Preliminary study on the construction of evaluation index system of karst wetland degradation
摘要: 会仙岩溶湿地是热带和亚热带地区中最大的岩溶湿地之一,由于岩溶湿地脆弱性及人类活动的影响,其湿地面积萎缩,生态功能退化。为了更好保护会仙岩溶湿地,保障湿地的健康和可持续发展,文章探究了造成会仙岩溶湿地退化的关键因子,并结合会仙湿地独特的岩溶特征,筛选出影响会仙湿地健康的指标,利用层次分析法(AHP)对主要指标赋予权重,再通过分析会仙湿地相关资料和标准,构建出一套涵盖3个层次18个评价指标的湿地退化评价指标体系,以此为基础建立了岩溶湿地退化评价方法。Abstract: There are large quantity of wetlands over the karst areas in southwestern China. Among them, the Huixian karst wetland is one of the largest karst wetlands, a largest natural wetland developed in the area with low-altitude and mid-latitude in the tropical and subtropical region. This wetland has played an important role in preserving water and ecological resources in the karst area. In recent years, due to the vulnerability of the karst wetland and the impact of human activities, the total area of the Huixian wetland has gradually reduced. As a result, the ecosystem of the wetland has been seriously damaged, characterized by severe degradation in ecological function. Thus, the protection and restoration of the Huixian karst wetland has become the focus of human attention. In order to better protect the wetland resources and ensure the health and sustainable development of the wetland, it is of great significance to construct an evaluation index system in line with the characteristics of the Huixian wet karst, and to conduct an objective, scientific and quantitative evaluation of the degradation of the Huixian wetland. In this study, firstly, we examined the unique karst characteristics in relation to the wetland, and then screened out the main factors affecting the health of the wetland.On this basis, the index system for the wetland assessment was established, using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) model in which the weight of each affecting factor was also determined. At the same time, through analyzing relevant research data and relevant standards associated with the wetland, the wetland degradation grades, together with evaluation methods, were proposed in this study. Finally a set of karst wetland degradation evaluation index system with 3 levels (target level, criterion level, index level) and 18 evaluation indexes was constructed. The construction of this index system fully combined the special hydrogeological driving factors of karst wetlands (rocky desertification, soil erosion, karst development, etc.) and the actual conditions of the wetland (geographical location, land use, etc.), with typical karst characteristics, which can be used in the health evaluation of typical karst wetlands and sustainable development protection, providing theoretical support for the protection and restoration of karst wetlands.
Key words:
- karst wetland /
- degradation /
- grading classification /
- index system
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