Karst hydrogeology and risk assessment of the Huali tunnel
摘要: 花梨隧道是瓮开高速的控制性工程,其地质构造及岩溶水文地质条件较为复杂。采取现场地质调查、钻探、测量、室内岩土物理力学指标试验、电法物探等综合勘察手段,分析花梨隧道含水层岩性组合特征、可溶岩体系分布特征及岩溶水系统性,查清了其岩溶水文地质条件,并对涌突水危险性进行了分级评价。结果表明:(1)花梨隧道地表出露的可溶岩与非可溶岩,分为泥质粉砂岩组成的非可溶岩与灰岩组成的可溶岩两个体系;(2)花梨隧道预测正常涌水量为32 126.4 m3·d-1,隧道最大涌水量应按预测涌水量的2~6倍考虑;(3)花梨隧道可溶岩段内岩溶涌突水危险性总体为中等危险,其中极高危险段占总长度的16%。Abstract: The Huali tunnel on the Wengan-Kaiyang railway is a key engineering site, which is complicated by sinkholes, shafts, karst springs,and underground rivers. In this work, the lithologic combination of aquifers, distribution of soluble rock mass and karst water of this karst tunnel are studied by geological investigation, borehole drilling, field measurement, laboratory tests of physical and mechanical parameters and electrical geophysical prospecting. Results show that, (1) The karst groundwater system in the tunnel area can be divided into two hydrogeological units, a non-soluble rock system composed of argillaceous siltstone and a soluble rock system composed of limestone.(2) The normal tunnel water inflow is predicted to be 32,126.4 m3· d-1,and the maximum gushing water amount in the rainy season should be designed as 2 to 6 times of that in the normal condition.(3) The overall risk of karst water gushing is moderate, while the section with extremely high risk accounts for 16% of the total length.
Key words:
- Huali tunnel /
- karst hydrogeology /
- gushing water /
- risk assessment
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