Occurrence forms of inorganic phosphorus in soils of karst wetland under different landuses and comparison of two analysis methods
摘要: 本研究利用SMT法和七步连续提取法对桂林市会仙岩溶湿地中典型土地利用方式(水稻田、果园、荒地)的土壤以及河流底泥中磷的赋存形态进行研究。结果表明:岩溶土壤总磷含量大小为底泥>果园>水稻田>荒地;底泥中Ex-P和Fe-P所占比例较大;荒地土壤中Or-P和Res-P为主要磷形态;水稻田和果园土壤中Fe-P所占比例较高。人为干扰明显的果园表层土壤有较大的磷淋溶风险;荒地土壤中磷的生物可利用性低,体现了其缓冲固持湿地水体中磷的生态功能。大量可溶性磷经淋溶迁移富集于底泥中,是河流富营养化的风险源。七步法表现出在提取多种复杂结合态磷上的优势,对岩溶土壤中Ca-P的提取更充分有效,更适用于研究岩溶土壤不同形态的磷分布特征。Abstract: The content and speciation of phosphorus(P)determine soil fertility and the risk of P leaching from soils. This work uses standard, measurement and testing(SMT)and seven-step sequential extraction methods(“seven-step method”)to investigate the occurrence of inorganic P(In-P)in typical karst soils(paddy land,orchard,barren land)and river sediment in the Huixian karst wetland of Guilin, to analyze the effects of different land utilization on the distribution of In-P in karst soils and compares the two methods on this issue. The results show that total P content in the karst wetland soils from high to low is river sediment,orchard,paddy land,and barren land. This value is the highest in the river sediment(416.97 mg?kg-1 ),in which highly bioavailable exchangeable P(Ex-P)and iron P(Fe-P)are dominant. In the barren land soil,organic P(Or-P)and residual P(Res-P) are the major forms;while In-P content(64.45 and 47.56 mg?kg-1 for 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm depth)is the lowest in all four soils. The autologous P(Au-P),which has low bioavailability,has the highest proportion in In-P of this soil compared to that in other soils. In comparison,the surface soil of the paddy land and orchard has relatively high In-P content(276.04 and 418.19 mg?kg-1, respectively)in which Fe-P is the dominant form. In this analysis, the seven-step method has advantages in the extraction of P with complex binding states. Specifically for the karst soils,which are characterized by high Ca content and alkalinity,the seven-step method is more effective in the extraction of Ca-P. The In-P constitutes a great share in the total P in karst soils, therefore the P pool is more active. Human disturbance greatly increases the In-P content and its bioavailability. Especially,the surface orchard soil has a great potential risk of P leaching. The barren soil has low In-P content and bioavailability,indicating its high P buffering capacity. The enrichment of P in sediment via leaching suggests the sediment is a risk source for river eutrophication. In general,the seven-step method is a more suitable approach for P speciation analysis in karst soils.
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