Study on aggregate formation mechanism of soil in limestone
摘要: 土壤团聚体是土壤最基本的结构单元。为了解岩溶地区石灰岩发育土壤团聚体的形成机制,选择贵阳市花溪区花溪水库石灰岩所发育的土壤为材料,采用干、湿筛法,分析团聚体颗粒的分级情况,并比较拆分有机质与钙镁铁铝离子间连接后四种离子含量的变化以及团聚体各粒级含量的变化。结果显示:团聚体是由细小颗粒在胶结物质有机质与钙镁铁铝离子结合下形成微团聚体,进一步形成更大粒级的团聚体,最后在分子力的作用下粘结土粒或者其他团聚体形成完整的团聚体结构;有机质与钙离子的结合是团聚体形成的主要胶结物质,其次为有机质与镁铁离子的结合,有机制与铝离子的结合作用不大,这与石灰岩矿物主要是碳酸钙有关;研究区发育土壤大粒级水稳性团聚体含量相对较高,土壤抗蚀性好,抵抗侵蚀能力强。Abstract: Soil aggregate is the most basic structural unit of soil. To understand the formation mechanism of soil aggregate developed from limestone in karst areas, soil samples were collected from Huaxi District of Guiyang City for analysis. Using dry and wet sieving methods, the grading of aggregate particles for the soil samples were examined. The changes of the aggregate particle fractions and the ion content for calcium, magnesium, iron and aluminum ions of the split organic matter with these ions were compared. The results show that the soil aggregate is formed by fine particles generated by the combination of organic matter with calcium, magnesium, iron and aluminum ions, which furtherly forms bigger aggregate with larger particle size, finally develop to complete aggregate texture of bonded soil grain or other aggregate by the molecular force. The major cementing material of aggregate is the combination organic matter and calcium ion, followed by magnesium and iron ion. The bonding between organic matter and aluminum ions is not significant, which is because that limestone is dominated by calcium carbonate. Consequently, soil in the study area has relatively high content of soil aggregate with big grain size and higher water stability, thus its capability of erosion resistance is strong.
Key words:
- aggregate /
- cemented substance /
- particle grade /
- formation mechanism /
- soil developed from limestone
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