Schematic diagram of the drilling grouting principle of the top slurry barrier layer

    图  11  拱部止浆垫钻探注浆原理示意图

    Figure  11.  Schematic diagram of the drilling grouting principle of the vault cushion layer of slurry stopping

    图  12  拱顶加固层钻探注浆原理图

    Figure  12.  Schematic diagram of drilling and grouting of the reinforcement layer at the top of vault

    图  13  中间加固层钻探注浆原理示意图

    Figure  13.  Schematic diagram of drilling and grouting principle of intermediate reinforcement layer

    图  14  孔内复合式止浆技术原理图

    Figure  14.  Schematic diagram of the combined technology of slurry-stopping in the hole

    图  15  YK2+683-YK2+710治理区域三段注浆量分布图

    Figure  15.  Distribution of grouting amount in the third section of YK2+683-YK2+710 treatment area

    图  16  拱顶各监测点每日沉降数据曲线

    Figure  16.  Daily settlement curve of each monitoring point of the vault

    图  17  YK2+693处注浆压力与拱顶沉降量关系曲线

    Figure  17.  Relationship between grouting pressure and vault settlement at YK2+693

    图  18  YK2+693处每日注浆量与拱顶沉降量关系曲线

    Figure  18.  Relationship between daily grouting amount and vault settlement at YK2+693

    图  19  检查孔芯样内浆脉分布情况

    Figure  19.  Distribution of grout veins in the core sample

    表  1  治理段部分钻孔地下水位及互相串通情况

    Table  1.   Groundwater levels and the interconnection of some boreholes in the treatment section

    喷水孔号 喷水深度/m 串喷孔号 串喷深度/m 喷水孔号 喷水深度/m 串喷孔号 串喷深度/m
    B3-2补 2.0 X4-4 7.2 X4-6 7.5
    B3-1 6.3 C2-3补 6.1 C2-2 7.0
    B4-1 6.1 C2-4补 6.5 C2-2补
    X5-1 7.2 X3-2
    B4-7补 6.9 B3-7 8.5
    X2-4 6.3 B4-10补 6.3
    B4-9补 5.0 B4-3补 6.1 B3-4 8.0
    X2-3 4.5
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    表  2  各加固层注浆机理、浆液类型和控制注浆参数表

    Table  2.   Grouting mechanism, slurry type and grouting control parameters of each reinforcement layer

    序号 注浆加固
    Vc∶Vgt 混合浆液
    1 顶部阻浆层 充填注浆 C-Gt混合浆液 1.5 1∶1 50~90 40 0.3
    2 劈裂—挤密注浆 C-Gt混合浆液 1.6 2∶1 30~50 20 0.8
    3 拱顶止浆垫层 充填注浆 C-Gt混合浆液 1.6 1∶1~2∶1 30~50 20 0.5
    4 拱顶加固层 充填注浆 C-Gt混合浆液 1.5 1∶1 50~90 40 0.5
    5 劈裂—挤密注浆 C-Gt混合浆液 1.5 1∶1 30-50 20 0.8~1.0
    6 中间加固层 充填—劈裂—挤密 单双液交替 1.5 1∶1 90~150 20~40 1.0~1.5
    7 未开挖超前加固层 劈裂—挤密 单双液交替 1.5 1∶1 50~90 20~40 1.0~1.2
    8 影响区加固层 劈裂—挤密 单双液交替 1.5 1∶1 50~90 20~40 1.0~1.2
    注:配浆使用普通硅酸盐水泥,水泥标号P.O 42.5R;GT浆液密度控制在1.2-1.3 g·cm−3。单液浆密度平均1.5 g·cm−3
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    表  3  沉陷区重点加固段各加固层钻孔数量、注浆量和注浆终压统计表

    Table  3.   Statistics of drilling quantity, grouting quantity and final grouting pressure of each reinforcement layer in the key reinforcement section of the subsidence area

    钻孔种类 设计钻孔数/个 优化后钻孔数/个 注浆量/m3 注浆终压范围/MPa
    顶部阻浆层(A序)/垂直孔 30 26 91.59 0.3~0.8
    拱顶止浆垫层(B序)/垂直孔 30 28 42.72 0.3~0.5
    拱顶加固层(C序)/定向斜孔 35 31 96.60 0.5~1.0
    中间加固层(D序)/垂直孔 30 24 108.63 1.0~1.5
    补强孔/垂直孔 6 6 10.06 0.8~1.0
    共计 131 115 349.54
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