Dynamic characteristics of karst water in underground rivers during dry seasons at the Yangniu village, Huaxi district, Guiyang
摘要: 贵阳市花溪区养牛村一带岩溶发育,地下水资源丰富。为了解该区域在枯水季地下河流量、水位变化情况以及地下水受污染状况,特开展了本研究。研究区域为构造变形复杂的岩溶槽谷地貌,通过野外调查、实测、室内实验等途径获取数据,利用CAD绘图和Excel数据统计,分析了暗河流量、水位、水质、水温、pH值动态特征。结果表明,养牛村地下河岩溶水枯水季流量季调节系数为6.83,平均流量0.102 m3·s-1,处于较稳定状态;水位变化幅度值为2.7,处于稳定状态,水温与pH均呈缓慢上升趋势。根据《地下水质量标准》(GB/T 14848-2017),该区地下水水质处于III-V类水,不宜作为饮用水资源开采。本次研究结果可为该区地下水资源的开发利用和水环境评价与保护提供参考。Abstract: The area around Yangniu village, Huaxi district, Guiyang City is characterized by well-developed karst, abundant groundwater, and valley landforms with complex tectonic deformation. The objective of this study is to investigate the underground river flow, water level changes and groundwater contamination in dry seasons in this region. Based on data from field investigations, actual measurements and laboratory experiments, the dynamic characteristics of the flow, water level, water quality, water temperature and pH value of the underground river are analyzed using CAD drawing and Excel data statistics. The results show that the seasonal adjustment coefficient of the karst water in the underground river of Yangniu village is 6.83 and the average flow is 0.102 m3·s-1, which is in a stable state. The water level change amplitude is 2.7, which is also stable. Moreover the water temperature and pH exhibit a gentle increasing trend. According to the Groundwater Quality Standard (GB/T 14848-2017), the groundwater quality in this area is of class III-V and is not fit for drinking purpose. This study can provide reference for the development and utilization of groundwater resources and environment assessment and protection in this area.
Key words:
- karst underground river /
- karst valley /
- groundwater quality, dynamic characteristics /
- Guiyang /
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