Review of research progress and prospect of tufa/travertine karst landscape at home and abroad
摘要: 利用计量学软件Citespace处理分析2008-2020年间国内外文献,揭示钙华研究在基于同位素技术的钙华成因、钙华景观特点及地貌演化、钙华生物成因和钙华景观退化等方面取得的重要研究进展,阐明了全球钙华景观的分布、特点、物质组成、成因类型及典型钙华景观退化的现状和原因,推动了钙华自然遗产景观的保护及钙华研究的国际合作。目前,急需加强钙华内生动力与外生动力的复合作用、微生物对钙华沉积的耦合作用、钙华景观退化的微观结构表现等方面的基础研究及钙华景观生态修复保育关键技术的研发。Abstract: A scientometric analysis in Citespace software on the published papers of tufa/ travertine researches at home and abroad from 2008-2020 shows that, some researches of tufa/travertine such as, formation causes of tufa/travertine based on isotope technology, landscape features and geomorphologic evolution of tufa/travertine, biological causes of tufa/travertine and landscape degeneration of tufa/travertine have gotten important progresses. Moreover, the distribution, landscape features, material composition, formation types and situation and causes of typical tufa/travertine in the world have been well clarified, which push forward the conversation and international co-operation of tufa/travertine natural heritage as well as the protection of tufa/travertine natural heritage landscapes . At present, some important basic researches such as mutual processes between earth thermal dynamics and surface dynamics, coupling processes between microorganism and tufa/travertine deposition, as well as micro structures of tufa/travertine degeneration should be strengthened urgently. Meanwhile, the key technology of ecological rehabilitation and conservation of tufa/travertine should be developed.
Key words:
- tufa/travertine /
- karst landscape /
- natural heritage /
- research progress /
- prospect
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