Hydrochemistry characteristics and evolution of karst spring groundwater system in Jinan
摘要: 分析山东省济南市趵突泉泉域的岩溶地下水水化学特征与水环境,揭示各化学指标的区域分布特征、时间变化特征以及相互转化关系,总结出济南地区地下水环境现状与演化规律。结果表明:济南市岩溶地下水水化学类型自东南向西北沿流场方向为:HCO3?SO4-Ca→HCO3?SO4-Ca?Mg→HCO3-Ca→HCO3-Ca?Mg;地下水NO〖_3^-〗-N浓度总体呈增高趋势,总硬度和TDS浓度较高,农业种植区大量使用化肥农药和企业污染物的排放,是引起济南市岩溶地下水水环境问题的主要原因。Abstract: Jinan is the capital city of Shandong Province, famous for the landscape of springs in China, for spring is of unique nature in both quantity and quality. It is an important carrier of Jinan’s profound historical and cultural connotation, and an important part of a historical and cultural city. The formation of spring in Jinan is influenced by topography and karst hydrogeological condition. Its unique karst geological conditions provide a space for pooling and flowing of groundwater. The karst landforms well develop over the mountainous area in the south, which accumulates a large amount of precipitation that subsequently becomes karst groundwater. In the north, intrusive igneous rocks with low permeability forms relatively no-flow boundary. Therefore, the karst groundwater flows along bedding planes and discharge as a number of springs in the city. In terms of genesis, the springs in Jinan belong to the erosion-contact type. In this paper, the research area is the Baotu spring hydrogeology unit. The chemistry and environment characteristics of the karst groundwater in Baotu spring area were analyzed, and the regional distribution characteristics, time variation and mutual transformation relationship of each chemical index were revealed. The current situation and evolution of groundwater environment in Jinan area were studied. Result shows that the hydrochemical types of karst groundwater in Jinan from southeast to northwest along the flow field are,HCO3?SO4-Ca→HCO3?SO4-Ca?Mg→HCO3-Ca→HCO3-Ca?Mg. In terms of karst groundwater environment, the concentration of NO〖_3^-〗 in groundwater has generally increased. The Total Hardness and TDS content exceed the groundwater quality standard of class Ⅲ. According to the investigation, the main cause of deterioration of the karst groundwater environment is the extensive use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and the discharge of pollutants in agricultural planting areas in the southern mountainous areas.
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