Spatial evaluation and sensitivity analysis of water resource security in Guizhou Province under climate change
摘要: 探讨气候变化下水资源安全的时空演变规律,对喀斯特地区水资源安全的保障有着重要意义。文章采用GA-BP神经网络模型,研究了贵州省水资源安全的空间分异特征,并分析其对气候要素变化的敏感性。结果表明:(1)研究区水资源安全有较强的空间异质性。2001-2015年,黔南的水资源安全一直是全省最差的地区,贵阳的水资源安全改善最为明显,变化幅度最小的是安顺;(2)当变动率相同时,年平均降雨量的变动对水资源安全的影响最大,其增加10%时水资源安全指数上升0.95%,单位地表水资源量变动的影响其次,单位地下水资源量变动的影响最小;(3)对年平均降雨量变化最为敏感的地区是遵义、毕节、六盘水和黔西南。研究结果可为贵州省水资源的调控和开发提供参考。Abstract: It is of great significance to the protection of water resource security in karst areas by the analysis of spatio-temporal evolution of water resource security under the climate change. Using GA-BP neural network model, the spatial differentiation of water resource security in Guizhou Province was evaluated, and its sensitivity to climate change was analyzed. The results show that the water resource security took on obvious spatial heterogeneity in the study area. From 2001 to 2015, the water resource security in Qiannan was always the weakest in province. Guiyang improved the most obviously, and Anshun changed the least. When the rate of change is same, the change of annual average rainfall has the greatest impact on the water resource security, with the increase of 10%, the water resource security index increases by 0.95%, followed by the impact of unit surface water resource change, and the unit groundwater resource change had minimal impact. The most sensitive areas to rainfall change are Zunyi, Bijie, Liupanshui and Qianxinan. The results can provide scientific and technological support for the regulation and development of water resources in Guizhou Province.
Key words:
- Guizhou Province /
- water resource security /
- spatial evaluation /
- climate change /
- sensitivity
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