Spatial distribution characteristics and the geomorphological evolution process of the Jiudongtian cave system in Guizhou Province
摘要: 洞穴分布特征及地貌演化研究是洞穴科普活动及洞穴旅游开发与管理的重要支撑。为进一步了解九洞天景区洞穴系统大型串珠式天窗群的分布特征及规律,对溶洞的规模、形态、发育方向及分布高程进行实地考察。将地理学“将今论古”的思想与地理信息系统工具相结合,探讨九洞天洞穴系统的空间展布特征及其地貌演化过程。结果表明:九洞天洞穴系统发育地层以二叠系茅口组地层为主,发育受断层节理和水文条件控制,溶洞发育方向多为北北东、北西和东南方向,与区域构造线基本一致;受第四纪间歇性抬升运动和侵蚀基准面控制的影响,洞穴系统垂向分布大致集中在1 150~1 220 m、 1 220~1 270 m、1 270~1 340 m三个海拔范围内,与区内古河道垂向分布具有相似性;九洞天洞穴系统和地貌演化经历油菜河伏流及底纳寨干谷形成期、梯子崖伏流及张家寨干谷形成期、九洞天伏流和大天桥干谷形成期三次大的发育阶段,形成九洞天景区天窗溶洞、明暗流和古河道并存的典型喀斯特格局。Abstract: The study of cave distribution characteristics and geomorphological evolution provide a solid basis for can aid of the development of scientific activities and tourism of cave. In order to understand the distribution of the large scale bead-like skylights in the cave system of Jiudongtian Scenic spot, in situ investigations have been made to the discover the scale, shape, development direction and distribution elevation of karst caves in this area. Then the spatial distribution characteristics and geomorphological evolution process of the cave system are discussed by combining the idea of “from the present to infer the ancient” in geography with the Geographic Information system (GIS). The results show that the strata of the Jiudongtian cave system are dominated by Permian Maokou formation, of which the development is controlled by fault and hydrological conditions. The karst caves are mostly in NE and NW directions, largely consistent with the regional structure. Affected by Quaternary intermittent motions of uplifting and erosion datum plane, the caves are mostly distributed at at elevations of 1,170 m, 1,220 m and 1,310 m, which are similar to that of the ancient river courses in the area. The evolution of this cave system and geomorphology experienced three major stages, (1) Youcai river current and Dinazhai dry valley formation, (2) Ladder cliff current and Zhangjiazhai dry valley formation, (3) Jiudongtian volute current and Datianqiao dry valley formation, resulting in a typical karst pattern of skylight caves, bright and dark currents and ancient river courses coexisting in the Jiudongtian scenic spot.
Key words:
- karst cave /
- spatial distribution /
- geomorphologic evolution /
- Jiudongtian scenic area
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