Review on the connotation and methods of emergency investigations to geological hazards in mountainous area
摘要: 地质灾害应急调查是针对突发性地质灾害或险情进行的紧急调查,需在一至数日的调查期间及时提供实时信息,并尽快提交应急调查报告,为地质灾害应急救援和处置提供科学依据和技术支撑。根据应急调查技术条件,划分为单点和群发地质灾害应急调查两大类。文章论述了山区地质灾害应急调查主要工作流程,即:基础资料准备、现场协调会议、制订工作方案及协调安排、卫星及无人机遥感调查、野外应急调查、资料综合研究及报告编写,以及各个环节的主要工作方法。地质灾害应急调查主要采用野外现场调查访问、地质测绘与卫星定位以及高分辨率卫星遥感、无人机航拍等便捷有效的工作方法。文中定义了地质灾害应急调查,详细分析评述了山区地质灾害应急调查的基本规则、调查方法和技术要求。Abstract: Emergency investigations of geological hazards are immediate surveys to sudden geological hazards or dangerous situations. Real-time information should be provided timely during the survey period of one to several days, and the emergency investigation report should be submitted as soon as possible, so as to provide scientific basis and technical support for emergency rescue and management of geological hazards. Such emergency surveys are divided into two types,single point and a mass of geological hazards survey according to the technical conditions of surveys. This paper describes the main workflow of surveys including basic data preparation, on-site coordination meetings, decision-making and coordination arrangement, satellite and UAV remote sensing surveys, field emergency surveys, data integration research and report compilation, as well as the main working methods of each link. In general a geological hazard emergency survey adopts convenient and effective methods, such as field investigations and visits, geological mapping and satellite positioning, high-resolution satellite remote sensing, and aerial photography by UAV. In addition, the basic rules, methods and technical requirements of geological hazard emergency survey in mountainous areas are analyzed and reviewed in detail in this paper.
Key words:
- emergency rescue /
- geological hazards /
- environmental impact /
- emergency survey
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