Characteristics of hidden karst collapse in the Zhongliangshan area of Chongqing and an approach of geophysical surveys
摘要: 为查明隐伏塌陷区域,分析重庆市中梁山地区岩溶塌陷的特征,发现塌陷主要发生在以岩溶裂隙发育为主的松散粉质黏土区域;地震映像法能方便、快速地查清土层的松散状态,而高密度电阻率法通过正演模拟发现只能探测出2~3倍电极距的异常范围,但能反映出岩溶裂隙发育的漏斗形态,即只要能找出岩溶裂隙的大致位置和浅表松散土层的范围就能圈定隐伏塌陷的区域。对中梁山地区某居民点进行野外勘测,综合以上两种方法圈定隐伏塌陷区域,其推断结果与钻探资料十分吻合,说明这种隐伏岩溶探测思路是可行的。Abstract: The Zhongliangshan area in Chongqing has a low mountain landform, composed of the Guanyinxia anticline. It is a high-level karst with steep topography and complex geological environments, In recent years, with increasing human engineering activities, karst ground collapses occur frequently, leading to serious geological hazard, posing threat to safety of people’s life and property in this area. This work attempts to clarify the characteristics of these karst collapses. Through sampling and analyzing soil layers in the collapsed and non-collapsed areas, it is found that collapses mainly occur in loose silty clay areas with karst well developed, and suffosion is the main factor for collapse occurrence. Forward simulation on the geological model indicates that the high-density resistivity method can only detect anomalous range of 2-3 times the electrode distance, it is difficult to detect fine fractures, but it can reflect the approximate location of karst cracks, namely, it permits to delineate the funnel-shaped geological form. Then by using the seismic imaging method to divide the loose layer of surface soil , the hidden karst collapse area can be delineated. In the field survey to a residential district of the Zhongliangshan area, the high-density resistivity method is used to preliminarily screen hidden karst, and then the seismic imaging is conducted to find the area of shallow loose soil layer. In terms of such a integrated approach, the hidden collapse karst area is delineated. Finally, 10 boreholes are drilled to verify the survey results, among which 5 boreholes reveal the characteristics of the loose soil structure, in agreement with the results of geophysical surveys. It demonstrates that the approach of geophysical surveys aforementioned is feasible in detection of hidden karst collapses.
Key words:
- karst /
- hidden collapse /
- high density electrical method /
- seismic imaging method
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