Change and its prediction of landscape patterns in the watershed of typical karst lake wetland
摘要: 岩溶湖泊湿地流域作为景观格局变化的热点研究区域,探讨景观格局动态变化及预测趋势,为岩溶流域生态安全研究提供科学依据。应用遥感与地理信息系统技术,结合普者黑岩溶湖泊湿地流域实际情况,分别对该地区1990、1995、2000、2005、2010、2015 年6 期遥感影像进行分类、解译,系统地获取地区景观格局状况,分析动态变化特征,并运用CA-Markov 模型对未来湿地景观格局进行模拟预测。结果表明:1990−2015年普者黑岩溶湿地流域景观格局随时间变化显著,景观破碎化程度总体呈现增加趋势,斑块数(NP)从861增加到889,景观类型的优势斑块面积在逐渐增加,而多样性指数从1.064下降到0.966;2020−2030年普者黑岩溶湿地流域建筑用地、农地和湿地景观类型面积在增加,农地和林地在减少,其中,较为突出的是建筑用地占有率由2.79%上升到2.97%,农地占有率60.12%增加到60.74%,湿地占有率6.67%上升7.02%,而林地占有率由26.70%下降到26.40%。景观格局进行预测可以发现湿地面积、建筑用地面积和农地变化幅度最大,本文相关研究和预测结果可为普者黑流域生态保护提供一定的建议和参考。
- CA-Markov模型 /
- 岩溶湖泊湿地 /
- 景观格局 /
- 模拟与预测
Abstract: As a research focus of landscape pattern change, the change and its prediction of landscape patterns in the watershed of karst lake is explored with the purpose of providing a scientific basis for the ecological safety in karst watershed in this study. The data of remote sensing image in the watershed of Puzhehei karst lake was collected in 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015 respectively. With the remote sensing and geographic information system, those images were classified and interpreted based on the actual situation of this area. In addition, landscape patterns and the dynamic characteristics were analyzed and the pattern of future wetland landscape was simulated and predicted with CA-Markov model. Results show that landscape patterns of the watershed of Puzhehei karst wetland changed significantly from 1990 to 2015, during which construction land and agricultural land continued to increase, but woodland, wetland and unused land continued to decrease. The number of blocks (NP) rose from 861 to 889. Generally speaking, agricultural land is increasing year by year, but the growth rate is slow and the wetland landscape area is decreasing. Besides, from 1990 to 2015 the degree of landscape fragmentation in the Puzhehei watershed was generally augmented,and the number of landscape patches, patch density and number index of maximum patches also increased. The number of patches reached a maximum of 936, and the patch density index increased from 2.596 in 1990 to 2.822 in 2000, and then decreased to 2.689 in 2015. The number of maximum patches increased from 58.345 in 1990 to 62.036 in 2015, which means that the impact of human activities on the landscape pattern in the Puzhehei watershed made the landscape structure more complex and the fragmented. Finally, the dominant patch area of landscape types gradually increased from 1990 to 2015. The diversity index decreased from 1.064 to 0.966, and the edge density increased from 47.552 to 48.063. But the landscape shape index decreased from 30.175 to 29.625. Due to the continuous reduction of forest land and wetland in 2000, the landscape shape index increased and both the edge density and landscape shape index peaked at 49.987 and 31.012 respectively, which made the landscape structure complex. In the next 20 years, the landscape type change in Puzhehei watershed will generally show an increase in construction land, agricultural land and wetland, but a decrease in forest land, garden land and unused land. This trend can be reflected from the previous data: construction land increased from 2.79% to 2.97%, agricultural land from 60.12% to 60.74%, wetlands from 6.67% to 7.02%, but of forest land dropped from 26.70% to 26.40%. Accordingly, the land use pattern of Puzhehei watershed will change significantly. By 2030, the existing construction land will be expanded mainly around the scenic area of sinkholes as well as new in the villages and new towns around the National Wetland Park. Constrcution land will spread to the surrounding areas along with the main traffic roads. It is predicted that wetland, construction land and agricultural land will experience the largest change. The research findings can provide suggestions and reference for the ecological protection of the watershed Puzhehei karst lake.-
Key words:
- CA-Markov model /
- wetland of karst lake /
- landscape pattern /
- simulation and prediction
表 1 不同年份普者黑流域土地利用类型分类精度
Table 1. Classification precision of land use of Puzhehei basin in different year
时间(年) 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 影像类型 Landsat TM Landsat TM Landsat ETM Landsat TM Landsat TM Landsat OLI Kappa 系数 0.78 0.82 0.85 0.82 0.84 0.87 Kappa系数 一致性程度 < 0 很差 0~0.20 微弱 0.21~0.40 弱 0.41~0.60 适中 0.61~0.80 显著 0.81~1.00 最佳 表 3 普者黑岩溶湿地流域景观类型数量与面积变化(1990−2015)
Table 3. Change of number and area of the Puzhehei karst wetland landscape (1990-2015)
类型1990年 1995年 2000年 2005年 2010年 2015年 斑块数 面积/ 斑块数 面积/ 斑块数 面积/ 斑块数 面积/ 斑块数 面积/ 斑块数 面积/ (NP) hm2 (NP) hm2 (NP) hm2 (NP) hm2 (NP) hm2 (NP) hm2 建设用地 59 549.05 58 621.82 60 674.26 62 706.77 65 756.37 63 784.77 林地 550 9 369.64 529 9 343.73 613 9 180.54 594 9 423.89 598 9 165.24 589 9 177.44 农地 107 19 670.03 103 19 818.32 102 20 045.42 95 20 695.63 89 20 777.79 84 20 804.27 湿地 91 2 319.14 89 2 241.09 110 2 190.14 63 1 573.34 60 1 848.94 62 1 916.19 未利用地 7 1024.34 6 898.55 5 838.81 7 530.71 6 376.1 10 243.12 园地 47 236.69 45 245.39 46 239.70 48 238.56 51 244.45 51 243.10 合计 861 33 168.90 830 33 168.90 936 33 168.90 869 33 168.90 869 33 168.90 859 33 168.90 表 4 普者黑岩溶湖泊湿地流域景观破碎化指数特征
Table 4. Fragmentation index of the Puzhehei karst wetland landscape
斑块数(NP)/个 斑块密度(PD) 最大斑块数(LPI)/个 1990年 861 2.596 58.345 1995年 830 2.502 58.911 2000年 936 2.822 59.404 2005年 869 2.62 61.797 2010年 879 2.62 61.218 2015年 889 2.69 62.036 表 5 2010年普者黑流域土地利用模拟与实际结果对比
Table 5. Comparison between simulation of land use and actual land use in the Puzhehei karst wetland in 2010
类型 预测面
确率%建筑面积 650.80 1.96 554.81 1.67 85.25 农地 20 053.81 60.42 20 143.46 60.73 99.55 湿地 2 374.33 7.15 2 190.14 6.61 92.24 林地 8 908.94 26.84 9 180.61 27.68 97.04 园地 399.89 0.91 239.70 0.72 59.94 未利用地 1 001.26 2.72 860.18 2.59 85.91 合计 33 189.03 100 33 168.90 100 99.93 表 6 普者黑岩溶湖泊湿地流域2020年和2030年土地利用预测结果
Table 6. Prediction of land use of the Puzhehei karst wetland in 2020 and 2030
类型 2020年
有率/%建筑用地 928.99 2.79 980.07 2.97 农地 20 043.94 60.12 20 250.58 60.74 湿地 2 224.92 6.67 2 339.77 7.02 林地 8 901.94 26.70 8 801.94 26.40 园地 726.10 2.18 593.53 1.78 未利用地 511.37 1.53 371.37 1.11 合计 33 337.26 100 33 337.26 100 表 7 普者黑岩溶湖泊湿地流域2010年与2020年、2030年景观水平指数对比
Table 7. Comparison among the level index of the Puzhehei karst wetland landscape in 2010, 2020 and 2030
年份 景观指数 NP PD LPI ED LSI CONTAG SHDI SHEI 2010年 879 2.620 0 61.217 5 46.424 5 28.634 9 64.009 5 0.971 9 0.542 4 2020年 989 2.690 7 62.693 6 48.362 1 29.675 2 64.579 1 0.946 9 0.529 7 2030年 999 2.701 0 62.732 1 48.543 2 29.684 3 64.597 3 0.920 6 0.510 9 -
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