Philosophical cognition and prospect of karst research in China
摘要: 喀斯特和岩溶科学术语源于欧洲和中国对同一客观实体(碳酸盐岩地形)的认知历史和差异性定位。中国岩溶研究从聚焦岩溶系统溶蚀动力的解构性工程属性和资源利用研究转向全面融合岩溶动力、岩溶生物地球化学、岩溶生态系统生产力的岩溶系统建构属性研究。在服务社会经济发展需要中,中国岩溶研究发现和深化了岩溶系统“解构”和“建构”的矛盾运动机制,而人类活动影响着这对矛盾运动的时空尺度和效应,并将其转化为包括岩溶石漠化治理的区域资源环境管理和可持续发展的理论和技术。深度研究控制小流域岩溶生态系统解构的侵蚀基准面自然演化与人为影响的规律和制约岩溶生态系统建构的植被演替(生物群落生产力提高)间的矛盾对立运动规律,将有助于岩溶山水田林湖草生态共同体建设,服务可持续发展和应对全球变化。Abstract: The scientific term of Karst in Europe and Yanrong in China is originated from the cognitive history and different orientation of the same objective entity (carbonate topography). The progress of Yanrong research in China has shifted from focusing on the deconstructive engineering properties and resource utilization by karst dissolution dynamics to the systematic construction of karst dynamics, karst biogeochemistry and karst ecosystem productivity. In the process of serving the needs of social and economic development, Chinese karst studies have discovered and improved the contradictory movement mechanism of "deconstruction" and "construction" of karst system and its space-time scale and effect changed by human activities, which have been transformed into the theory and technology serving for regional resource environmental management and sustainable development, including controlling karst rocky desertification. In-depth research on the movement law of opposition and unity between erosion base level evolution that controls the deconstruction of karst ecosystem in small watershed and vegetation succession that improves the construction of karst ecosystem will contribute to the construction of ecological community of karst mountain, water, fields, forests, lakes and grass and serve for sustainable development and coping with global change.
表 1 岩溶系统演变的动力、过程和效应
结构动态 项目 特征与参数 动力 CaCO3+H2O+CO2=Ca2++2[HCO3]−1
CaCO3+CO2+H2O➪Ca2++2HCO3−1➩(+光合生物)CaCO3(沉淀)+ x(CO2(溢出)+H2O)+(1-x)(CH2O(沉积)+O2)
岩溶过程吸纳大气CO2(碳汇)和消耗碳酸盐岩,产生岩溶地貌、溶蚀空洞,形成自源性物质流失通道;岩溶生物群落演替和生物地球化学过程,丰富岩溶景观要素,弥补岩溶系统的资源性物质流失。解构 碳汇、溶蚀率、
空隙率全球岩溶年碳汇(1.10~6.08)×108 t·a−1,占遗漏碳汇5.5%~30.4%[104];岩溶原生林土下溶蚀碳汇是次生林3倍,灌丛9倍[108]
无机碳泵汇:68.82~100.1 t·km−2·a−1,生物碳泵汇:76.74 t·km−2·a−1[109] ;
溶蚀率:0.02~6.42 mg·km−2·a−1[104],年增空隙率0.072~0.099 8 ‰·a−1.溶蚀率与
年增溶蚀孔隙率‰·a−1:0.023~1.522(广西弄拉),0.032 3~1.847(重庆金佛山);地表0.0107~0.0146,地下0.139~4.670(泰国普特)水土流失与溶蚀率影响因素 0.4~36.64 t·km−2·a−1[110](贵州峰林),53.11~2 350.4 t·km−2·a−1,其中,地下漏失占75.72%~96.24%(广西峰林)[111];0.78~2.85 t· km−2·a−1,5.87 t·km−2·a−1(广西木伦)[112];当流量增加1倍,溶蚀量增加2倍[104];当非碳酸盐岩面积增加,溶蚀量可增加20%~60%;当外源水面积占50%,溶蚀量增加50%[3];当裸露岩石面积达70%时,降雨聚集倍增径流量侵蚀和下渗[113]; 建构 岩溶成土与植被枯落物 1.66~6.64 t·a−1[115];比非碳酸盐岩类岩石成土速率慢20 多倍[18];在贵州高原, 形成1 cm 厚的土壤需要溶剥蚀掉原岩≧25 cm岩溶森林植被年产调落物 (×102 t. km−2.a−1 )。亚热带高原季风原生林 7.13,次生林1.98,次生云南松林2.49,干香柏林4.07[116];热带雨林5.12,热带季雨林7.78,亚热带常绿落叶混交林3.57,亚热带次生林2.19,灌丛6.7 [117]; 岩溶表层带水源涵养能力 枯枝落叶垫积层的上层岩溶裂隙孔隙水(枯落物湿地)和下层岩溶水双层结构[118],昆明层控型岩溶地下水形成年龄50年,安宁断裂带岩溶水年龄16.2年[63],表层岩溶带调蓄能力与植被和土壤厚度有很好协同关系,土层厚度小于30 cm不具调蓄能力,森林覆盖率高调蓄能力越强,石漠化区不具调蓄能力[63]。地下井水位衰减滞后降雨峰值周期(天)近原生林13.21、灌木林14.08、灌草丛3.46,裸岩地2.71;水文年内的水层厚度增量(mm)原生林276.7>灌木林254.1>灌草丛85.6>裸岩溶丘64.8 mm① 岩溶森林物种结构和生物量 亚热带岩溶高原原生林乔木物种落叶物种占50%[119];中亚热带岩溶原生林(茂兰)落叶物种数占45.85%~38.7%[120],岩溶森林生物量1.24×104 t·km−2小于非岩溶森林1.63×104 t·km−2,岩溶森林生产力(8.67×102 t·km−2·a−1)小于非岩溶森林(9.56×102 t·km−2·a−1)[121] -
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