Karst hydrogeological problems and countermeasures of a proposed railway in plateau slope area of southeast Yunnan
摘要: 研究区位于云贵高原南缘滇东南高原斜坡区,属珠江源头河段南盘江流域与红河流域的地表分水岭地带,侵蚀切割强烈,地形条件复杂,广泛出露的三叠系中统个旧组含水层组富水性强,岩溶强烈发育,地下河管道、洼地、落水洞等广布。通过野外调查、观测、示踪试验、实验测试等手段,利用水文地质学、岩溶学等理论方法,分析研究区岩溶含水层富水性、岩溶发育强度、大泉地下河及管道分布、地热分布情况,及其对拟建铁路选线的影响,计算隧道涌水量,提出隧道施工尽量避开地下水富集区、岩溶强发育区、大泉地下河主管道径流区、地热异常区、岩溶砂岩地层区等建议措施,减少拟建铁路施工可能面临的岩溶水文地质危害及其对地下水环境造成的破坏,为强岩溶发育区的工程建设提供参考建议。Abstract: The study area is located in the plateau slope area of southeast Yunnan at the southern margin of Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, which is the surface watershed zone between Nanpanjiang River Basin and Honghe River Basin at the source of the Pearl River. There exist intense erosion and cutting, complicated topographic and geomorphic conditions and geological structure. The study area belongs to Gejiu sub-region in the stratigraphic region of South China. The widely exposed middle Triassic Gejiu formation and other aquifer groups are rich in water. Due to the complicated hydrogeological conditions, the study area is divided into 2 first-level water systems, 7 second-level water systems, 26 third-level water systems, and 12 fourth-level water systems. Karst is strongly developed with abundant precipitation and strong hydrodynamic effect. Underground river pipelines, depressions and sinkholes are also widely distributed. There are 9 large springs and 20 underground rivers (underflows). Through field investigation, observation, tracer tests and experiments, the influence of karst hydrogeological conditions and problems on the route selection of a proposed railway in the study area are analyzed and assessed under the guidance of geological and karstological theories. The study shows that 80% of the aquifers are the carbonate aquifer group with uneven water abundance from the intermediate to extremely strong degrees. Groundwater mainly exists in karst pipeline. Karst is intensively developed in the study area where the tertiary dissolution process creates the vertical distribution of multi-layer karst caves. At the depth of 100 m, strong karst caves are developed with at least 1 layer or at most 3-4 layers. Large springs, underground rivers and pipelines are also widely distributed. The length of karst pipelines ranges from 6 km to37.75 km. The maximum 6 m3s−1. tracer test results show that there exist underground dissolved pools, or lakes in the main pipeline of underground rivers. It is predicted that the middle line of the tunnel will suffer the largest water inflow, followed in turns by the south line, the north line and the through-line. The through-line is expected to experience relatively small risk of water inflow in tunnel excavation, and hence it is recommended in route selection. Geothermal resources are distributed near the contact zone between the Bozhushan granite body and the Cambrian strata in the west of Wenshan. The temperature of hot springs generally ranges from 45° to 50°. In the belt-shaped geothermal reservoir, temperatures are 70-110 ℃ by analogy of those in the neighboring area. The gray and thin medium dolomite intercalated with calcareous dolomite in the middle Cambrian Longha formation (Є2l) shows serious desertification. The surface sanding dolomite is broken with poor stability, and can be broken by hand. Consequently, accidents such as surrounding rock collapse and roof falling are quite possibly to occur in tunnel excavation. In this study, suggestions to solve karst geological problems in the study area are put forward. Several areas should be avoided in tunnel excavation, such as the areas with rich groundwater, especially those with strong water abundance, the areas with intense Karst development, especially the vertical development areas of underground and surface karst, the runoff area of the main pipeline of Daquan underground river where the route should be planned as far as possible above the recharge area or water level of the main pipeline, the geothermal anomaly area exposed by granites, and the areas distributed with the karst sandstone stratum. These suggestions are expected to reduce the karst hydrogeological hazards and the damage to groundwater environment that the proposed railway construction may face, and to provide reference for the engineering construction of karst areas with intense development.
Key words:
- hydrogeology /
- karst geology /
- suggestions on route selection /
- southeast Yunnan
表 1 岩溶含水层组特征表
Table 1. 1 Characteristics of karst aquifer group
含水层组类型 地层代号 岩性 岩溶发育特征 富水性 均匀状岩溶含水岩组 T2g3、T2g2、T1y3、C3m、C2h、C1b、C1d 灰岩、白云岩、白云岩夹灰岩、泥晶灰岩、泥晶泥质白云岩 地表洼地、漏斗、落水洞广布,地下发育较大型的洞穴、地下河系统 地下水循环交替迅速,以大泉、地下河集中排泄为主,枯雨期流量变幅1~30倍;Mk=9.0~13.1 L·s−1·km−2,Qd=0.83~28.1 L·s−1,Cv=0.1~2.73,pH=7.82;富水性极强 T2f2、T2g、T2g1、P1y、D3g、D2g、D2d、Dg、O1x 灰岩、白云岩、灰岩、白云质灰岩、白云岩 含水层呈条带状展布,岩溶发育强烈,落水洞、洼地、地下河发育 枯雨期泉水流量变幅1~10倍,最大15倍;Mk=3.28~12.81 L·s−1·km−2,Qq=0.13~21.11 L·s−1·m−1,pH=7.10~8.15,Cv=0.68~10.03;富水性强 碳酸盐夹碎屑岩 O1hn、Є3b 泥质灰岩、白云岩夹粉砂质泥岩;白云岩、砂质白云岩 岩体破碎,完整性较差,岩溶较发育,以网状溶蚀裂隙、小溶洞为主 Mk=6.07~10.13 L·s−1·km−2,Qd=18.79 L·s−1,Cv=3.99,pH=6.71~7.86;富水性强 碳酸盐与碎屑岩互层 Є2t、Є1m 石英砂岩、粉砂岩、泥岩与灰岩、白云质灰岩互层;白云质灰岩、灰岩、板岩互层 发育以网状溶蚀裂隙、基岩裂隙、溶孔、小溶洞为主,地下水主要以分散排泄的泉水为主 Mk=4.5~10.55 L·s−1·km−2,Qd=19.71~43.15 L·s−1,Cv=1.22~2.44,
pH=6.86~7.83;富水性中等-强碎屑岩夹碳酸盐岩 T2f1、T1y2、T1y1、Є1d、Є1ch、D1p、Ddl 泥岩夹灰岩、砂岩夹白云岩、灰岩;石英砂岩、粉砂岩、白云岩;硅质岩夹灰岩 发育基岩裂隙、网状溶蚀裂隙、小溶洞为主,地下河、岩溶大泉少见,分散排泄的泉点较多,流量小 Mk=2.48~6.6 L·s−1·km−2,Qd=2.5~33.05 L·s−1,Cv=0.47~1.39,pH=7.11~7.60;富水性中等-强 表 2 线路隧道最大涌水量预测结果表
Table 2. Prediction results of maximum water inflow in line tunnel
序号 隧道规模
Qs /m3·d−1预测隧道最大
涌水量Qo /m3·d−1线路 1 8 955 24 970.97 49 941.94 中线方案 2 7 215 22 708.96 45 417.93 3 7 395 20 760.43 62 281.3 4 7 695 19 728.00 59 184 5 7 715 15 243.17 30 486.34 6 16 635 89 703.81 269 111.4 小计 193 115.34 516 422.91 7 4 150 10 328.61 15 492.91 南线方案 8 12 215 102 075.96 306 227.9 9 12 783.1 72 461.36 108 692 10 4 350 7 414.44 22 243.32 11 6 219 15 747.47 23 621.2 小计 208 027.84 476 277.33 12 3 725 6 492.81 19 478.44 北线方案 13 4 295 15 760.78 47 282.34 14 7 115 15 845.37 47 536.1 15 5 805 25 093.19 75 279.58 16 138 535 57 829.54 173 488.6 17 13 650 16 171.37 24 257.06 小计 137193.06 387 322.12 18 3 558 7 065.76 10 598.64 贯通方案 19 4 635 8 610.34 25 831.03 20 4 225 7 408.08 22 224.25 21 3 019.71 5 279.35 15 838.05 22 6 535.3 8 918.25 26 754.75 23 6 273.35 18 548.92 55 646.77 24 4 466.85 13 918.10 20 877.16 25 3 504.23 10 766.01 32 298.02 小计 80 514.81 210 068.67 合计 618 851.06 1 856 553.17 -
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