Hydrochemistry and genesis of the Honghegu hot spring in Mile, Yunnan Pronince
摘要: 为了探讨弥勒红河谷温泉的成因及钻孔热水的开采对温泉的影响,以此来为红河谷温泉地区热水资源的开发提供合理依据。文章对弥勒红河谷温泉、冷泉和钻孔热水进行水化学分析和同位素测试。结果显示:温泉矿化度(TDS)为232~328 mg.L-1,pH值呈弱酸性,锶含量为0.29~0.44 mg.L-1,偏硅酸25.45~34.44 mg.L-1,热水水化学类型为HCO3-Ca型,冷泉HCO3-Ca·Mg型,热储温度在65~70 ℃之间。氢、氧同位素表明温泉热水来源于大气降水;估算的补给区高程为2100m左右。温泉受断裂带控制,由大气降水补给,经大地热流加热沿断裂带涌出于地表。由于玄武岩的隔水作用和地下水流向,钻孔和自流孔热水的开采对温泉的影响不大。Abstract: The purpose of this work was to clarify the genesis of Honghegu hot spring in Mile, Yunnan and the influence of exploitation of drilling hot water on the spring, providing a reasonable basis for the development of hot water resources in this area. Hydrochemical analysis and isotopic tests were performed to the hot spring, cold spring and drill-hole hot water in the study area. Results show that degree of mineralization of the spring is about 232-328 mg.L-1, the pH is slightly acidic, with H2SiO3 of 25.45-34.44 mg.L-1 and Sr of 0.29-0.44 mg.L-1. The hot water belongs to the HCO3-Ca type, while the cold water belongs to the HCO3-Ca.Mg type. The temperature of the geothermal reservoir is 65-70 ℃. Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes indicate that hot spring water comes from meteoric precipitation. The elevation of the recharge area of the hot spring is estimated as about 2,100 m. The hot spring is controlled by the fault zone, supplied by atmospheric precipitation. Heated by earth's heat flow, it flows out of the surface along the fault zone. Due to water isolation of basalt and the direction of groundwater flow, mining of borehole hot water and self-flowing hot water has little effect on the hot spring.
Key words:
- Honghegu hot spring /
- hydrochemical characteristics /
- isotope /
- geothermometer /
- drill-hole hot water
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