Key scientific issues in research on landslide hazard induced by underground mining in mountainous areas with coal-bearing strata of southwestern China
摘要: 文章在分析采矿型崩滑灾害发育特征的基础上,得出西南煤系地层山区地下采动型崩滑灾害常发生在层状碳酸盐岩与碎屑岩地层组成的褶皱翼部和核部的陡崖带上,与地形地貌、地层结构与地下采矿工程活动等因素关系密切,并指出薄矿层开采诱发大型山体崩滑灾害的具体过程:①采空后覆岩顶板塌落—覆岩顶板离层,采空区上覆岩层内部及层间自下而上应力传递;②地下水运移通道形成,并加快更大范围岩体结构破坏及扩展,加速了岩体结构面的松动与破坏;③上覆岩层不均匀沉降导致坡脚压裂,山体大型岩体结构面逐渐拉剪或压剪变形扩展,最终山体发生累积损伤与大规模崩滑灾害。此外,传统经验公式的计算方法对此类采矿型崩滑灾害已不适用,建议开展西南煤系地层山区地质结构与地下采动诱发崩滑灾害的相互作用关系、薄矿层采空区上部山体累积断裂损伤—岩体松动、裂隙扩展-岩溶管道流、裂隙流变化的链式响应机制、地下采动型崩滑灾害评价方法等关键科学问题的研究,以推动采矿型地质灾害防灾减灾工作的发展。Abstract: Underground mining activities often trigger large-scale landslide on mountain slopes, causing casualties and property losses. Based on the analysis of the development characteristics of landslide hazard induced by underground mining, this paper considers that such landslide hazard often occur in the cliff belts of fold wings and core composed of layered carbonate rock and clastic rock strata in mountainous area with coal-bearing strata of southwestern China, which is closely related to factors such as topography, stratum structure and underground mining engineering activities. It is pointed out the following processes that large-scale landslide hazard induced by thin seam mining,(1) The overlying rock roof collapses and the overburden rock roof separates, and the stress transfer from the bottom to the top in and between the overburden rock in the goaf after the mined-out; (2)The formation of underground water migration channels accelerates the failure and expansion of rock mass structures on a larger scale, accelerating the loosening and failure of rock mass structural planes;(3) The uneven settlement of the overburden rock strata leads to fractures at the foot of the slope, and the large-scale rock mass structural surface of the mountain body gradually deforms under tension shear or compression shear, eventually resulting cumulative damage and large-scale landslide hazard. At the same time, this study suggests that the calculation method of traditional empirical formula is no longer applicable to this type of landslide hazard induced by underground mining.It is recommended to develop the research on following key scientific issues, including the interaction relationship between the geological structure and the landslide hazard induced by underground mining of the karst mountainous area with coal-bearing strata of southwestern China, the cumulative fracture damage and rock mass loosening in the upper part of thin seam goaf, fracture expansion and karst conduit flow, the chain response mechanism of fracture flow change of upper mountain in the mined area of thin ore bed, and the evaluation method of landslide hazard induced by underground mining,etc. The purpose is to promote the the development of prevention and mitigation work of geological hazard induced by underground mining.
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