Fuzzy evaluation of mitigating soil and water loss by cultivation of medicinal plants in karst mountainous areas
摘要: 为了在评价喀斯特山地发展药用植物种植产业化的水土流失防治功能价值,本文在西南喀斯特腹地毕节市七星关区岔河镇足纳村石灰岩发育的黄壤坡地的泥沙侵蚀监测小区,分别栽培种植刺梨、金荞麦、刺梨套种头花蓼、刺梨套种何首乌、刺梨套种金荞麦,通过2016年和2017年两年雨季的监测,发现土壤侵蚀量与植物覆盖度、植物枝叶层厚度呈指数函数关系,与植物根系条数呈直线关系。进一步建立土壤侵蚀量与植物覆盖度、植物枝叶层厚度、植物根系条数的隶属函数,运用Fuzzy评价模型,对调查的20种药用植物的水土保持功能进行评价。结果表明:水土保持防治功能强的植物为刺梨、白芨,较强的植物有川乌、重楼、党参、山慈姑,其他均具有中等水土保持功能,并能按评价结果选择不同强度水土流失地段的药用适宜栽培植物,也较为符合调查区实际。Abstract: This paper evaluates the role of medicinal plants in mitigation of soil and water loss in karst mountainous areas. The data are from a test site where 20 kinds of medical plants were cultivated, including Rosa roxburghii Tratt,Fagopyrum dibotrys (D. Don)Hara,Rosa roxburghii Tratt intercropped with Polygonum capitatum Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don,Rosa roxburghii Tratt intercropped with Fallopia multiflora (Thunb.) Harald,and Rosa roxburghii Tratt intercropped with Fagopyrum dibotrys (D. Don) Hara. Regression analysis of monitoring data in raining seasons of 2016 and 2017 shows that the amount of soil erosion has an exponential relationship with plant coverage and the thickness of plant branches and leaves,and a linear relationship with the number of plant roots. In terms of the fuzzy evaluation model, the plants that can contribute to soil and water conservation are Rosa roxburghii Tratt and Bletilla striata (Thunb.) Reichb.f., followed by Aconitum carmichaeli Debx.,Prais polyphylla Smith var. yunnanensis (Franch.) Hand.-Mazz,Codonopisis tangshen Oliv,and Pleione yunnanensis Rolfi. Other plants play a medium role in water and soil conservation. These results would help choose suitable medical plants to cultivate in the areas with varied degrees of soil and water loss.
Key words:
- medicinal plant /
- cultivation /
- soil and water loss /
- Fuzzy /
- evaluation
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