Effects of microorganisms agent addition on soil microbes in different rhizosphere soils and calcium carbonate dissolution
摘要: 本实验通过对云南省建水地区植被根际土壤中高产碳酸酐酶(CA)的微生物进行分离筛选和溶蚀效应的测定,将溶蚀效果较好的菌株制成菌悬液进行盆栽实验,探究该菌株对不同树种根际土壤微生物代谢活性和碳酸钙类岩石溶蚀效应的影响。结果表明:从根际土壤中筛选到一株能够高产CA,且具有较强溶蚀效果的沙雷氏菌,施加该菌剂的处理组显著增加了土壤微生物数量,提高微生物的代谢活性和多样性,并加速碳酸钙类岩石的溶蚀。本研究旨在为今后岩溶区生态恢复过程中植物树种的选择与微生物菌剂的联合应用提供一种技术手段,为岩溶地区生态系统的治理提供一定的理论支持。Abstract: In this experiment,microorganisms with high-yield carbonic anhydrase(CA)in the rhizosphere soil of Jianshui county, Yunnan Province were isolated and screened,and the dissolution effect was measured. The strain with better dissolution effect was prepared into a suspension for pot experiment,permitting to explore the effects of micro-bialmetabolic activities and dissolution effects of calcium carbonate rocks on rhizosphere soils of different tree species. The results show that a strain of Serratia can be screened from the rhizosphere soil with high-yield CA and strong dissolution effect. The treatment group applying the microbial agent significantly increases the number of soil microorganisms,enhances the metabolic activity and diversity of microorganisms,and accelerates the dissolution of calcium carbonate rocks. This study aims to provide technical means for the selection of plant species and the application of microbial agents in the ecological restoration process of karst areas in the future, and provide some theoretical support for the management of ecosystems in karst areas.
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