Application of the tracer test in karst hydrogeological prospecting: An example of Heilongtan, Lijiang, Yunnan
摘要: 为查明云南丽江黑龙潭泉域九子海洼地补给区地下水与周边泉水的连通关系,提供泉水修复的科学依据,采用人工化学示踪方法,选取碘化钾作为示踪剂,开展了一次大型地下水示踪试验。根据试验数据计算地下水渗流速度,并分析黑龙潭泉域地下水系统结构特征。结果表明:九子海洼地补给区地下水与黑龙潭泉群和古城泉群具有显著的连通关系,与清溪泉群和白浪花泉群不存在连通关系,九子海至黑龙潭和古城的地下水渗流速度分别为405.86~1 077.84 m·d-1、349.96~629.09 m·d-1。九子海洼地为黑龙潭泉域地下水系统的主要补给区,同时也可作为黑龙潭泉水修复的有效注水点,接受补给后,主要通过深层岩溶管道向南运移至黑龙潭—古城方向,其中黑龙潭泉群为系统的排泄天窗。Abstract: The purpose of this work was to investigate the connection between groundwater and the surrounding springs in the recharge area of the Jiuzihai depression, Lijiang, Yunnan Province, and to provide scientific basis for spring water restoration. Using the artificial chemical tracer method a large-scale groundwater tracer test has been conducted with potassium iodide as tracer. Based on the experimental data, the seepage velocity of groundwater was calculated and the characteristics of the groundwater system in Heilongtan springs area were analyzed. The results show that the groundwater in the Jiuzihai depression is significantly connected with Heilongtan and Gucheng springs, while not connected with Qingxi springs and Bailanghua springs. The seepage velocity of groundwater from Jiuzihai to Heilongtan and Gucheng is around 405.86-1,077.84 m· d-1 and 349.96-629.09 m· d-1, respectively. The Jiuzihai depression is the main recharge area of the groundwater system of the Heilongtan springs area, which can also be used as an effective injection site for the restoration of Heilongtan springs. After receiving the recharge, it is mainly transported to area around Heilongtan-Gucheng by deep karst pipelines, of which the Heilongtan springs are the discharge area of the groundwater system.
Key words:
- tracer test /
- Heilongtan /
- potassium iodide /
- groundwater system
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