Dissolution characteristics of limestone conglomerate in the Paleogene Zhujiagou formation in the central and southern mountainous area of Shandong Province and hydrogeological implications
摘要: 以大汶口盆地南北两侧分布的朱家沟组灰质砾岩为研究对象,通过钻探施工岩心编录、野外井点调查、可控源音频大地电磁法、抽水试验等技术方法研究盆地南北两侧灰质砾岩溶蚀发育特征及富水性,以施工水文地质钻孔为例,系统总结出盆地南北两侧灰质砾岩的富水规律。结果表明:朱家沟组含水层单井涌水量为720~2 027 m3?d-1;受沉积环境和构造发育影响,盆地北部和南部朱家沟组含水层在岩石结构、物性、溶蚀发育特征、地下水补给来源、富水性等方面存在明显差异。此灰质砾岩富水规律在鲁中南山区具有普遍性和适用性。Abstract: The research area is a low -hilly area located in the central and southern mountainous area of Shandong Province, where exist several fault-depression basins such as the Dawenkou, Laiwu, and Pingyi basin. Along the boundary faults and peripheries of these basins developed thick beds of Paleogene Zhujiagou formation limestone conglomerate. This work aimed to study the dissolution characteristics of this rock and their hydrogeological significance. On either side of the Dawenkou basin a series field work was conducted including drilling core cataloguing , well site surveys, CSAMT, and pumping tests. Taking the hydrogeological boreholes as examples, the water abundance law of limestone conglomerates was systematically summarized. The results show that, (1) Both karst holes formed by dissolution of limestone conglomerate and karst-like holes formed by cement softening and gravel component disintegration can be good storage spaces for groundwater. (2) The water outflow from single wells in the Zhujiagou aquifer ranges from 720 to 2,027 m3·d-1,which can be used as the target area of water exploration for centralized water supply in the basin.(3)Affected by sedimentary environment and tectonic development, the aquifers of Zhujiagou formation in the north and south of the basin have obvious differences in rock structure, physical properties, characteristics of dissolution development, sources of groundwater recharge and water abundance. (4)The hydrogeological characteristics, i.e. the law of water abundance, of limestone conglomerate of the paleogene Zhujiagou formation has universality and applicability in the central and southern mountainous area of Shandong Province, which can provide a reference for the study of the emergency water prospecting, the groundwater enrichment law and the hydrogeological mapping in karst mountainous areas.
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