Karst geological conditions of the planned Ronglai reservoir in Guizhou Province
摘要: 冗赖水库位于珠江流域的北盘江与南盘江两大水系之间的高原岩溶台地,左右岸外侧均存在低邻槽谷,坝址下游存在底部发育落水洞的大型岩溶海子,水库成库难度大,当地人饮水问题突出。通过岩溶水文地质调查、钻探、物探、连通试验等手段,从地形条件、地层岩性、地质构造、水文地质条件、岩溶发育特征等方面,对冗赖水库成库条件进行了分析论证。认为水库库盆底部依托隔水性岩体,不存在库水渗漏问题,但水库两岸受分水岭地下水位低、断层破碎带及岩溶发育等影响,存在库水渗漏问题,同时库首两岸可能存在顺平缓岩层面、溶蚀裂隙等产生渗漏问题。因此建议采用垂直防渗方式,防渗标准(透水率)小于3 Lu或防渗帷幕下限接稳定地下水位以下10 m,遇到溶洞等地质缺陷时应查明其分布特征,并根据实际情况降低防渗底线。Abstract: The planned Ronglai reservoir is located on a karst platform between the Beipanjiang and Nanpanjiang water systems in the Pearl River basin, southwestern China. There are low-lying troughs on the left and right banks of the reservoir and large karst lakes with a number of sinkholes develop at the downstream of the chosen dam site. To further examine geological conditions of this reservoir, this work conducted the studies in terms of hydrogeological surveys, drilling, geophyical exploration and connectivity tests, involving the analyses of terrain, strata, lithology, geological structure, hydrogeological settinggy, and karst characteristics. Analytical result suggests that there will be no water leakage to occur at the bottom of the reservoir basin because of the existing impermeable rock mass. But as the two banks of the reservoir area are affected by the low groundwater level of the watershed, fault fracture zones and karst development, potential leakage remains a problem. Meanwhile, leakage can also take place along gentle-dipping rock surfaces and erosion cracks on the banks of the reservoir head. It is recommended to adopt the vertical anti-seepage method, in which the impervious standard (water permeability) is less than 3 Lu or the lower limit of the anti-seepage curtain is 10 m below the stable groundwater level. At the same time, when encountering geological defects such as caves, the threshold of this measure should be lowered to a appropriate extent.
Key words:
- reservoir leakage /
- karst /
- platform /
- groundwater characteristics /
- geologic conditions of reservoir
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