Study on the characteristics of karst water system and tunnel route selection in Wanshoushan area, Yunnan Province
摘要: 岩溶地区隧道建设中常发生突水、突泥等地质灾害,危及工程和施工人员安全,故隧道线路的优化工作尤为重要。本文以三清高速万寿山隧道为例,通过大比例尺水文地质调查,查明了区域岩溶水系统的空间展布和岩溶地下水的循环特征,研究了不同隧道方案与岩溶水系统的空间位置关系,并预测不同线位方案岩溶水害的发育特征。在此基础上,选取隧道穿越断层数量、隧道穿越岩溶含水层长度、最大突水压力以及最大突涌水量作为隧道方案比选的定量评价指标,基于层次分析法,建立岩溶地区隧道线路综合评价模型。对不同线位方案进行地质比选,结果表明:C方案的岩溶水文地质条件相对较好,岩溶突水突泥风险最低。Abstract: During construction of tunnels in karst areas, geologic hazards, such as water bursting and mud invasion, often occur threatening the project and people’ safety. Thus the optimization of tunnel line is very important. Taking the Wanshoushan tunnel of the Sanqing expressway in Yunnan as an example, this work conducted a large-scale hydrogeological survey around the tunnel site. The purpose was to clarify the spatial distribution of the karst water system and cycle features of karst underground water, study the relationship between the different tunnel schemes and spatial position of the karst water system, and predict possible karst water hazards related with these schemes. On the basis of this research, the quantitative assessment indexes for comparison of tunnel line schemes were determined, which were the number of faults running through by the tunnel, the karst aquifer length through which the tunnel extends, maximum water bursting pressure and maximum amount of water invasion. Then using the analytic hierarchy process method,we established a comprehensive assessment model for the tunnel line in the karst area, which would help choose the best scheme of the tunnel line from candidates. The results show that the scheme C possesses relatively better hydrogeological conditions and least risk of karst water bursting or mud invasion.
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