Influence of the Datengxia reservoir on water inrusch amount of the Panlong lead-zinc mine in Guangxi
摘要: 矿井突水是矿山开采过程中最具威胁的自然灾害之一,其中以岩溶水突水最为常见。大藤峡水利枢纽蓄水后,抬高了盘龙铅锌矿附近黔江的地表水位。矿山继续向深部开采,矿坑涌水危险进一步增加。文章基于Visual Mod Flow地下水流数值模拟软件,建立盘龙铅锌矿大岭矿段的数值模型,采用矿坑涌水量实测值以及多种矿坑涌水量计算方法对数值模型进行校验。通过模拟计算,预测大藤峡水利枢纽蓄水后对不同开采中段矿坑涌水量将会明显增加。为了降低矿坑涌水量,建议在黔江河近岸的3个倒灌口各建1个挡水坝,在大岭矿段东侧和西侧各施工1道灌浆帷幕。当帷幕体透水率为3 Lu时,止水效果可达44.21%~53.14%。Abstract: Water inrush is one of the most threatening natural hazard in mining, of which karst water is the most common. The Datengxia Dam has raised the surface water level of the Qianjiang River near the Panlong lead-zinc mine. In addition, with mining further toward the deep subsurface, the value of mine water inrush will be significantly increased. Based on the hydrogeological conditions of the Panlong Lead-zinc mine in Guangxi, a numerical model of the Daling section of this mine was established using the software of Visual ModFlow. The measured values and various calculation methods of mine water inrush were used to verify the numerical model. Through simulation calculation, the influence of water impoundment of the Datengxia Dam on the water inrush of different mining elevations is predicted. The results show that the water inrush of the mine pit will increase obviously after the water impoundment of the Datengxia reservoir. In order to reduce the amount of mine water inrush, it is suggested to build a retaining dam at each of the three backfill ports near the shore of the Qianjiang River, and construct a grouting curtain on the east and west sides of the Daling section of the mine. When the water permeability of the curtain body is 3 Lu, the water stop effect can reach 44.21~53.14%.
Key words:
- mine water inrush /
- numerical simulation /
- Panlong lead-zinc mine /
- Datengxia reservoir /
- Guangxi
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