Study on cave environmental factors based on karst cave tourism activities
摘要: 随着人们生活水平的不断提高,岩溶洞穴旅游活动日益频繁,使得对洞穴环境的综合研究以及洞穴旅游管理变得尤为重要。通过调研国内外岩溶洞穴旅游管理的现状,结合岩溶洞穴环境的研究成果,综合分析岩溶洞穴环境因子,如温度、相对湿度、洞穴CO2浓度等,对岩溶景观的影响,探讨溶洞环境的自净能力以及景观保护与修复措施等问题;针对目前岩溶洞穴旅游开发的有限空间与无序客流的矛盾,提出了合理调控洞穴旅游客流量,增强洞穴旅游景观资源保护意识,从地学、旅游、环境以及健康等角度评估和开发洞穴,使旅游活动对环境因子的影响限制在可控范围,实现洞穴旅游的可持续发展。Abstract: With continuous improvement of people’s living standards, tourism activities in karst caves have become more and more frequent, which makes the comprehensive study of cave environment and cave tourism management particularly important. Under the investigation of karst cave tourism management at home and abroad, and study on karst cave environment, this article displayed comprehensive analysis and research results on the influence of karst landscape on karst cave environment factors such as temperature, relative humidity, caves CO2 concentration and so on, and gave the further discussion on the self-purification ability of cave environment, landscape protection and restoration measures. According to the present conflict on karst cave tourism development between limited space and disordered visitors, some suggestions are put forward on controlling the tourist flow of cave tourism reasonably and enhancing the consciousness, and on evaluation and development of caves from different aspects of geosciences, tourism, environment, health and so on, which makes the influence of tourism activities on environmental factors limited, and the sustainable development of cave tourism realized.
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