Study on the human living environment in Guilin City since the upper palaeolithic
摘要: 桂林是我国国家级历史文化名城,有着丰富的历史文化遗迹,其重要的文化特色就是遗存着大量的史前文化。目前,桂林发现最早的史前文化遗迹距今约为3.5万年。在研究桂林史前文化遗存的过程中,发现其有着独特的发展规律,如在重要气候转型期,桂林古人类的生活方式随之发生改变,这可能是受到当地环境和全球气候变化影响的结果。Abstract: Because of abundant historical and cultural remains, Guilin is one of the famed national historical and cultural cities of China. And plenty of pre-historical cultural remains are an important character. The pre-historical remains is about 35 ka BP, and continuously extend to 3 ka BP. When we start studying the pre-historical remains in Guilin, something special characters were found, such as the climate transition and the life style change with it. They may indicate the great effects of global and local climatic and environmental changes. This paper discusses the relationship between evolution of pre-historical culture and climate and environment changes on global and local sales, and hopes to contribute the research of pre-historical culture in Guilin.
Key words:
- climate change /
- pre-historical culture /
- cave site /
- Guilin
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