Flow recession analysis of karst underground river basins in different karst geomorphic units in the upper reaches of the south source of the Wujiang river, Guizhou Province
摘要: 选取云南高原向贵州高原过渡地带上的乌江南源——贵州省三岔河上游流域作为研究对象,分别提取其流域内的花渔洞地下河流域与三塘地下河流域的地形指标,分析两者的流量衰减现状,并探讨了岩溶地表形态和岩溶含水介质结构之间的关系。结果显示:(1)花渔洞地下河流域的平均起伏度为73.2 m,可分为高起伏度的Ⅰ区(均值122 m)和低起伏度的Ⅱ区(均值64 m)两个区,其分别占整个流域面积的14.9%和85.1%;三塘地下河流域的平均起伏度为87.6 m,可分为高起伏度的Ⅰ区(均值106 m)、中起伏度的Ⅱ区(均值81 m)和低起伏度的Ⅲ区(均值48 m)三个区,其分别占流域面积的40.2%,49.7%和10.1%;(2)花渔洞地下河流域各阶段的衰减系数为0.000 3,0.000 1,0.000 06(0.5 h)-1,总蓄水量达2 199.356×104 m3,各亚动态蓄水量分别占总蓄水量的0.1%,9.9%、90.0%;三塘地下河流域各阶段的衰减系数为0.001、0.000 3、0.000 1(0.5 h)-1,总蓄水量为2 310.902×104 m3,各亚动态蓄水量分别占总蓄水量的9.4%、30.8%、59.8%。这表明地面起伏度和衰减动态之间可能存在着关联性,即高起伏度对应岩溶发育强烈的管道流,低起伏度对应导水通道较小的裂隙、溶隙等含水层。Abstract: The Sanchahe river basin is located in the transition zone from the Yunnan plateau to the Guizhou Plateau, which is the south tributary of the Wujiang river. The total area of the basin is 7,264 km2, where elevation drops from 2,000 m to 1,100 m. This basin hosts many multi-phase karst and diverse landforms. Within this basin, the Huayudong sub-underground river basin and the Santang sub-underground river basin are located in the karst peak-cluster region of Panxian-Weining and the karst peak forest region of central-southwest Guizhou, respectively, possessing different karst development characteristics. To investigate the relationship between karst surface morphology and structure of karst water-bearing medium, this work uses the topographic indexes (elevation and relief) of the two basins to compare and analyze their geomorphologic development features, and determine structural characteristics of the water bearing medium in the two basins by the flow recession analysis based on interval exponential function. Results show that, (1) The Huayudong underground river basin has an average elevation of 2,306 m and an average relief of 73.2 m. It can be divided into two areas: high relief area I (mean 122 m) and low relief area II (mean 64 m), which account for 14.9% and 85.1% of the whole basin area, respectively. The Santang underground river basin has an average elevation of 1,880 m and an average relief of 87.6 m. It can be divided into three areas: high relief area I (mean 106 m), medium relief area II (mean 81 m)and low relief area III(mean 48 m),which account for 40.2%, 49.7% and 10.1% of the whole basin area, respectively. (2)The recession coefficients of each stage of the Huayudong underground river basin are 0.000,3, 0.000,1, 0.000,06 (1/0.5 hour), the total water storage capacity is 2,199.356×104 m3, and the water storage of different hydrological sub-regime accounts for 0.1%, 9.9% and 90.0% of the total water storage, respectively. The recession coefficients of every stage of the Santang underground river basin are 0.001, 0.000,3 and 0.000,1 (1/0.5 hour),the total water storage capacity is 2,310.902×104 m3, and the water storage of different hydrological sub-regime accounts for 9.4%, 30.8% and 59.8%, respectively. These results suggest that there may be some correlation between surface relief and flow recession, that is, high relief corresponds to strong karst pipeline flow (the first flow recession state), and low relief corresponds to aquifers (the second and third flow recession state) with small fissures and karst cracks.
Key words:
- karst /
- topographic index /
- relief /
- flow recession /
- Sanchahe tributary
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