A new species of stygobionotic diving beetles from China (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae, Hydroporinae, Bidessini)
doi: 10.11932/karst20210615
龙虱是一类水生甲虫,营捕食性生活。真洞穴龙虱种类不多,在中国仅记录2种。本文基于采自中国广西壮族自治区环江毛南族自治县文雅村岩律洞(干燥岩洞)一个雌性标本,描述了龙虱科一新属种——田氏华龙虱(Sinoporus tianmingyii gen. & sp. nov.)。新属具有地下龙虱类特征:成虫浅色,相对柔软,无复眼和后翅。新属与已知龙虱区别如下:(1) 身体侧缘近平行;(2) 鞘翅缘折近基部具明显斜脊;(3) 鞘翅具缘缝;(4) 前足和中足腿节具长刚毛; (5) 各跗节无游泳毛。田氏华龙虱(Sinoporus tianmingyii gen. & sp. nov.).主要特征:身体卵形,背腹平坦,浅黄褐色。体长1.8 mm,最大宽度0.8 mm。头部略窄于前胸背板,两侧平行,具有密集的微网纹。触角11节,末节纺锤形。下颚须4节,末节膨大;下唇须3节,末节膨大。前胸背板两侧平行,具微网纹及稀疏的细刻点。鞘翅无微网纹,具有不规则的密刻点列。前胸腹板、中胸腹板及后胸腹板翼具有较密集的刻点。前胸腹板有密集的短白毛;前胸腹板突端部尖锐,中间具纵脊。后胸腹板翼窄。腹部第2、3节间在侧部分节不明显。前、中足腿节背面有长毛,无短刚毛;后足腿节无长毛;后足胫节细长,后足第一跗节与后两节之和等长。检视标本:正模:♀(中山大学生物博物馆),中国广西环江县文雅村岩律洞,25.2239° N, 108.2956° E,396 m,10.xi.2009,采集人:Louis Deharveng & Anne Bedos。
Abstract:Sinoporus tianmingyii gen. et sp. nov. is described based on a female specimen from a dry cave(Yanlyu cave) in Wenya village, Huanjiang county, Guangxi, China. The new taxon is characterized of subterranean diving beetles in having adults depigmented, relatively soft, and lacking hind wings and compound eyes. In addition, the taxon is diagnosed among all adult Dytiscidae with following characters combined, (1) Body with lateral margins subparallel; (2) Elytral epipleura with distinct oblique subbasal carina; (3) Elytra with sutural stria; (4) Pro- and mesofemora with long hair-like setae externally; (5) All tibiae and tarsi lacking natatory setae. -
Key words:
- Dytiscidae /
- Bidessini /
- Sinoporus tianmingyii gen.et sp.nov. /
- karst cave /
- China
Figure Fig.1. Sinoporus tianmingyii, gen. & sp. nov.((1) habitus, dorsal view; (2) habitus, ventral view; (3) punctures of elytra; (4) head and pronotum; (5) subbasal carina of elytra; (6) middle leg; (7) protibia and tarsi; (8) prosternal process; (9) labial palpus, ventral view; (10) maxillary palpomere, lateral view; (11) labial palpomere, lateral view)
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