Niangziguan spring group in Shanxi Province and its water source
摘要: 娘子关泉域群泉是中国北方最大的岩溶泉,泉域汇水面积达7 436 km2,前人认为:泉域内岩溶水由北、西、南3面向娘子关一带径流汇集,由于娘子关一带下奥陶系燧石团块或条带白云岩相对隔水层隆起,并被桃河侵蚀出露,使岩溶地下水溢出地表成泉群,其主要含水层为中奥陶系含石膏碳酸盐岩。但各泉的水化学、同位素特征有差异,娘子关泉群并不是出自统一源。文章通过水化学、同位素、水文地质剖面等方法研究得出: 娘子关泉域存在两个含水层、三个子系统:中奥陶系灰岩含水层和中上寒武系白云岩含水层;西部奥陶系岩溶水系统、东部奥陶系岩溶水系统和东部中上寒武系岩溶水系统。泉域内城西泉与程家泉出露于中奥陶系下马家沟组泥灰岩之上,含水层为中奥陶系灰岩裂隙、溶隙水,由于区域下马家沟组泥灰岩隆起隔水出露地表成泉,属于东部奥陶系岩溶水系统;坡底泉、五龙泉、河北泉、水帘洞泉、苇泽关泉其补给主要来源于中上寒武系含水岩组,为承压上升泉,属于东部中上寒武系岩溶水系统。Abstract: As a main natural discharge point of karst groundwater, Niangziguan spring group consists of 11 springs and is located in Niangziguan town, Yangquan City, Shanxi Province. It is distributed on the floodplain and terrace of the Taohe river, the Wenhe river and the Mianhe river, with an exposed elevation of 360 m to 392 m. Among these springs, Chengjia spring is the highest and Jinqu spring is the lowest. The annual average flow of spring group is 9.48 m3·s−1 and the flow differences of springs are large, among which the difference of Wulong spring is the largest. Niangziguan spring group is the largest karst spring in northern China, with a catchment area of 7,436 km2. Previous studies believe that karst water in the spring area flows from north, west and south to Niangziguan area, and the chert mass or strip dolomite of lower Ordovicianin Niangziguan area relatively rises to the aquifuge, and is eroded and exposed by the Taohe River, which makes the karst groundwater overflow to the surface and form a spring group. The main aquifer is made up of gypsum-bearing carbonate rock of middle Ordovician. However, because Niangziguan springs are not from the same source, their hydrochemistry and isotope are different. Therefore, it is necessary to study the source of Niangziguan spring group. This study is conducted with the methods of hydrochemistry, isotope and hydrogeological section, and is concluded that there are two aquifers and three subsystems in Niangziguan spring area. The aquifer consists of middle Ordovician limestone aquifer and middle upper Cambrian dolomite one. Subsystem distribution is comprised of Ordovician karst water system in the west, and Ordovician karst water system and middle upper Cambrian karst water system both in the East. Chengxi spring and Chengjia spring are exposed on the marl of lower Majiagou formation of middle Ordovician, and their aquifers consist of fissure and fissure water of Middle Ordovician limestone. Because the marl of lower Majiagou formation is uplifted in this region, the surface spring-the eastern Ordovician karst water system-is formed. Mainly supplied by the water-bearing formation of middle upper Cambrian, Podi spring, Wulong spring, Shibanmo spring, Shuiliandong spring and Weizeguan spring are pressure-bearing ascending springs and belong to the middle upper Cambrian karst water system in the east.
表 1 岩溶地下水水化学特征
Table 1. Hydrochemical characteristics of karst groundwater
编号 类型 pH Ca2+ Mg2+ K+ Na+ Cl− ${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-} $ $ {\rm{HCO}}_3^{-}$ Sr δD δ18O 34S 水化学类型 /mg·L−1 /mg·L−1 /mg·L−1 /mg·L−1 /mg·L−1 /mg·L−1 /mg·L−1 /mg·L−1 /‰ /‰ /‰ N01 左权石港村 7.70 98.7 24.6 1.5 11.7 11.1 127.2 244.5 0.86 −68.0 −9.2 18.2 HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg N02 昔阳大寨水源
地岩溶井7.55 75.8 18.9 1.2 6.6 9.0 44.9 262.0 0.38 −74.6 −10.2 7.2 HCO3-Ca·Mg N03 寿阳岩溶井 7.21 123.7 40.9 1.5 14.1 8.2 284.4 240.6 2.96 −73.1 −10.2 23.1 HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg N04 小河村斜井岩溶井 7.24 235.0 45.7 4.9 124.2 111.1 596.0 320.2 1.17 −61.3 −8.2 4.7 HCO3-Ca·Mg N05 盂县岩溶井 7.36 291.6 44.4 1.6 95.0 34.9 744.7 359.0 1.26 −67.3 −9.1 18.1 HCO3·SO4-Ca N06 温池水源地岩溶井 7.60 90.6 22.6 0.9 9.6 12.2 90.4 277.5 0.63 −70.0 −9.6 8.5 HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg N07 河底镇岩溶井 7.08 312.5 85.2 2.0 31.0 40.2 816.5 293.0 1.89 −65.5 −8.8 12.8 SO4-Ca·Mg N08 神子山岩溶井 7.56 82.3 25.0 1.3 11.7 12.3 68.8 262.9 0.54 −70.5 −9.5 3.7 HCO3-Ca·Mg N09 程家泉岩溶井 7.28 165.5 45.1 6.5 128.9 125.7 405.8 291.1 0.79 −62.2 −8.2 5.3 HCO3·SO4-Ca·Na N10 坡底泉 7.35 135.2 41.8 2.1 42.9 55.7 271.8 263.9 2.14 −71.6 −9.5 15.5 HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg N11 城西泉 7.40 112.1 34.8 2.1 39.5 48.0 185.6 260.0 1.59 −67.1 −9.1 9.2 HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg N12 五龙泉 7.36 131.4 39.7 2.1 42.1 55.7 251.7 263.9 1.97 −69.3 −9.4 16.7 HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg N13 河北泉 7.32 134.1 41.2 2.1 43.1 57.7 262.0 267.8 2.10 −69.9 −9.4 17.4 HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg N14 苇泽关泉 7.19 134.5 42.2 2.1 44.6 57.8 268.2 265.8 2.09 −70.5 −9.6 17.8 HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg N15 水帘洞泉 7.31 135.0 42.0 2.1 44.5 57.9 267.3 265.8 2.10 −70.1 −9.5 17.4 HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg N16 禁区泉 7.47 134.5 42.3 2.1 44.2 58.0 266.6 263.9 2.12 −70.6 −9.5 17.5 HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg N17 滚泉 7.44 134.2 42.2 2.1 44.0 58.2 269.9 262.0 2.07 −70.4 −9.6 16.7 HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg -
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