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黄洋阳 李廷勇 肖思雅 陈朝军 黄冉 王涛 吴尧 徐玉珍 邱海英 杨琰 李俊云

黄洋阳,李廷勇,肖思雅,等. 新生碳酸钙沉积矿物形态的影响因素分析:以重庆芙蓉洞为例[J]. 中国岩溶,2022,41(3):488-500 doi: 10.11932/karst20220315
引用本文: 黄洋阳,李廷勇,肖思雅,等. 新生碳酸钙沉积矿物形态的影响因素分析:以重庆芙蓉洞为例[J]. 中国岩溶,2022,41(3):488-500 doi: 10.11932/karst20220315
HUANG Yangyang, LI Tingyong, XIAO Siya, CHEN Chaojun, HUANG Ran, WANG Tao, WU Yao, XU Yuzhen, QIU Haiying, YANG Yan, LI Junyun. Analysis of influencing factors on mineral morphology of active speleothem[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2022, 41(3): 488-500. doi: 10.11932/karst20220315
Citation: HUANG Yangyang, LI Tingyong, XIAO Siya, CHEN Chaojun, HUANG Ran, WANG Tao, WU Yao, XU Yuzhen, QIU Haiying, YANG Yan, LI Junyun. Analysis of influencing factors on mineral morphology of active speleothem[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2022, 41(3): 488-500. doi: 10.11932/karst20220315


doi: 10.11932/karst20220315
基金项目: 广西岩溶动力学重大科技创新基地开放课题资助项目(KDL & Guangxi 202003);国家自然科学基金项目(41772170, 42011530078, 42172204);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资助(XDJK2017A010)



    李廷勇(1978-),男,研究员,博士研究生导师,主要从事自然地理学和第四纪地质学研究。E-mail: cdlity@163.com

    李俊云(1978-),女,副教授,硕士研究生导师,主要从事自然地理学和第四纪地质学研究。E-mail: jxljy@swu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: P578.6;P532

Analysis of influencing factors on mineral morphology of active speleothemA case study of Furong cave in Chongqing

  • 摘要: 石笋是古气候重建的重要地质载体,文石与方解石是石笋碳酸钙晶体的常见矿物形态。根据现代洞穴监测数据分析洞穴新生碳酸钙沉积物 (Active Speleothem: AS)的矿物形态的研究较少。本文在重庆武隆芙蓉洞三个滴水点 (MP2、MP5、MP9)下放置玻璃片,收集新生碳酸钙沉积物和滴水样品,监测新生碳酸钙沉积物矿物形态、滴水的Mg/Ca比值、pH、滴率和洞穴环境等指标,分析玻璃片正面和反面新生碳酸钙沉积物的δ18O、δ13C和Mg/Ca比值。研究发现:(1) MP2滴水点下的玻璃片正反面新生碳酸钙沉积物的矿物形态均为方解石;MP5和MP9滴水点的正面沉积方解石和文石-方解石混合两种情况,反面沉积文石-方解石,且反面文石多于正面。 (2) MP2滴水Mg/Ca比值小于MP5和MP9,说明滴水Mg/Ca比值是影响新生碳酸钙沉积物矿物形态的重要因素;而滴水pH值对AS矿物形态的影响在不同滴水点有差异。(3) 不论是玻璃片正面还是反面,文石-方解石混合的新生碳酸钙沉积物δ18O和δ13C比以方解石为主的沉积物偏正,说明AS矿物形态的变化会导致δ18O和δ13C发生变化。通过在芙蓉洞的系统监测和分析,发现新生碳酸钙沉积物的矿物形态与地表环境、洞穴上部岩溶水文地质条件密切相关,并验证了洞穴新生碳酸钙沉积物的矿物形态对石笋δ18O和δ13C具有重要影响。


  • 图  1  (A) 研究区的位置。灰色箭头为印度夏季风和东亚夏季风,白色箭头为亚洲冬季风),红色区域为重庆市所在位置;(B) 芙蓉洞和重庆主城区的位置;(C) 芙蓉洞示意图及监测点位置 (黑色三角形)。修改自参考文献[33]

    Figure  1.  (A) Location of the study area. Gray arrows: the Indian summer monsoon and the East Asian summer monsoon; white arrows: the Asian winter monsoon; red area: the location of Chongqing City); (B) Location of Furong Cave and the main urban area of Chongqing; (C) Sketch map of Furong Cave and the locations the locations of monitoring sites (black triangles). (modified from the previous study33)

    图  2  2017-2018年芙蓉洞洞穴空气温度(a) ; 洞穴空气湿度 (b); 洞穴空气CO2浓度(c) ; 滴水Mg/Ca摩尔比(d); 滴水pH(e); MP2滴水点滴率(f) ; MP5滴水点滴率的变化趋势(g)

    Figure  2.  Variation of air temperature(a),air humidity (b) ; cave air CO2 concentration(c), drip water Mg/Ca (d) , pH (e),discharge of MP2 (f) , MP5(g) in Furong Cave during 2017-2018

    图  3  MP2、MP5、MP9新生碳酸钙沉积物矿物晶体形态

    (A) MP2点玻璃片正面(2017年1−3月);(B) MP2点玻璃片正面(2017年4−6月);(C) MP5点玻璃片正面(2017年1−3月);(D) MP5点玻璃片正面(2017年7−9月);(E) MP9点玻璃片正面(2018年7−9月);(F) MP9点玻璃片正面(2018年10−12月);AF、BF、CF、DF、EF和FF均为对应沉积时段玻璃片反面新生碳酸钙沉积物的矿物形态

    Figure  3.  Mineral morphology of active speleothem at MP2, MP5 and MP9

    (A) Front side of glass plate at MP2 (Jan.-Mar. 2017); (B) Front side of glass plate at MP2 (April-June 2017); (C) Front side of glass plate at MP5 (January-March 2017); (D) Front side of glass plate at MP5 (July-September 2017); (E) Front side of glass plate at MP9 (July-September 2018); (F) Front side of glass plate at MP9 (October-December 2018); AF, BF, CF, DF, EF and FF are mineral forms of AS on the back side of the glass plates during the corresponding deposition period

    图  4  MP2(a)、MP5(b)和MP9(c)玻璃片正反面新生碳酸钙沉积物Mg/Ca比值比较

    注:MP2 2017年10−12月玻璃片被人为损坏,其余没有数值的点均为样品不足

    Figure  4.  Mg/Ca of AS on the front and back sides of glass plates at MP2, MP5 and MP9.

    图  5  MP5 2017年10-12月沉积的玻璃片正面 (A)、反面边缘 (B) 和反面中心 (C) 的AS矿物形态

    Figure  5.  Mineral morphology of AS depositing on the front side (A), at the edge of back side (B) and at the center of back side (C) of the glass plate at MP5 during October-December, 2017

    表  1  MP2、MP5和MP9滴水点的洞穴环境特征及滴水水化学特征

    Table  1.   Cave environmental characteristics and drip water chemical characteristics at MP2, MP5 and MP9

    20170416.697.91 13236.8659.
    20170516.398.41 29836.8860.471.01108.1
    20170616.398.61 41333.8959.570.94187.9
    20170717.191.41 37635.2160.910.95158.3
    20170816.498.61 49834.4258.650.97108.2
    20171016.498.71 64633.9659.800.94108.0
    20171116.498.81 16032.7460.130.90308.3
    20180416.492.61 21640.6170.580.9530
    20180516.392.81 44441.4371.610.95387.4
    20180616.597.51 499208.3
    20180816.694.02 08540.7669.730.96278.4
    20181016.595.71 83935.4961.400.95188.5
    20181116.199.01 18535.5460.620.97288.7
    MP520170117.498.81 26936.9459.651.021.98.2
    20170418.197.41 50537.7961.
    20170517.698.71 11836.9258.981.030.28.3
    20170617.598.81 02934.7158.440.980.98.2
    20170717.997.31 02935.3959.240.981.58.2
    20171017.798.81 60034.6455.751.020.78.5
    20171117.598.71 03133.0253.621.021.18.7
    20180417.987.81 7460.9
    20180517.497.31 94744.5174.650.981.38.5
    20180617.597.31 47442.5866.781.051.68.3
    20180817.495.52 34441.4261.761.118.5
    20180917.597.72 04034.5153.901.061.1
    20181017.596.72 04035.1253.811.081.28.2
    20181117.399.01 28634.8651.
    20170416.198.61 13338.2153.121.197.7
    20170516.198.21 45436.1850.581.187.2
    20170616.593.71 76435.7555.681.067.5
    20170716.391.41 39535.8757.241.037.6
    20170816.298.21 58435.0251.771.128.0
    20171016.691.71 64534.5654.821.048.0
    20171116.198.61 25334.6354.011.068.1
    20180416.880.81 47042.7058.021.218.3
    20180516.491.21 30244.7161.661.207.2
    20180616.685.81 25143.3166.141.088.7
    20180716.982.81 20641.8961.931.128.1
    20180816.686.91 35542.8967.141.058.2
    20180916.390.01 61935.3353.821.088.2
    20181016.491.31 71235.2456.721.027.0
    20181116.293.21 31735.3655.791.048.1
    20181216.098.0— 34.7348.541.188.7
    注:— 代表数据缺失。MP2 2018年6月水样丢失,MP5由于部分月份滴水量少,缺少滴水Mg2+、Ca2+、滴率和pH等数据,MP9滴水点2017-2018年未进行滴率监测,由于仪器故障部分洞穴空气pCO2数据缺失。
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    表  2  MP2、MP5和MP9滴水点下玻璃片正反面AS的矿物形态统计

    Table  2.   Mineral morphology statistics of AS on the front and back sides of glass plates at MP2, MP5 and MP9

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    表  3  玻璃片正反面新生碳酸钙沉积物的δ18O和δ13C及差值 (反面-正面)

    Table  3.   δ18O and δ13C in AS and the difference between the front and the back sides of glass plates

    监测点δ18O /‰, V-PDB δ13C /‰, V-PDB沉积时间
    MP2 −7.33 −6.95 0.38 −10.44 −10.13 0.31 2017.04−06
    MP5 −7.48 −7.14 0.35 −10.28 −9.85 0.43 2018.10−12
    MP9 −7.17 −7.18 −0.02 −9.95 −9.58 0.37 2017.07−09
    MP9 −7.10 −6.75 0.36 −9.40 −9.12 0.28 2017.10−12
    MP9 −7.30 −6.94 0.36 −9.73 −9.02 0.71 2018.04−06
    MP9 −7.11 −6.79 0.32 −9.75 −8.78 0.97 2018.07−09
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    表  4  玻璃片正面新生碳酸钙沉积物的δ18O和δ13C值

    Table  4.   δ18O and δ13C values of AS on the front side of glass plates

    沉积时间MP2 MP5 MP9
    2017.01-03 −6.95 −9.42 −6.51 −7.90
    2017.04-06 −7.33 −10.44 −7.80 −10.96 −6.65 −9.23
    2017.07-09 −7.05 −10.31 −7.54 −10.45 −7.17 −9.94
    2017.10-12 −7.70 −10.96 −7.10 −9.40
    2018.01-03 −7.53 −10.13 −6.69 −8.34
    2018.04-06 −7.79 −10.57 −7.30 −9.73
    2018.07-09 −7.63 −10.52 −7.11 −9.75
    2018.10-12 −7.48 −10.28
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