Effects of exposed stone teeth on the distribution and leaf phenotypic variation of the endangered plant Loropetalum subcordatum in Maolan National Nature Reserve
摘要: 喀斯特区常见的出露石牙对水分和养分的再分配影响了植物物种的分布与适应特征。为了解出露石牙对中国特有珍稀濒危植物四药门花(Loropetalum subcordatum)的分布与叶表型性状的影响,用样带法对贵州茂兰国家自然保护区内四药门花个体根部和周边最近石牙与土表连接处的距离进行调查、并选择距石牙不同距离的乔木植株叶片进行表型特征测量。根据四药门花植株的分布特征,将其与石牙距离分为三组(0 cm、0.1~10 cm、≥10 cm)进行分析。结果表明:①本次共调查到四药门花个体515株,其中胸径≥1 cm的388株(75.3%)。胸径最大值为17.5 cm,该植株距石牙7 cm。胸径≥1 cm植株距石牙0 cm、0.1~10 cm、≥10 cm植株数分别为89株平均胸径3.44±2.26 cm、21株平均胸径4.38±4.55 cm和278株平均胸径3.93±2.75 cm;幼苗和幼树距离石牙0 cm有19株、0.1~10 cm有62株、≥10 cm有46株。②茂兰四药门花种群叶长106.60±19.28 mm、叶宽47.53±10.10 mm、叶宽/长0.45±0.08、叶厚0.32±0.05 mm、叶柄长12.82±3.35 mm、叶柄径1.43±0.35 mm。距石牙0 cm组、0.1~10 cm组和≥10 cm组四药门花的叶长、叶宽、叶柄径差异不显著(P>0.05),叶厚、叶宽/叶长、叶柄长差异极显著(P<0.01)。石牙出露深刻影响了四药门花的分布和植物的适应特征。Abstract: The heterogeneous habitat plays an important role in conservation and restoration of rare and endangered plants. In karst areas, the common exposed stone teeth can cause the differentiation of soil physical and chemical properties, thus affecting the distribution and adaptation characteristics of rare and endangered plant populations. To examine the distribution and adaptation characteristics of endangered plants in heterogeneous habitat, we investigated the leaf phenotypic variation and the distance between plant and stone teeth of Loropetalum subcordatum population by the transect method in the Maolan National Nature Reserve, Libo county, China. We divided the distance into three groups (0 cm, 0.1-10 cm, and above 10 cm) for analysis. The results show that, (1) among 515 individual of Loropetalum subcordatum investigated, 388 pieces (75.3%) have DBH≥1 cm. The maximum DBH is 17.5 cm, and the distance between it and the stone teeth is 7 cm. In the 0 cm distance group, there are 89 DBH≥1 cm individuals with average 3.44±2.26 cm, and seedlings and saplings are present in 19 individuals. In the 0-10 cm distance group, 21 pieces have DBH≥1cm with average 4.38±4.55 cm, and seedlings and saplings are 62 individuals. In the above 10 cm distance group, there were 278 DBH≥1cm individuals with average 3.93±2.75 cm, and seedlings and saplings are 46 individuals. (2) The length of Loropetalum subcordatum population’s leaf is 106.60±19.28 mm, and the width is 47.53±10.10 mm, the ratio of width to length is 0.45±0.08, the thickness is 0.32±0.05 mm, respectively. The petiole length of Loropetalum subcordatum population is 12.82±3.35 mm and diameter is 1.43±0.35 mm, respectively. There are no significant differences in the length, width, and petiole diameter of Loropetalum subcordatum leaf in the distance groups 0 cm, 0.1-10 cm and ≥10 cm, but the leaf thickness, petiole length and leaf width/length are significantly different(P<0.01). On the whole, the stone teeth has a profound influence on the distribution and leaf characteristics of Loropetalum subcordatum.
Key words:
- leaf phenotypic /
- spatial distribution /
- heterogeneous habitat /
- karst /
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