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魏永耀 姜国庆 黄敬军 徐士银 武鑫

魏永耀,姜国庆,黄敬军,等. 浅谈徐州古河道冲积层对岩溶塌陷及工程建设的影响[J]. 中国岩溶,2023,42(3):565-572 doi: 10.11932/karst2021y35
引用本文: 魏永耀,姜国庆,黄敬军,等. 浅谈徐州古河道冲积层对岩溶塌陷及工程建设的影响[J]. 中国岩溶,2023,42(3):565-572 doi: 10.11932/karst2021y35
WEI Yongyao, JIANG Guoqing, HUANG Jingjun, XU Shiyin, WU Xin. Influence of the Xuzhou paleochannel alluvium on karst collapse and engineering construction[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 42(3): 565-572. doi: 10.11932/karst2021y35
Citation: WEI Yongyao, JIANG Guoqing, HUANG Jingjun, XU Shiyin, WU Xin. Influence of the Xuzhou paleochannel alluvium on karst collapse and engineering construction[J]. CARSOLOGICA SINICA, 2023, 42(3): 565-572. doi: 10.11932/karst2021y35


doi: 10.11932/karst2021y35
基金项目: 徐州城市地质调查、徐州地区岩溶塌陷调查(12120114022001);苏北黄泛区关键地带环境地质调查项目


  • 中图分类号: P642.25

Influence of the Xuzhou paleochannel alluvium on karst collapse and engineering construction

  • 摘要: 历史上水系的变迁导致徐州古河道十分复杂。文章对徐州古河道的变迁、潜蚀特征、识别特征、深度特征、结构特征进行了分析,并分析了古河道对岩溶塌陷及工程建设的影响。结果表明:(1)自晚更新世以来,共有5条河流流经徐州,其中晚更新世古河道有2条,全新世古河道有3条;(2)徐州古河道冲积层具有“新”、“软”、“杂”、“变”等特点;(3)古河道为岩溶塌陷创造了有利的地质结构,其一形成了相互叠加的粉土、粉砂堆积物;其二对徐州市区内稳定分布的老黏土进行冲刷,形成了下伏岩溶含水层的补给天窗;(4)古河道形成的粉土、粉砂层富水性强,工程施工时易产生涌砂现象,同时古河道冲积层冲埋隐伏的构筑物对基坑工程及浅基础建筑物稳定性会产生较大影响,工程建设时应当采取相应的工程措施。


  • 图  1  徐州古河道变迁图

    Figure  1.  Xuzhou paleochannel distribution map

    图  2  高密度电阻率反演电阻率断面三维立体图(钮庄附近古河道)

    Figure  2.  3d stereogram of high density resistivity inversion of resistivity section (near Niuzhuang)

    图  3  全新世古河道粉砂、粉土层底板埋深平面示意图

    Figure  3.  Diagram of buried depth of mealy sand and silty soil floor of the Holocene paleochannel

    图  4  塌陷密集区古河道与塌陷位置关系图

    Figure  4.  Position relations between paleochannel and karst collapse

    图  5  砂性土单层结构区域岩溶塌陷机制简图

    Figure  5.  Schematic diagram of karst collapse mechanism in the area of sandy soil with monolayer structure

    图  6  砂性土-老黏性土双层结构区域岩溶塌陷机制简图

    Figure  6.  Schematic diagram of karst collapse mechanism in the area of sandy soil-old clay with double structure

    图  7  古河道冲积区(文化宫站附近)工程地质剖面图

    Figure  7.  Engineering geological section of paleochannel alluvial area (near Cultural Center Station)

    表  1  古河道冲积层主要物理力学指标(平均值)

    Table  1.   Main physical and mechanical indexes for the paleochannel alluvium (average values)

    $ w $/%
    $ e $
    $ {I_L} $
    $ {a_{1 - 2}} $
    $ c $/Kpa
    $ Es $/MPa
    $ N $/击
    Note: Water ratio represents the weight percentage of water contained in a soil mass; porosity ratio represents the ratio of pore volume to solid particle volume in soil mass; liquidity index represents the hard and soft state of soil, which indicating the relative relationship between natural and boundary water content; coefficient of compressibility is a physical quantity that represents the compressibility size of soil; modulus of compressibility represents the ratio of stress to strain when geophysical exploration is under triaxial compression; cohesion represents the mutual attraction between adjacent parts of a substance; standard penetration number indicates the compactness and bearing capacity of soil mass.
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